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【从此告别枯燥】打破传统,用简单的系统轻松吸引客户,实现... - 网络营销 - 富裕者联盟社区 - Affiliate营销圈




网络营销 网络营销 5824 人阅读 | 47 人回复 | 2024-06-18

这个变革性方法的创造者将分享他从精力耗尽的文案工作转为与像Traffic and Funnels和Russ Ruffino这样的行业巨头合作的个人经历。





Designed to revive your copywriting dreams and usher in the long-sought Laptop Lifestyle.
the visionary behind this transformative approach, shares his personal journey from a burnout-inducing copywriting job to collaborations with industry giants like Traffic and Funnels and Russ Ruffino.

This system breaks away from conventional methods, eliminating cold emailing, free work, and annoying direct messages.

Discover the power of a simple social media system that effortlessly attracts clients.
With just 1 hour a day, make simple posts, grow your audience, initiate valuable conversations, and present irresistible offers.
Business owners will reach out to you, eager to hire you for copywriting or consulting.

  • 教程编号:1251583116
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:7.2GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

Lifestyle Copywriter
  └─Lifestyle Copywriter
      ├─01-Module 1 - The Fast Track To 6 Figures
      │      01-The Lifestyle Copywriter Quickstart Guide (READ ME).pdf
      │      01-The Lifestyle Copywriter Quickstart Guide (READ ME)_new.pdf
      │      02-The Most Important Thing Before You Get Started.pdf
      │      02-The Most Important Thing Before You Get Started_new.pdf
      │      03-The Lifestyle Copywriter's Way To 6 Figures Working 20 Hours A Week.pdf
      │      03-The Lifestyle Copywriter's Way To 6 Figures Working 20 Hours A Week_new.pdf
      ├─02-Module 2 - The Lifestyle Copywriter Business Model
      │      01-Introduction To High-Ticket Clientele.mp4
      │      01-Introduction To The High Ticket Coaching Clientele.pdf
      │      01-Introduction To The High Ticket Coaching Clientele_new.pdf
      │      01-Note.pdf
      │      01-Note_new.pdf
      │      01-Setting Your Foundations.pdf
      │      01-Setting Your Foundations_new.pdf
      │      01-Welcome & Intro.pdf
      │      01-Welcome & Intro_new.pdf
      │      02-How I Dated My Mom's Best Friend (And Why Business Owners Aren't That Scary After All).pdf
      │      02-How I Dated My Mom's Best Friend (And Why Business Owners Aren't That Scary After All)_new.pdf
      │      03-The TWO Biggest Reasons Business Owners Need Copywriters Like You.pdf
      │      03-The TWO Biggest Reasons Business Owners Need Copywriters Like You_new.pdf
      ├─03-Module 3 - Tracking Your Results
      │      01-KPI Tracker.mp4
      │      01-Tracking Sheet.xlsx
      │      02-How Our Accountability System Works (The Ultimate Way To Get Results).mp4
      ├─04-Module 4 - Your 'Copy & Paste' Irresistible Offer + Micro Gigs
      │      01-Note.pdf
      │      01-Note_new.pdf
      │      01-Your Copy & Paste Irresistible Offer.mp4
      │      01-Your Irresistible Offer.pdf
      │      01-Your Irresistible Offer_new.pdf
      │      02-How To Make Big Bucks With 'Micro-Gigs'.pdf
      │      02-How To Make Big Bucks With 'Micro-Gigs'_new.pdf
      │      03-'Micro-Gig' Pricing Sheet.pdf
      │      03-'Micro-Gig' Pricing Sheet_new.pdf
      │      04-What To Do When Potential Clients 'Can't Afford' Your Services.pdf
      │      04-What To Do When Potential Clients 'Can't Afford' Your Services_new.pdf
      ├─05-Module 5 - High Performance Productivity & Mindset
      │      01-Time Management & Productivity Secrets.mp4
      │      02-The 'One Hour A Day' Rule To Hit Your Income Goals ASAP.pdf
      │      02-The 'One Hour A Day' Rule To Hit Your Income Goals ASAP_new.pdf
      │      03-Quantum Leaping Success Through Your Alter Ego.pdf
      │      03-Quantum Leaping Success Through Your Alter Ego_new.pdf
      │      04-Having Trouble Selling $3K - Read This.pdf
      │      04-Having Trouble Selling $3K - Read This_new.pdf
      ├─06-Module 6 - Personal Branding & Marketing Content
      │      01-Introduction To Personal Branding.mp4
      │      01-Introduction To Personal Branding.pdf
      │      01-Introduction To Personal Branding_new.pdf
      │      02-Educational Based Content.mp4
      │      02-Educational Based Content.pdf
      │      02-Educational Based Content_new.pdf
      │      03-Objection Pre-Handling Content.mp4
      │      03-Objection Pre-Handling Content.pdf
      │      03-Objection Pre-Handling Content_new.pdf
      │      04-Aspirational - Inspirational Content.mp4
      │      04-Aspirational - Inspirational Content.pdf
      │      04-Aspirational - Inspirational Content_new.pdf
      │      05-Entertainment Content.mp4
      │      05-Entertainment Content.ts.pdf
      │      05-Entertainment Content.ts_new.pdf
      │      06-Social Proof Content.mp4
