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帮你发现AI的潜力,轻松创建吸引人的内容,并寻找新的收入... - 网络营销 - 富裕者联盟社区 - Affiliate营销圈




网络营销 网络营销 4652 人阅读 | 41 人回复 | 2024-07-17




但这并不是全部 – 我们的培训课程还将教你如何变现你的内容,提供咨询服务,通过虚拟影响者和人工智能旁白的有声书探索新的收入流。


Your gateway to unlocking the full potential of AI technology for your business. In just 30 minutes, you can kickstart your journey to boosting productivity, generating leads, and scaling your results like never before.

With our program, you’ll learn how to effortlessly create high-quality content, including courses, podcasts, newsletters, and social media videos, all powered by AI.
But that’s not all – our training program equips you with the skills to monetize your content, offering consulting services and exploring new revenue streams through virtual influencer personalities and AI-narrated audiobooks.

Say hello to increased productivity, enhanced audience engagement, and unparalleled success.

  • 教程编号:0365577387
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:14.03GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

AI Monetization Mastery
└─AI Monetization Mastery
    ├─01-AI Monetization Mastery Elite
    │  │  
    │  │  
    │  ├─00-1-Welcome! Start Here
    │  │      01-START HERE - Quick Portal Overview Video.mp4
    │  │      02-Current Tools.docx
    │  │      02-The Tools We Use.mp4
    │  │      03-Elite In-Take Form.pdf
    │  │      
    │  │      
    │  │      01-Acquisition Criteria Creator GPT.pdf
    │  │      02-EPIC Negotiator-Seller Conversation Simulator GPT.pdf
    │  │      03-Subscribe to Our -Crazy Experiments Newsletter-.pdf
    │  │      04-Top 30 Prompts.docx
    │  │      04-Top 30 Prompts.pdf
    │  │      05-AIGeneratedMariageMakeoverSalesLetter.pdf
    │  │      05-The AI Powered Executive with Roland Frasier.mp4
    │  │      05-TheAIPoweredExecutive-SlideDeck.pdf
    │  │      06-How to Monetize and Master Chat GPT + Beyond with Roland Frasier.mp4
    │  │      06-TheAIPoweredExecutive-Updated-SlideDeck.pdf
    │  │      07-Launch the AI Powered Expert Portal.mp4
    │  │      08-Get Your First Consulting Client! Sprint Bonus 3 Scripts.docx
    │  │      08-Get Your First Consulting Client! Sprint Bonus 33 Ways to Get Leads.docx
    │  │      08-Getting Your First Consulting Client - Part 1.mp4
    │  │      09-Getting Your First Consulting Client - Part 2.mp4
    │  │      10-Getting Your First Consulting Client - Part 3.mp4
    │  │      11-Getting Your First Consulting Client - Part 4.mp4
    │  │      
    │  │      
    │  ├─01-Module 1 - Kick-Off
    │  │      Chat File.pdf
    │  │      Module 1 - Kick-Off Call.mp4
    │  │      
    │  │      
    │  ├─02-Module 2 - Setup + Prompt Engineering
    │  │      01-Module 2 Introduction.mp4
    │  │      02-ChatGPT Setup and Overview.mp4
    │  │      03-OpenAI API Setup and Overview.mp4
    │  │      04- Prompt Engineering Basics.mp4
    │  │      04-Prompt Engineering Framework.docx
    │  │      04-Prompt Engineering Framework.pdf
    │  │      05- Prompt Anatomy.mp4
    │  │      06- Role Assignment.mp4
    │  │      07- Prompt Structure.mp4
    │  │      08- Shaping Your Prompts.mp4
    │  │      09- Troubleshooting.mp4
    │  │      10- Quirks.mp4
    │  │      11- Complete Example.mp4
    │  │      12-Chat File.pdf
    │  │      12-Module 2 Coaching Replay.mp4
    │  │      
    │  │      
    │  ├─03-Module 3 - Major AI-Related Tools
    │  │      00 - Module 3 Introduction.mp4
    │  │      01 - HeyGen Setup.mp4
    │  │      02 - ElevenLabs.mp4
    │  │      03 - Rask.ai Translation.mp4
    │  │      04 - HeyGen Translation.mp4
    │  │      05 - Midjourney vs. DallE-3.mp4
    │  │      06-Chat File.pdf
    │  │      06-Module 3 Coaching Replay.mp4
    │  │      
    │  │      
    │  ├─04-Module 4 - Translation Content
    │  │      00-1-Module 4 Introduction.mp4
    │  │      00-2-30 Prompts.pdf
    │  │      00-2-Module 4 Bonus Release.pdf
