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【Notion 打造六位数收入】 让任何人都能轻松成为N... - 网络营销 - 富裕者联盟社区 - Affiliate营销圈



【Notion 打造六位数收入】 让任何人都能轻松成为N...


网络营销 网络营销 9717 人阅读 | 61 人回复 | 2024-09-02

与Pascio一同乘船启程,凭借Notion Creator Bible Ultimate Bundle成为收入达到六位数的Notion创作者。


Notion Creator Bible本身就是你的路线图,指导你完成以下过程:





Embark on a journey to six-figure earnings as a Notion creator with the Notion Creator Bible Ultimate Bundle by Pascio.
This comprehensive package equips you with the tools and knowledge to excel in the world of digital product creation, even with no prior experience.

The Notion Creator Bible itself serves as your roadmap, guiding you through the process of:

Leveraging Notion’s versatility to craft profitable digital products.
Transitioning from a traditional job to a life of financial freedom.
Tapping into a niche market of over 40 million worldwide Notion users.
Creating, packaging, and marketing templates with ease.
Enjoying unmatched profit margins with digital product sales.

  • 教程编号:0899902152
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:175mb
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

Notion Creator Bundle
└─Notion Creator Bundle
    │  Notion Creator Bundle a2aec08ee0374791991ad2606cd6a5ac.html
    │  Notion Creator Bundle a2aec08ee0374791991ad2606cd6a5ac.zip
    └─Notion Creator Bundle a2aec08ee0374791991ad2606cd6a5ac
        │  Notion Creator Bible 2f01c262441848bc8acb481c0f251e0a.csv
        │  Notion-logo.svg.png
        │  Producthunt OS 4696f3aac7a84be3b011cfd09a41710a.html
        │  Testimonial Magnet eae02f3ba42b45c4aede20468d518bac.html
        │  The Notion Bible 64ce1c5d42854880b1db139dd774c899.html
        │  The Producthunt Bible bd58ee7df55d4cfda5e51923bbbee1dd.html
        │  The Sales Bible e9f202ba20464e5ebe0731271510d44f.html
        │  The Twitter Bible 7e6584207dfa41ddbf02325796b16e58.html
        ├─Notion Creator Bible 2f01c262441848bc8acb481c0f251e0a
        │  │  57 questions & answers c4d5d9a77ea0473a920624c6c9a510a1.html
        │  │  All my products 713f0042e95a40ca8bb4b8270caed237.html
        │  │  April 2022 be2273ac5f9d4573be1fb4d50afad4aa.html
        │  │  August 2022 3dcd4d84e72b49288740fa8ec86c503a.html
        │  │  Building a real business from your side hustle ca8135f381cb44dbb8c98eac5f57f415.html
        │  │  Building an online audience and capitalizing on co e9440c335136414788cb243603784d0e.html
        │  │  Building your product from scratch 949278f2162c457e8e306bbe17007ab9.html
        │  │  February 2022 66e55aa6ff9248d99cbc72f2eb7e1af5.html
        │  │  How to manage time next to your 9-5 school f477949b0b94469aa525e82b6add8064.html
        │  │  How to scale after making your first dollar 9790d75db6e8414299ca8dd3bd9d735f.html
        │  │  I know how to build and grow my audience 45dc9ac925a64b49955479a5638496b5.html
        │  │  I know how to distribute and market my product 8b8f8f6d04bd4bc9ada7228fb3d2f582.html
        │  │  I know how to launch my product the right way ccf6bb6a073a429c9bbeda0b1627cc48.html
        │  │  I know how to package my product properly dc2e625092c6450e9a5977eed359360b.html
        │  │  I made a lot of sales and managed to scale d88beeac29db40b48d54313d5546f512.html
        │  │  I made a template sale and made money 9abbd8aa9bb3435ab9ae7613a3a3092d.html
        │  │  Introduction to general side hustles and the power 684aec7baa1942f68717c049ce634988.html
        │  │  January 2022 835f8cd9c87448d29e5a6ec56b33c121.html
        │  │  July 2022 a82e5c2f44a148da85e97aeb47e35e3b.html
        │  │  June 2022 77cee595c37b4ec0954273036abd7584.html
        │  │  Launching your product for maximum effect (The Pro 0cbee3ad2f3747fba6084f89de7250de.html
