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彻底改变你的Shopify工作室,这个计划将无缝提升你的... - 独立站 - 富裕者联盟社区 - Affiliate营销圈




独立站 独立站 3649 人阅读 | 35 人回复 | 2024-06-17

用我们的Shopify Code(x)计划彻底改变你的Shopify工作室,这个计划将无缝提升你的设计业务。




Shopify Code(x)揭示了编码的神秘面纱,使其即使对初学者也可以轻松理解。

无论你是新手还是专业人士,Shopify Code(x)都可以简化编码概念和Shopify方法论。


Revolutionize your Shopify studio with our Shopify Code(x) program, designed to elevate your design business seamlessly.
Transform from a solo act to confidently leading a multi-6-figure Shopify studio.
The program empowers you to Design, Delegate, and Decompress, freeing you from the DEY (Do Everything Yourself) mentality.

Imagine creating custom Shopify websites, commanding five-figure payments without spending endless hours.
Shopify Code(x) demystifies coding, making it accessible even to beginners.

Whether you’re a novice or a pro, Shopify Code(x) simplifies coding concepts and Shopify methodologies.
Learn to create high-performance themes, streamline workflows, and enhance your design business.

  • 教程编号:1168567170
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:10.09GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

Shopify Code(x)
  └─Shopify Code(x)
      ├─01-The Shopify Codex 2.0
      │  │  
      │  │  
      │  ├─01-Welcome to the Codex
      │  │  │  01-A Message From Your Instructor.mp4
      │  │  │  
      │  │  │  
      │  │  └─02-2.0 Shopify Codex Student Wiki
      │  │      │  
      │  │      │  
      │  │      ├─01-Adding Team to the Mix
      │  │      │  │  
      │  │      │  │  
      │  │      │  ├─01-Business Stage
      │  │      │  │      01-Business Stage (page 1).pdf
      │  │      │  │      02-Business Stage (page 2).pdf
      │  │      │  │      
      │  │      │  │      
      │  │      │  ├─02-Clarity Plan
      │  │      │  │      01-Clarity Plan (page 1).pdf
      │  │      │  │      02-Clarity Plan (page 2).pdf
      │  │      │  │      03-Clarity Plan (page 3).pdf
      │  │      │  │      04-Clarity Plan (page 4).pdf
      │  │      │  │      
      │  │      │  │      
      │  │      │  ├─03-Work Audit
      │  │      │  │      01-Work Audit (page 1).pdf
      │  │      │  │      02-Work Audit (page 2).pdf
      │  │      │  │      03-Work Audit (page 3).pdf
      │  │      │  │      
      │  │      │  │      
      │  │      │  ├─04-Setting Intentions
      │  │      │  │      01-Setting Intentions (page 1).pdf
      │  │      │  │      02-Setting Intentions (page 2).pdf
      │  │      │  │      03-Setting Intentions (page 3).pdf
      │  │      │  │      04-Setting Intentions (page 4).pdf
      │  │      │  │      05-Setting Intentions (page 5).pdf
      │  │      │  │      
      │  │      │  │      
      │  │      │  ├─05-Budgeting
      │  │      │  │      01-Budgeting (page 1).pdf
      │  │      │  │      02-Budgeting (page 2).pdf
      │  │      │  │      
      │  │      │  │      
      │  │      │  ├─06-Defining a Role
      │  │      │  │      01-Defining a Role (page 1).pdf
      │  │      │  │      02-Defining a Role (page 2).pdf
      │  │      │  │      
      │  │      │  │      
      │  │      │  ├─07-Crafting a Job Description
      │  │      │  │      01-Crafting a Job Description (page 1).pdf
      │  │      │  │      02-Crafting a Job Description (page 2).pdf
      │  │      │  │      
      │  │      │  │      
      │  │      │  ├─08-Managing Hires
      │  │      │  │      01-Managing Hires.pdf
      │  │      │  │      
      │  │      │  │      
      │  │      │  ├─09-Firing and Employee
      │  │      │  │      01-Firing an Employee (page 1).pdf
      │  │      │  │      02-Firing an Employee (page 2).pdf
      │  │      │  │      03-Firing an Employee (page 3).pdf
      │  │      │  │      04-Firing an Employee (page 4).pdf
      │  │      │  │      
      │  │      │  │      
      │  │      │  ├─10-Addressing your Teams Feeling
      │  │      │  │      01-Addressing your Teams Feeling (page 1).pdf
      │  │      │  │      02-Addressing your Teams Feeling (page 2).pdf
      │  │      │  │      03-Addressing your Teams Feeling (page 3).pdf
      │  │      │  │      
      │  │      │  │      
      │  │      │  ├─12-1 on 1's with Team Members