    │  │      01 - DeepL Setup and Overview.mp4
    │  │      02 - DeepL Translation [Translated Ads and Documents].mp4
    │  │      03 - DeepL Translation [Kartra Landing Page].mp4
    │  │      04 - HeyGen Translation [Part 1].mp4
    │  │      05 - HeyGen Translation [Part 2].mp4
    │  │      06 - ElevenLabs Translation Continued [Dubbing].mp4
    │  │      07 - HeyGen Text Translation.mp4
    │  │      08 - Course Outline and Sales Letter Creation.mp4
    │  │      09 - Module 4 Coaching Replay.mp4
    │  │      09 -Audio Transcript File.pdf
    │  │      09 -Chat File.pdf
    │  │      
    │  │      
    │  ├─05-Module 5 - Creating Bulk Quizzes
    │  │      01-Module 5 Introduction.mp4
    │  │      02-Social Content Creation- Quizzes [ChatGPT - Canva].mp4
    │  │      02-Social Content Creation- Quizzes [ChatGPT- Canva].pdf
    │  │      03-Audio Transcript.pdf
    │  │      03-Chat File.pdf
    │  │      03-Module 5 Coaching Replay.mp4
    │  │      
    │  │      
    │  ├─06-Module 6 - AI-Generated Newsletters & Blog Posts
    │  │      00 - Module 6 Introduction.mp4
    │  │      01 - 3 Different Ways to Create Newsletters & Blogs.pdf
    │  │      01 - 3 Different Ways to Create Newsletters and Blogs.mp4
    │  │      02 - Trending Autoblog [Zapier - ChatGPT - Ghost].mp4
    │  │      02 - Trending Autoblog [Zapier - ChatGPT - Ghost].pdf
    │  │      03 - NegotiationGPT.mp4
    │  │      04 - Module 6 Coaching Replay.mp4
    │  │      04 -Audio Transcript.pdf
    │  │      04 -Chat File.pdf
    │  │      
    │  │      
    │  ├─07-Module 7 - Long-Form AI-Generated Videos
    │  │      00 - Module 7 Introduction.mp4
    │  │      01 - VSL Long-Form Content [ChatGPT + HeyGen].mp4
    │  │      01 -VSL Prompt.docx
    │  │      02 - B-Roll Video Using AI.invideo.io.mp4
    │  │      03 - Set Up Your GPT Builder Profile [Customer Domain].mp4
    │  │      04 - Create Your Custom Domain [GPTs].mp4
    │  │      05 - Protect Your GPTs.mp4
    │  │      06 - Module 7 Coaching Replay.mp4
    │  │      06 -Audio Transcript File.pdf
    │  │      06 -Chat File.pdf
    │  │      
    │  │      
    │  ├─08-Module 8 - Course Content Creation
    │  │      00 - Module 8 Introduction.mp4
    │  │      00 -AI Course Creation Guide.pdf
    │  │      00 -LMS Comparison Guide.pdf
    │  │      01 - Conducting Research For Course Creation [Manually].mp4
    │  │      01 -AI Course Creation Guide.pdf
    │  │      02 - Conducting Research With Our Own Custom GPTs.mp4
    │  │      03 - Course Content Creation.mp4
    │  │      03 -AI Course Creation Guide.pdf
    │  │      03 -LMS Comparison Guide.pdf
    │  │      04 - Module 8 Coaching Replay.mp4
    │  │      04 -Audio-Transcript.pdf
    │  │      04 -Chat File.pdf
    │  │      
    │  │      
    │  ├─09-Module 9 - Podcasts
    │  │      00 - Module 9 Introduction.mp4
    │  │      01 - AI-Assisted Podcast Creation.mp4
    │  │      01 -AI Podcast Creation Guide.pdf
    │  │      02 - Converting to Audio.mp4
    │  │      03 - Automated Podcast In Zapier.mp4
    │  │      03 - Automated Podcast In Zapier.pdf
    │  │      04 - BONUS - Air.ai Demo Video.mp4
    │  │      05 - Module 9 Coaching Replay.mp4
    │  │      05 -Audio-Transcript.pdf
    │  │      05 -Chat File.pdf
    │  │      
    │  │      
    │  ├─10-Module 10 - How to Write a Book
    │  │      00 - Module 10 Introduction.mp4
    │  │      00 -AI Book Creation Guide.pdf
    │  │      01 - Writing the Outline.mp4
    │  │      01 -AI Book Creation Guide.pdf
    │  │      02 - Writing the Book.mp4
    │  │      02 -AI Book Creation Guide.pdf
    │  │      03 - Automated Zap Writer.mp4
    │  │      03 -AI Book Creation Guide.pdf
    │  │      04 - -Module 10 Coaching Replay.mp4
    │  │      04-Audio File.m4a
    │  │      
    │  │      
    │  ├─11-Module 11 - Audiobook
    │  │      00 - Module 11 Introduction.mp4