        │  │  March 2022 e9176124f24e4139ad8a980c64faf62d.html
        │  │  Marketing your product for longer-lasting results 6c3f2ebde4584298bca822b5f83f049c.html
        │  │  May 2022 2f7d8f11ee774361acc4351b18dbf413.html
        │  │  November → December 2021 5e9b27b21a0a49c982d2ced2e3f4ada2.html
        │  │  Packaging your product the best way 0fee5f5afc404b39aa4b6a571b218f6c.html
        │  │  Placing bets to minimize risk and maximize output 6ff5ffd184d54a1586d14c55c6bba19a.html
        │  │  
        │  │  Selling your product hassle-free and easy 100b805e3ae34519a4b3a74829b5c7cd.html
        │  │  Setting up systems to help you produce and ship fa be54cc63c45349eb9c49d352a876a36e.html
        │  │  The benefits and how-to of outsourcing for passive e58d34b5cd4643448585ab0e1bfa2411.html
        │  │  The power of the Notion niche and its crazy potent e7e92fd8d4314207bdace9715eed25fb.html
        │  │  The Twitter Bible 133dbdab9af2497497b21d1b66bca4dd.html
        │  │  Week 1 8327c70920f04e21bb573f2f614193fa.html
        │  │  Week 2 40c3db7294544ec79dcb45037ca66320.html
        │  │  Week 3 baec71a3c9ad44afb17809964b7e6d98.html
        │  │  Week 4 eaa94478d6b3471e8439689aa504a0e5.html
        │  │  Week 5 878262163dbf4fc38884d672f686228b.html
        │  │  Week 6 613a4e3db45e455faea0a595cb1d3493.html
        │  │  Week 7 e2f19f1c7a9b4a448b1321d5fa436a31.html
        │  │  Week 8 81eabfffe7084a0491d351435863eb0f.html
        │  │  
        │  ├─All my products 713f0042e95a40ca8bb4b8270caed237
        │  │      
        │  │      Untitled 1.png
        │  │      Untitled 2.png
        │  │      Untitled 3.png
        │  │      Untitled 4.png
        │  │      Untitled 5.png
        │  │      Untitled 6.png
        │  │      Untitled.png
        │  │      
        │  ├─April 2022 be2273ac5f9d4573be1fb4d50afad4aa
        │  │      
        │  │      Untitled 1.png
        │  │      Untitled 10.png
        │  │      Untitled 2.png
        │  │      Untitled 3.png
        │  │      Untitled 4.png
        │  │      Untitled 5.png
        │  │      Untitled 6.png
        │  │      Untitled 7.png
        │  │      Untitled 8.png
        │  │      Untitled 9.png
        │  │      Untitled.png
        │  │      
        │  ├─August 2022 3dcd4d84e72b49288740fa8ec86c503a
        │  │      
        │  │      Untitled 1.png
        │  │      Untitled 10.png
        │  │      Untitled 11.png
        │  │      Untitled 12.png
        │  │      Untitled 13.png
        │  │      Untitled 14.png
        │  │      Untitled 15.png
        │  │      Untitled 16.png
        │  │      Untitled 17.png
        │  │      Untitled 2.png
        │  │      Untitled 3.png
        │  │      Untitled 4.png
        │  │      Untitled 5.png
        │  │      Untitled 6.png
        │  │      Untitled 7.png
        │  │      Untitled 8.png
        │  │      Untitled 9.png
        │  │      Untitled.png
        │  │      
        │  ├─Building a real business from your side hustle ca8135f381cb44dbb8c98eac5f57f415
        │  │      Untitled.png
        │  │      
        │  ├─Building an online audience and capitalizing on co e9440c335136414788cb243603784d0e
        │  ├─Building your product from scratch 949278f2162c457e8e306bbe17007ab9
        │  │      Journal_tut.mp4
        │  │      
        │  │      Untitled.png
        │  │      
        │  ├─February 2022 66e55aa6ff9248d99cbc72f2eb7e1af5
        │  │      
        │  │      Untitled 1.png
        │  │      Untitled 2.png
        │  │      Untitled 3.png
        │  │      Untitled 4.png
        │  │      Untitled 5.png
        │  │      Untitled.png
        │  │      
        │  ├─How to scale after making your first dollar 9790d75db6e8414299ca8dd3bd9d735f