      │  │      │  │      01-1 on 1's with Team Members (page 1).pdf
      │  │      │  │      02-1 on 1's with Team Members (page 2).pdf
      │  │      │  │      03-1 on 1's with Team Members (page 3).pdf
      │  │      │  │      04-1 on 1's with Team Members (page 4).pdf
      │  │      │  │      05-1 on 1's with Team Members (page 5).pdf
      │  │      │  │      06-1 on 1's with Team Members (page 6).pdf
      │  │      │  │      07-1 on 1's with Team Members (page 7).pdf
      │  │      │  │      08-1 on 1's with Team Members (page 8).pdf
      │  │      │  │      09-1 on 1's with Team Members (page 9).pdf
      │  │      │  │      10-1 on 1's with Team Members (page 10).pdf
      │  │      │  │      11-1 on 1's with Team Members (page 11).pdf
      │  │      │  │      
      │  │      │  │      
      │  │      │  ├─13-Reporting Issues (template)
      │  │      │  │      01-Reporting Issues (template).pdf
      │  │      │  │      
      │  │      │  │      
      │  │      │  └─14-Working Remotely as a Team
      │  │      │          01-Working Remotely as a Team (page 1).pdf
      │  │      │          02-Working Remotely as a Team (page 2).pdf
      │  │      │          03-Working Remotely as a Team (page 3).pdf
      │  │      │          04-Working Remotely as a Team (page 4).pdf
      │  │      │          05-Working Remotely as a Team (page 5).pdf
      │  │      │          
      │  │      │          
      │  │      ├─02-Branding & Packaging
      │  │      │  │  
      │  │      │  │  
      │  │      │  └─01-Packaging
      │  │      │          01-Packaging.pdf
      │  │      │          
      │  │      │          
      │  │      ├─03-Customer Journey
      │  │      │      01-Customer Journey (page 1).pdf
      │  │      │      02-Customer Journey (page 2).pdf
      │  │      │      03-Customer Journey (page 3).pdf
      │  │      │      04-Customer Journey (page 4).pdf
      │  │      │      05-Customer Journey (page 5).pdf
      │  │      │      
      │  │      │      
      │  │      └─04-Project Management
      │  │          │  01.1-Project Management (page 1).pdf
      │  │          │  01.2-Project Management (page 2).pdf
      │  │          │  01.3-Project Management (page 3).pdf
      │  │          │  01.4-Project Management (page 4).pdf
      │  │          │  01.5-Project Management (page 5).pdf
      │  │          │  
      │  │          │  
      │  │          └─02-Lifecycle Checklist
      │  │                  01-Lifecycle Checklist (page 1).pdf
      │  │                  02-Lifecycle Checklist (page 2).pdf
      │  │                  
      │  │                  
      │  └─02-Live Calls
      │          01-September 26th Call Replay.mp4
      │          02-October 24th Call Replay.mp4
      │          03-November 7th Call Replay.mp4
      ├─02-Shopify Codex Bonuses
      │  │  
      │  │  
      │  ├─01-Onboarding
      │  │      01-Bonus 1 - Strategy Workshop Template & How to Run Onboarding.mp4
      │  │      01-Resource.pdf
      │  │      01-Transcript.txt
      │  │      02-Bonus 2 (page 1)- UX and UI Design Templates (Figma) (No video).pdf
      │  │      02-Bonus 2 (page 2)- UX and UI Design Templates (Figma) (No video).pdf
      │  │      02-Bonus 2 (page 3)- UX and UI Design Templates (Figma) (No video).pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─02-Klaviyo for Designers
      │  │      01-Klaviyo Resources.pdf
      │  │      02-Workshop Replay - Klaviyo 101 for Shopify Designers - Part 1 of 3.mp4
      │  │      03-Note.pdf
      │  │      03-Workshop Replay - Klaviyo 101 for Shopify Designers - Part 2 of 3.mp4
      │  │      04-Workshop Replay - Klaviyo 101 for Shopify Designers - Part 3 of 3.mp4
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  └─03-VIP Days
      │          01-VIP Day Resources.pdf
      │          02-Resource.pdf
      │          02-Workshop Replay - Shopify VIP Days .mp4
      │          03-Bonus 1 - Strategy Workshop Template & How to Run Onboarding .mp4
      │          03-Resource.pdf
      │          04-Bonus 2 (page 1.1) - UX and UI Design Templates (Figma).pdf
      │          04-Bonus 2 (page 1.2) - UX and UI Design Templates (Figma).pdf
      │          04-Bonus 2 (page 1.3) - UX and UI Design Templates (Figma).pdf