    │  │      01 - Audiobook Creation.mp4
    │  │      03 - Module 11 Coaching Replay.mp4
    │  │      03 -Audio Transcript.pdf
    │  │      03 -Chat File.pdf
    │  │      
    │  │      
    │  └─12-Module 12 - Client Videos In Bulk
    │          01 - Client Videos In Bulk.mp4
    │          01 - Client Videos In Bulk.pdf
    │          02 - Module 12 Coaching Replay.mp4
    │          02 - Module 12 Coaching Replay.pdf
    └─02-The AI Powered Expert
        ├─01-Welcome to the AI Powered Expert
        │      01-START HERE - Quick Portal Overview Video.mp4
        │      01-START HERE - Watch This Quick Portal Overview Video.mp4
        │      02-AI Portal Index.pdf
        │      03-AI Powered Expert Facebook Community.pdf
        │      01-The AI Powered Expert Course Manual.pdf
        │      02-The AI Powered Expert Summary Sheet.pdf
        ├─03-MODULE 1
        │      01-Welcome to AI Powered Expert!.mp4
        │      02-Major AI Categories.mp4
        │      03-How to Tell Your Clients You’re Using AI.mp4
        │      04-AI Tech vs. AI Strategy.mp4
        │      05-Defining AI Consulting.mp4
        │      06-Intro to Chat GPT.mp4
        │      07-Intro to Chat GPT [Voices].mp4
        │      08-Intro to Chat GPT [Drilling Down].mp4
        │      09-Intro to Chat GPT [Drilling Down Deeper].mp4
        │      10-Intro to Chat GPT [Stories].mp4
        │      11-Intro to DALL E2.mp4
        │      12-The Power of Prompts [Intro].mp4
        │      13-The Power of Prompts [Creating Content].mp4
        │      14-Prompt Chaining.mp4
        │      15-Prompt Chaining Continued.mp4
        │      16-Prompt Engineering.mp4
        │      17-Prompt Engineering [Instructions and Context].mp4
        │      18-Prompt Engineering [Translations].mp4
        │      19-Prompt Engineering [More Detail].mp4
        │      20-Prompt Engineering [Evidence].mp4
        │      21-Prompt Engineering [Sources + Statistics].mp4
        │      22-Prompt Engineering [Zero Shot Prompts].mp4
        │      23-Prompt Engineering [AI to Write Better Prompts].mp4
        │      24-Prompt Engineering [De-Bias].mp4
        ├─04-MODULE 2
        │      01-Introduction to Module 2.mp4
        │      01-Introduction to Module 2.pdf
        │      02-Introduction to Volley.mp4
        │      03-Volley App Download + Registration.mp4
        │      04-Volley Setup [Account].mp4
        │      05-Volley Setup [Professional Title].mp4
        │      06-Volley Setup [Bio].mp4
        │      07-Volley Setup [Welcome Video].mp4
        │      08-Volley Setup [Offers Intro].mp4
        │      09-Volley Setup [Pricing].mp4
        │      10-Volley Setup [Stats].mp4
        │      11-Volley Setup [Welcome Video 1].mp4
        │      12-Volley Setup [Welcome Video 2].mp4
        │      13-Volley Setup [Why Offer Welcome Videos].mp4
        ├─05-MODULE 3
        │  │  
        │  │  
        │  ├─01-Part 1
        │  │      01-Introduction to Module 3.mp4
        │  │      02-Client Acquisition [Text Replacement Time Hack].mp4
        │  │      03-Client Acquisition [Social Media C].mp4
        │  │      04-Client Acquisition [Social Media B].mp4
        │  │      05-Client Acquisition [Social Media A].mp4
        │  │      06-Social Media Post Statistics.mp4
        │  │      07-Video Leap.mp4
        │  │      08-Case Study #1.mp4
        │  │      09-Case Study #2.mp4
        │  │      10-Client Acquisition [Your Current Network].mp4
        │  │      11-Using Chat GPT to Create a Speech.mp4
        │  │      12-Using Chat GPT to Become the Expert.mp4
        │  │      13-Using Intro.co and Cameo for Instant Credibility.mp4
        │  │      14-Using Chat GPT to Supercharge Your Content Game.mp4
        │  │      
        │  │      
        │  └─02-Part 2
        │          01-Creating Presentations with Tome.mp4
        │          02-Chat GPT API Developer Account + Playground Access.mp4