        │  │      
        │  │      Untitled 1.png
        │  │      Untitled 10.png
        │  │      Untitled 11.png
        │  │      Untitled 12.png
        │  │      Untitled 13.png
        │  │      Untitled 14.png
        │  │      Untitled 15.png
        │  │      Untitled 16.png
        │  │      Untitled 17.png
        │  │      Untitled 18.png
        │  │      Untitled 19.png
        │  │      Untitled 2.png
        │  │      Untitled 3.png
        │  │      Untitled 4.png
        │  │      Untitled 5.png
        │  │      Untitled 6.png
        │  │      Untitled 7.png
        │  │      Untitled 8.png
        │  │      Untitled 9.png
        │  │      Untitled.png
        │  │      
        │  ├─January 2022 835f8cd9c87448d29e5a6ec56b33c121
        │  │      
        │  │      Untitled 1.png
        │  │      Untitled 2.png
        │  │      Untitled 3.png
        │  │      Untitled 4.png
        │  │      Untitled 5.png
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        │  │      Untitled 7.png
        │  │      Untitled 8.png
        │  │      Untitled.png
        │  │      
        │  ├─July 2022 a82e5c2f44a148da85e97aeb47e35e3b
        │  │      
        │  │      Untitled 1.png
        │  │      Untitled.png
        │  │      
        │  ├─June 2022 77cee595c37b4ec0954273036abd7584
        │  │      
        │  │      Untitled 1.png
        │  │      Untitled 10.png
        │  │      Untitled 11.png
        │  │      Untitled 12.png
        │  │      Untitled 13.png
        │  │      Untitled 14.png
        │  │      Untitled 15.png
        │  │      Untitled 16.png
        │  │      Untitled 17.png
        │  │      Untitled 18.png
        │  │      Untitled 19.png
        │  │      Untitled 2.png
        │  │      Untitled 20.png
        │  │      Untitled 21.png
        │  │      Untitled 22.png
        │  │      Untitled 23.png
        │  │      Untitled 24.png
        │  │      Untitled 3.png
        │  │      Untitled 4.png
        │  │      Untitled 5.png
        │  │      Untitled 6.png
        │  │      Untitled 7.png
        │  │      Untitled 8.png
        │  │      Untitled 9.png
        │  │      Untitled.png
        │  │      
        │  ├─Launching your product for maximum effect (The Pro 0cbee3ad2f3747fba6084f89de7250de
        │  ├─March 2022 e9176124f24e4139ad8a980c64faf62d
        │  │      
        │  │      Untitled 1.png
        │  │      Untitled 10.png
        │  │      Untitled 11.png
        │  │      Untitled 12.png
        │  │      Untitled 13.png
        │  │      Untitled 14.png
        │  │      Untitled 15.png
        │  │      Untitled 16.png
        │  │      Untitled 17.png
        │  │      Untitled 2.png
        │  │      Untitled 3.png
        │  │      Untitled 4.png
        │  │      Untitled 5.png
        │  │      Untitled 6.png
        │  │      Untitled 7.png
        │  │      Untitled 8.png
        │  │      Untitled 9.png
        │  │      Untitled.png
        │  │      
        │  ├─Marketing your product for longer-lasting results 6c3f2ebde4584298bca822b5f83f049c
        │  ├─May 2022 2f7d8f11ee774361acc4351b18dbf413
        │  │      
        │  │      Untitled 1.png
        │  │      Untitled 10.png
        │  │      Untitled 11.png
        │  │      Untitled 12.png
        │  │      Untitled 13.png
        │  │      Untitled 2.png
        │  │      Untitled 3.png
        │  │      Untitled 4.png
        │  │      Untitled 5.png
        │  │      Untitled 6.png
        │  │      Untitled 7.png
        │  │      Untitled 8.png
        │  │      Untitled 9.png
        │  │      Untitled.png
        │  │      