      │      06-Social Proof Content.pdf
      │      06-Social Proof Content_new.pdf
      │      07-Visual Branding.mp4
      │      07-Visual Branding.pdf
      │      07-Visual Branding_new.pdf
      │      08-How To Write Juicy Engaging Personal Content.docx
      │      08-How To Write Juicy, Engaging Personal Content (And Build A Personal Brand That Attracts Clients Like Clockwork).mp4
      │      08-Personal Branding Homework.docx
      ├─07-Module 7 - Creating A Pool Of Qualified Clients To Fish From
      │      01-Building Your Audience.mp4
      │      01-Building Your Audience.pdf
      │      01-Building Your Audience_new.pdf
      │      01-Note.pdf
      │      01-Note_new.pdf
      │      02-Secret Facebook Tech Hacks To Add SUPER Qualified Friends In one-fourth The Time (Without Getting Blocked By FB).mp4
      ├─08-Module 8 - 80-20 Of DMs - Loom Pitching
      │      01-Intro To Outbound Lead Generation.mp4
      │      01-Lead Generation.pdf
      │      01-Lead Generation_new.pdf
      │      02-Note.pdf
      │      02-Note_new.pdf
      │      02-Outbound Lead Generation - The 5 Min Loom Pitch.pdf
      │      02-Outbound Lead Generation - The 5 Min Loom Pitch_new.pdf
      │      02-The 5 Min Loom Pitch.mp4
      │      03-Outbound Messenger - Loom Pitch.pdf
      │      03-Outbound Messenger - Loom Pitch_new.pdf
      │      03-Outbound Messenger Script.mp4
      │      04-The Loom Video 'Dinner Menu'.mp4
      │      04-The Loom Video 'Dinner Menu'.pdf
      │      04-The Loom Video 'Dinner Menu'_new.pdf
      │      05-Implementation + Tracking Steps.mp4
      │      05-Implementation Steps + Tracking.pdf
      │      05-Implementation Steps + Tracking_new.pdf
      ├─09-Module 9 - Advanced DMs - Loom Pitching & Troubleshooting
      │      01-How To Get Your KPIs Back On Track.pdf
      │      01-How To Get Your KPIs Back On Track_new.pdf
      │      02-Messenger Mastery With Hannah Chan.mp4
      │      03-How To Send 10 DMs In 10 Minutes Ft. Lifestyle Copywriter Dan Bagniuk.mp4
      │      04-How To Double The Amount Of People Asking For Looms Via DMs ft. Dan Bagniuk.mp4
      │      05-Hesitant About Starting Outreach - Watch This.mp4
      │      06-Imposter Syndrome Buster.mp4
      ├─10-Module 10 - Direct Offer Posts (aka cashing in on your personal brand)
      │      01-Direct Offer Posts.mp4
      │      01-Direct Offer Posts.pdf
      │      01-Direct Offer Posts_new.pdf
      │      01-Intro to Inbound Lead Gen.pdf
      │      01-Intro to Inbound Lead Gen_new.pdf
      │      01-Note.pdf
      │      01-Note_new.pdf
      │      02-Direct Offer Post Messenger Script.mp4
      │      02-Direct Offer Post Messenger Script.pdf
      │      02-Direct Offer Post Messenger Script_new.pdf
      │      02-How To Subtly Pitch Your Shit In Your Posts.pdf
      │      02-How To Subtly Pitch Your Shit In Your Posts_new.pdf
      ├─11-Module 11 - Sales
      │      01-Navigating The Sales Conversation.mp4
      │      01-Navigating the sales conversation.pdf
      │      01-Navigating the sales conversation_new.pdf
      │      01-Sales.pdf
      │      01-Sales_new.pdf
      ├─12-Module 12 - What To Do Once You Land The Client
      │      01-Kick-Off Call.pdf
      │      01-Kick-Off Call_new.pdf
      │      01-The Kick-Off Call.mp4
      │      02-The MOST Important Question To Ask On Your Kick-Off Call (Be Sure To Ask This To Keep Your Clients Around As Long As Possible).pdf
      │      02-THE~2.pdf
      │      03-Collecting Ammo.mp4
      │      03-Collecting Ammo.pdf
      │      03-Collecting Ammo_new.pdf
      │      04-CLIENT NAME - Intake Form.docx
      │      04-The Client Intake Form.mp4
      │      05-Contract Template (For Students).docx
      │      06-Tracking Revenue You Generate For Clients [WATCH THIS BEFORE YOU ONBOARD A CLIENT].mp4
      │      07-The #1 Best Practice To Avoid Scope Creep & How To Set Boundaries If You Feel Scope Creep Happening.pdf
      │      07-The #1 Best Practice To Avoid Scope Creep & How To Set Boundaries If You Feel Scope Creep Happening_new.pdf
      └─13-BONUS Module #1 - Copywriting Secrets
              01-[VIDEO UNAVAILABLE] Avatar Worksheet.docx
              02-The Best Copywriting Tool To Make Your Copy 3x Punchier (Takes 5 Mins).pdf
              02-The Best Copywriting Tool To Make Your Copy 3x Punchier (Takes 5 Mins)_new.pdf
              03-The 3 Elements Of A Good Story & How To Come Up With Stories.mp4
              04-Viral Ad Framework.pdf
              04-Viral Ad Framework_new.pdf
              04-[LEAKED RECORDING] How To Write Facebook Ads That Go Viral In 15 Minutes.mp4


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发表于 2024-10-17 11:45:23 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层


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