      │          04-Bonus 2 (page 2) - UX and UI Design Templates (Figma).pdf
      │          04-Bonus 2 (page 3) - UX and UI Design Templates (Figma).pdf
      └─03-Shopify Codex
          ├─01-Welcome to the Codex
          │      01-A Message from your Instructor.mp4
          │      01-Resource.pdf
          │      02-Next Steps.pdf
          │      03-Rseource Bug Logs.pdf
          │      04-Join the Community.pdf
          │      05-Legal Agreement (page 1).pdf
          │      05-Legal Agreement (page 2).pdf
          │      06-Become an Affiliate and Share Your Learnings (page 1).pdf
          │      06-Become an Affiliate and Share Your Learnings (page 2).pdf
          │      06-Become an Affiliate and Share Your Learnings (page 3).pdf
          │      06-Become an Affiliate and Share Your Learnings (page 4).pdf
          │      07-Codex Student Feedback.mp4
          ├─02-The Frictionless Process
          │      01-Resource.pdf
          │      01-The Frictionless Process Slides.pdf
          │      01-The Process Overview.mp4
          │      02-Student Wiki.pdf
          │      03-Project Management - Peep my Process.mp4
          │      04-Task - Map Out Your Process in 15 Minutes.mp4
          │      05-Download my ClickUp Process Templates (page 1).pdf
          │      05-Download my ClickUp Process Templates (page 2).pdf
          │      06-Getting a Full Brief.mp4
          │      07-Research and Discovery.mp4
          │      07-Resource.pdf
          │      08.1-Download My Client Homework and CopyDeck Docs.pdf
          │      08.2-Brand Strategy Questionnaire Template-210401-134015.docx
          │      08.3-Brand Strategy Questionnaire Template.pdf
          │      08.4-ShopifyCodex-Brand Voice And Tone__Template.pdf.pdf
          │      08.5-ShopifyCodex-Brand Voice And Tone__Template.docx
          │      08.6-ShopifyCodex-Copywriting Template.docx
          │      09-UPDATED BONUS - Contract Inclusions.pdf
          │      10-Design & Copy - The Chicken or the Egg .ts
          │      11-Copy Deck Structure .ts
          │      12-CSV Files.mp4
          │      01-Base Rates & Break Evens .mp4
          │      01-Resource.pdf
          │      01-ShopifyCodex Pricing Calculator.xlsx
          │      02-Ballpark Pricing - Scope on Project Complexity.mp4
          │      03-Scope Alignment - Before You Sign.ts
          │      04-Scope Reinforcement & Preparation.ts
          │      05-Scope Deliverables Before Design.mp4
          │      06-Wrapping Up Milestones - Scope Boundaries.ts
          │      07-Due Diligence During Build out.ts
          │      08-Unexpected Scope Additions.ts
          ├─04-Designing for E-Commerce
          │      01-Design Stream - CX, UX, UI.ts
          │      02-Figma - Everything you need in a Design Tool.ts
          │      03-1 - Design Basics -Organizing Your File.mp4
          │      04-2- Design System Basics - Color Palettes and Shared Styles2- Design System Basics - Color Palettes and Shared Styles.ts
          │      05-3- My Favorite Figma Plugins.ts
          │      06-4- Style Guides.ts
          │      07-5- Preparing for Development - Exporting Images (Figma).mp4
          │      07-Resource.pdf
          │      08-6 - Speed up your Export Workflow - Image Compression in Figma.ts
          │      08-Resource.pdf
          │      09-Download my Figma Design Templates.pdf
          │      09-Onboarding & Strategy Workshop.fig
          │      09-[TEMPLATE] Website Design Shopify Codex.fig
          │      10-BONUS - Getting Your Adobe XD File Ready for a Developer.ts
          ├─05-Become an Expert on the Shopify Admin
          │      01-Products (With real client examples).mp4
          │      02-[Advanced] Products created by Apps.mp4
          │      03-Collections.mp4
          │      04-Blogs and Blog Posts.mp4
          │      05-Development Site or Existing Site.mp4
          ├─06-Shopify Templates
          │      01-To template, or not to template.mp4
          │      02-Premium Theme Difference .mp4
          │      03-Difference between Template based, Semi-Custom and Custom.ts
          │      04-My Theme Template Recommendations.pdf
          │      05-1-The 1.0 Template Paradigm.mp4