        │  ├─November → December 2021 5e9b27b21a0a49c982d2ced2e3f4ada2
        │  │      
        │  │      Untitled 1.png
        │  │      Untitled 10.png
        │  │      Untitled 11.png
        │  │      Untitled 12.png
        │  │      Untitled 13.png
        │  │      Untitled 14.png
        │  │      Untitled 15.png
        │  │      Untitled 16.png
        │  │      Untitled 17.png
        │  │      Untitled 18.png
        │  │      Untitled 19.png
        │  │      Untitled 2.png
        │  │      Untitled 20.png
        │  │      Untitled 3.png
        │  │      Untitled 4.png
        │  │      Untitled 5.png
        │  │      Untitled 6.png
        │  │      Untitled 7.png
        │  │      Untitled 8.png
        │  │      Untitled 9.png
        │  │      Untitled.png
        │  │      
        │  ├─Packaging your product the best way 0fee5f5afc404b39aa4b6a571b218f6c
        │  │      asd.mp4
        │  │      
        │  │      
        │  ├─Placing bets to minimize risk and maximize output 6ff5ffd184d54a1586d14c55c6bba19a
        │  ├─Selling your product hassle-free and easy 100b805e3ae34519a4b3a74829b5c7cd
        │  │      
        │  │      Untitled 1.png
        │  │      Untitled 10.png
        │  │      Untitled 11.png
        │  │      Untitled 12.png
        │  │      Untitled 13.png
        │  │      Untitled 14.png
        │  │      Untitled 15.png
        │  │      Untitled 16.png
        │  │      Untitled 17.png
        │  │      Untitled 18.png
        │  │      Untitled 19.png
        │  │      Untitled 2.png
        │  │      Untitled 20.png
        │  │      Untitled 21.png
        │  │      Untitled 22.png
        │  │      Untitled 23.png
        │  │      Untitled 24.png
        │  │      Untitled 25.png
        │  │      Untitled 26.png
        │  │      Untitled 27.png
        │  │      Untitled 28.png
        │  │      Untitled 29.png
        │  │      Untitled 3.png
        │  │      Untitled 30.png
        │  │      Untitled 31.png
        │  │      Untitled 32.png
        │  │      Untitled 33.png
        │  │      Untitled 34.png
        │  │      Untitled 35.png
        │  │      Untitled 36.png
        │  │      Untitled 37.png
        │  │      Untitled 38.png
        │  │      Untitled 39.png
        │  │      Untitled 4.png
        │  │      Untitled 5.png
        │  │      Untitled 6.png
        │  │      Untitled 7.png
        │  │      Untitled 8.png
        │  │      Untitled 9.png
        │  │      Untitled.png
        │  │      
        │  ├─Setting up systems to help you produce and ship fa be54cc63c45349eb9c49d352a876a36e
        │  ├─The benefits and how-to of outsourcing for passive e58d34b5cd4643448585ab0e1bfa2411
        │  └─The Twitter Bible 133dbdab9af2497497b21d1b66bca4dd
        ├─Producthunt OS 4696f3aac7a84be3b011cfd09a41710a
        │  │  All Launches be4469b14c78496ba8b2d734d1d437b7.html
        │  │  All Launches f99ca8ecd323472dadbb0d2182b7f7ee.csv
        │  │  Hunters 7ae1016b180649639b540d84c6bc9fcc.html
        │  │  Launch Checklist 88517e676f9941139c5c903f692aff3b.csv
        │  │  Launch Guide ed0c213131f548139568d13ee0b731b9.html
        │  │  
        │  │  Setup Video (6 min) 48476f024a9d42ed89a94d06ed68d16f.html
        │  │  Success Study c58c6857c75e4e54afc4f433761d7f15.html
        │  │  Support DB 89e228a545e3404287d40db1ac268ff8.csv
        │  │  Support fd9c2b4a13e840bda83e4f9d358b44c7.html
        │  │  Templates ee552bcab709434389fcbb94cc389b21.html
        │  │  
        │  ├─All Launches f99ca8ecd323472dadbb0d2182b7f7ee
        │  │      
        │  │      
        │  ├─Hunters 7ae1016b180649639b540d84c6bc9fcc
        │  │  │  All Hunters 7f946786b6774735ab086113b6b4d76e.csv
        │  │  │  