        │          03-Intro to GPT + the GPT AI.mp4
        │          04-Automated Pre-Generated Email Response.mp4
        │          05-Case Study.mp4
        │          06-Fastest Path to Cash.mp4
        │          07-Fastest Path to Clients.mp4
        ├─06-MODULE 4
        │  │  
        │  │  
        │  ├─01-Part 1
        │  │      01-Introduction to Module 4.mp4
        │  │      02-Fulfillment [Client Challenge Discovery].mp4
        │  │      03-Fulfillment [Client Research Analysis].mp4
        │  │      04-Fulfillment [Solutions + Touch-Base].mp4
        │  │      05-Fulfillment [Marketing].mp4
        │  │      06-Fulfillment [Staying Sharp + Relevant].mp4
        │  │      07-Fulfillment [Referrals].mp4
        │  │      08-Chat GPT [Consultant Prompts].mp4
        │  │      09-Chat GPT [Business Model Frameworks].mp4
        │  │      10-Closing.mp4
        │  │      
        │  │      
        │  └─02-Part 2
        │          01-How to Monetize Chat GPT.mp4
        │          02-Recurring Revenue with Volley.mp4
        │          03-AI Mindmaps.mp4
        │          04-Create a [Job to be Done] Workshop Program.mp4
        │          05-AI Generated Long Form Sales Letter.mp4
        │          06-The Generated Long Form Sales Letter With Prompts.mp4
        │          07-Prompt Engineering for Amazing Responses.mp4
        │          08-My Favorite Prompts.mp4
        │          09-Scroll Stopping Hooks.mp4
        │          10-AI Generated Customer Insight.mp4
        │          11-Counterintuitive Headlines.mp4
        │          12-Prompts to Run Your Business [Strategy].mp4
        │          13-Prompts to Run Your Business [Personnel].mp4
        │          14-Prompts to Run Your Business [Finance].mp4
        │          15-Prompts to Run Your Business [Operations].mp4
        │          16-Prompts to Run Your Business [Marketing].mp4
        │          17-Prompts to Run Your Business [Sales].mp4
        └─07-BONUS FEATURES
            ├─01-BONUS FEATURES
            │      01-AIGeneratedMariageMakeoverSalesLetter.pdf
            │      01-The AI Powered Executive with Roland Frasier.mp4
            │      01-TheAIPoweredExecutive-SlideDeck.pdf
            │      02-How to Monetize and Master Chat GPT + Beyond with Roland Frasier.mp4
            │      02-TheAIPoweredExecutive-Updated-SlideDeck.pdf
            │      03-How to Create a Stripe Account.mp4
            │      04-How to Send + Collect Payments In Stripe.mp4
            │      05-How to Add a Payment In Keap.mp4
            ├─02-Getting Your First Consulting Client Sprint by Christopher Wick
            │      01-Call 1 BONUS 33 Ways to Get Leads.pdf
            │      01-Call 1 BONUS Scripts.pdf
            │      01-Chat File.pdf
            │      01-Get Your First Consulting Client! Sprint Bonus 3 Scripts.docx
            │      01-Get Your First Consulting Client! Sprint Bonus 33 Ways to Get Leads.docx
            │      01-Getting Your First Consulting Client - Call #1.mp4
            │      02-CAL~1.pdf
            │      02-Chat File.pdf
            │      02-Getting Your First Consulting Client - Call #2.mp4
            │      03-Call 3 BONUS Screenshots Stories.pdf
            │      03-Chat File.pdf
            │      03-Getting Your First Consulting Client - Call #3.mp4
            │      04-Chat File.pdf
            │      04-Getting Your First Consulting Client - Call #4.mp4
            └─03-OPA (Other People’s Audiences) Sprint by Adam Lyons
                    01-Chat File.pdf
                    01-Other People’s Audiences - Call #1.mp4
                    02-Chat File.pdf
                    02-Other People’s Audiences - Call #2.mp4
                    03-Chat File.pdf
                    03-Other People’s Audiences - Call #3.mp4
                    04-Chat File.pdf
                    04-Other People’s Audiences - Call #4.mp4


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