          │      05-Resource.pdf
          ├─07-Development Environment
          │      01- 2 - Theme Development Workflow - Staging, Production .mp4
          │      01-2 -Theme Development Workflow - Staging, Production.mp4
          │      02-3 - Coding - Shopify Code Editor vs Local Code Editor.mp4
          │      03-Introduction to GitHub .ts
          │      03-Resource.gitignore
          │      03-Resource.pdf
          │      04-Github Terminology.ts
          │      04-Resource.pdf
          │      05-4-a - OS 1.0 Using ThemeKit PT 1.mp4
          │      05-Resource (page 1).pdf
          │      05-Resource (page 2).pdf
          │      05-Resource.rtf
          │      06-4-b - OS 1.0 Using ThemeKit PT 2 - GitHub.ts
          │      07-4-c - OS 1.0 Using ThemeKit PT 3 - Watch for changes.ts
          │      08-4-d - OS 1.0 Using ThemeKit PT 4 - Commit to Github.ts
          │      09-5-a - OS 2.0 Shopify CLI Introduction.ts
          │      09-Resource.pdf
          │      10-5-b - Shopify CLI Setup .ts
          │      10-Resource.pdf
          │      11-5-c- Shopify CLI Bugs and Quirks .mp4
          │      12-Shopify File Folder Structure .mp4
          ├─08-Coding Basics
          │      01-Review of Concepts - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Liquid.ts
          │      02-HTML Document Basics.mp4
          │      03-CSS Basics.mp4
          │      04-CSS Key Concept Reference Guides (No Video).pdf
          │      05-CSS Cheat Sheets.ts
          │      06-Resource.pdf
          │      06-Using Dev Tools to Start Coding.mp4
          │      07-Start Authoring Code!.mp4
          │      01-Introduction to Liquid.mp4
          │      02-Liquid Objects.ts
          │      03-Liquid Output Tags.ts
          │      04-Liquid Filters.ts
          │      05-Liquid Control Flow Tag.ts
          │      06-Control Flow Operator - If or else or elsif.mp4
          │      07-Liquid Cheat Sheets.mp4
          │      08-Schema JSON.mp4
          │      09-Schema Objects Basics.ts
          │      10-Schema Anatomy.ts
          ├─10-Custom Theming
          │      01-Section Specific CSS.mp4
          ├─11-Advanced Customizations
          │      01-Locked Content using Locksmith .ts
          ├─12-Testing, Debugging, and Remediation
          │      01-The QA Mindset.ts
          │      02-Cross Browser Testing.mp4
          │      03-Testing Ticket System.mp4
          │      04-Design Only Testing - Markup.io.mp4
          │      05-Design and Functional Testing - Maker.io.ts
          ├─13-Smooth Our Your Launch
          │      01-Handoff & Wrap Up .ts
          ├─14-Install a Theme with Me
          │      01-Design to Development Prep.ts
          │      02-Getting Assets Ready.mp4
          │      03-Documenting Your Specs.ts
          │      04-Store Setup.ts
          │      05-Connect a New Theme via Github.ts
          │      06-Customizing the Theme before Writing Custom Code.mp4
          │      07-Setting Up Collection during a redesign.mp4
          │      08-Using Locally Hosted Fonts.mp4
          │      09-CHanging the Theme Icons.mp4
          │      10-Customize an Existing Sections Settings and Design.mp4
          │      11-All About GIFs.mp4
          │      12-Customizing the Theme Global Settings.mp4
          │      13-Custom Footer Pt 1 - Add custom SVGs and graphics.mp4
          │      14-Custom Footer Pt 2- Newsletter Form with custom icons.mp4
          │      15-Custom Footer Pt 3 - Responsive Layout styling.mp4
          ├─15-Group Q&A Calls
          │      01-Q&A Call #1 - Cohort 1 - Process Qs, ThemeKit App, Flex Theme Qs, Pushback on ClickUp and Views, VBP for developers.mp4
          │      02-Q&A Call #2 - Cohort 1 - Duplicating Sections problems, General CSS Questions, and Snippets.mp4
          │      03-Q&A Call #3- Cohort 1- How to know what you can change in a template, Limitations, and Stylesheet inspector tricks.mp4
                  01-Get Free Dev Help From HeyCarson .mp4
                  02-Replay - White Label Development Workshop - Part 1 .mp4


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发表于 2024-9-27 06:45:11 | 显示全部楼层


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