        │  │  │  
        │  │  └─All Hunters 7f946786b6774735ab086113b6b4d76e
        │  ├─Launch Checklist 88517e676f9941139c5c903f692aff3b
        │  │      
        │  │      
        │  ├─Setup Video (6 min) 48476f024a9d42ed89a94d06ed68d16f
        │  │      Dashboard_Launch_tut.mp4
        │  │      
        │  │      
        │  ├─Success Study c58c6857c75e4e54afc4f433761d7f15
        │  │      
        │  │      
        │  ├─Support DB 89e228a545e3404287d40db1ac268ff8
        │  │      Ben Lang 0dfca6d06217410d8abb0b9c30fe0952.html
        │  │      Benny 41230bba9074489ab61ead35fb181886.html
        │  │      John 564b2d2add384efeb70206197e2d03ad.html
        │  │      Pascio 4918ebb273c541f0a1f97954867357e9.html
        │  │      
        │  │      
        │  └─Templates ee552bcab709434389fcbb94cc389b21
        │      │  
        │      │  Templates 27576aade2fd419f942ef134f169f1b4.csv
        │      │  
        │      └─Templates 27576aade2fd419f942ef134f169f1b4
        ├─Testimonial Magnet eae02f3ba42b45c4aede20468d518bac
        │  │  Beta Leads 4405b5ebdbfd4e40b8713f0f252c53e2.csv
        │  │  How-To-Use Video Guide (3 min) eca5bdf9be324020b8dd76073619f9b5.html
        │  │  
        │  │  Testimonial Steps 522c8174daff4dc8a8cf9046661c23b0.csv
        │  │  
        │  ├─Beta Leads 4405b5ebdbfd4e40b8713f0f252c53e2
        │  │      Pascio e64802d4e6c049279e0f826ca591d06a.html
        │  │      
        │  │      
        │  ├─How-To-Use Video Guide (3 min) eca5bdf9be324020b8dd76073619f9b5
        │  │      Magnet_guide.mp4
        │  │      
        │  │      
        │  └─Testimonial Steps 522c8174daff4dc8a8cf9046661c23b0
        │      │  
        │      │  
        │      ├─Step 1 5960f8360ba84fd6aafaa8d4db44155c
        │      └─Step 2 b831a10736b84120a3135376171e7a2b
        ├─The Notion Bible 64ce1c5d42854880b1db139dd774c899
        │  │  Notion-logo.svg.png
        │  │  Notion_Complete_Bible.pdf
        │  │  
        │  │  The Notion Bible d5781163a3df4f408af6cdbbe0737620.html
        │  │  
        │  └─The Notion Bible d5781163a3df4f408af6cdbbe0737620
        │          Notion_app_logo_(1).png
        ├─The Producthunt Bible bd58ee7df55d4cfda5e51923bbbee1dd
        │      Untitled.png
        ├─The Sales Bible e9f202ba20464e5ebe0731271510d44f
        │  │  Guide 461c7e5b3978433b95ce77adb4d69756.csv
        │  │  
        │  │  
        │  └─Guide 461c7e5b3978433b95ce77adb4d69756
        │          Introduction 6c094fc1fd9d4f6d8a5b9a7aea6c1e7b.html
        └─The Twitter Bible 7e6584207dfa41ddbf02325796b16e58
            │  30 Day Twitter Plan b1605a1573a14b0990cd47c78400782e.html
            │  50 Twitter Ressources a7386bbd89194e0da6e248dc27cdd301.html
            │  Best Twitter Formats 6f24ab7082504af49475ac0ca564761a.html
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            │  Increasing content quality f958e2ad32b24c84b6eba4742ba67597.html
            │  Profile, bio & picture setup 4dbdefad4f5741bb80423eadefeb4754.html
            │  The Algorithm 694498459b5d4f30baaf43def8fcfe50.html
            │  Top 9 Tweets Swipe File ae123b3eb41b4b5b9c978f2c4e76bec2.html
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            │  Twitter Growth Checklist d8135637741540428750add33c7eac05.html
            │  Twitter Mindset 101 0c9ca35740e04e59b895f4814d1946f9.html
            │  Twitter Threads 40582a1ef7d6412898d12ba9be73e9c8.html
            └─30 Day Twitter Plan b1605a1573a14b0990cd47c78400782e


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发表于 2024-9-25 20:41:57 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2024-10-4 21:01:27 | 显示全部楼层


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