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告别无休止推广,轻松将在线课程升级为六七位数生意的秘诀! - 外贸 - 富裕者联盟社区 - Affiliate营销圈




外贸 外贸 5570 人阅读 | 45 人回复 | 2024-09-12







Transform your online course into a 6- or 7-figure business without launching endlessly.
If you’re struggling to grow your course business and feeling overwhelmed by the constant need to launch, this program is your solution.

Learn The Scale Method—a step-by-step approach complete with frameworks, templates, and checklists to streamline your path to success.
Benefit from personalized attention, group coaching, and a supportive community of fellow course creators.

Hear the founder’s journey from burnout to breakthrough and unlock the secrets to predictable revenue and work-life balance.
Embrace a new way of scaling that allows you to thrive without sacrificing your well-being or family time.

  • 教程编号:0265641133
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:5.38GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

Scale with Success
  └─Scale with Success
      ├─01-Scale with Success Accelerator
      │  │  00-A Message From Caitlin.mp4
      │  │  
      │  │  
      │  ├─01-Phase 1 - The Irresistible Offer
      │  │      00-Introduction - What is an offer.mp4
      │  │      00-Phase 1 - Overview & Objectives.pdf
      │  │      00-SWS Phase 1 Workbook.pdf
      │  │      01-Who is your offer for.mp4
      │  │      02-Why Do People Buy From You.mp4
      │  │      03-What is the Cost of Not Taking Action.mp4
      │  │      04-What’s Your Story.mp4
      │  │      05-What Mistakes Are They Making.mp4
      │  │      06-What is Your Signature Framework.mp4
      │  │      07-What Proof do You Have This Works.ts
      │  │      08-What is Your 10x Value Stack.mp4
      │  │      09-Scaler Secret #1.pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─02-Phase 2 - Overview & Objectives
      │  │      00-Caitlins Webinar Slide Deck.pdf
      │  │      00-Introduction to The 5 Key Components of The Profitable Webinar.ts
      │  │      00-Phase 2 - Overview & Objectives.pdf
      │  │      01-SWS Phase 2 Workbook.pdf
      │  │      01-The 5 Key Webinar Components.mp4
      │  │      02-Key #1 The Introduction.ts
      │  │      03-Key #2 The Teaching.ts
      │  │      04-Key #3 The Bridge.mp4
      │  │      05-Key #4 The Pitch.mp4
      │  │      06-Key #5 The Q&A.mp4
      │  │      07-Scaler Secret #2.pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─03-Phase 3 - The Magnetic Message
      │  │      00-Phase 3 - Overview & Objectives.pdf
      │  │      01-Create Webinar Registration and Thank You Pages.mp4
      │  │      01-SWS Phase 3 - The Webinar Registration and Thank You Pages Workbook.pdf
      │  │      02-Create Waitlist Page and Waitlist Thank You Pages Workbook.pdf
      │  │      02-Resource.pdf
      │  │      03-Resource.pdf
      │  │      03-SWS Phase 3 - The Cart Workbook.pdf
      │  │      04-SWS Phase 3 Email Automation Overview.pdf
      │  │      04-SWS Phase 3 The Webinar Emails Examples.pdf
      │  │      04-SWS Phase 3 The Webinar Emails Workbook.pdf
      │  │      04-Write Webinar Emails.mp4
      │  │      05-Resource.pdf
      │  │      05-SWS Phase 3 - The Did Not Buy Workbook.pdf
      │  │      06-Scaler Secret #3.pdf
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  └─04-Phase 4 - The Failproof Tech
      │          00-Introduction to The Failproof Tech.mp4
      │          00-Notes.pdf
      │          00-Phase 4 - Overview & Objectives.pdf
      │          00-SWS Phase 4 - Build Your Sales Engine Checklist.pdf
      │          00-SWS Phase 4 - The Tech List.pdf
      │          01a-Build Your Email Marketing System + Automations.ts.pdf
      │          01b-Step 1,2 & 3 - Set up ActiveCampaign.mp4
      │          01c-Step 4 - Import Your Evergreen Automations.mp4
      │          01d-The Weinar Automations.pdf
      │          02-Build Your Checkout Cart.mp4
      │          02-Build Your Checkout Cart.pdf
      │          03a-Design Your Webinar Deck.pdf
      │          03a-Webinar Example.pptx
      │          03b-Timer.mp4
      │          03b-Timer_.mp4
      │          04a-Record and Upload Your Webinar.pdf
      │          04b-Uploading Your Webinar to Vimeo.mp4
      │          05-Build Your Webinar Registration Page.mp4
      │          05-Resources.pdf
      │          06a-Build Waitlist Page and Waitlist Thank You Page.mp4
      │          06a-Build Waitlist Page and Waitlist Thank You Page.pdf
      │          06b-Waitlist Thank You Page.mp4
      │          07a-Set Up Easy - Webinar.mp4
      │          07a-Set Up EasyWebinar.pdf
      │          07b-Embed EasyWebinar Button.mp4
      │          08-Set Up Deadline Funnel.mp4
      │          08-Set Up Deadline Funnel.pdf
      │          09-Create Your Didn't Buy Survey.mp4
      │          09-Create Your Didn't Buy Survey.pdf
      │          10-Add Email Copy + Timers + Links to Email Automations.mp4
      │          10-Add Email Copy + Timers + Links to Email Automations.pdf
      │          11-Test Your Sales Engine.mp4
      │          11-Test Your Sales Engine.pdf
      │          12-Scaler Secret #4.pdf
      ├─02-The Cash Maximizer
      │      01-Plan Your Automated Webinar Launch.mp4
      │      01-The Evergreen Launch Calendar.pdf
      │      02-Create Content That Builds Demand Worksheet.pdf
      │      02-Create Content That Builds Demand.ts
      │      02-Example Videos.pdf
      │      03-Write Your Video Content Emails.pdf
      │      04-Webinar Invite Email Packet.pdf
      │      04-Write Webinar Emails.mp4
      │      04-Write Your Webinar Invite Emails.mp4
      │      05-The The Cash Maximizer FAQs.pdf
      ├─03-The Data Dashboard
      │      01-How to Diagnose the REAL Problem.pdf
      │      01-KPI Chart + Goal Setting Tool.xlsx
      │      01-Record and Measure Your Results.mp4
      │      02-How To Identify What To Fix.ts
      │      03-The Data Dashboard? FAQs.pdf
      ├─04-The Lucrative Follow Up Formula
      │      01-The Lucrative Follow Up Formula Workbook.pdf
      │      01-The Lucrative Follow Up Formula.pdf
      │      01-The Lucrative Follow Up Formula.ts
      ├─05-Course In A Day
      │  │  00-Course in a Day Workbook.pdf
      │  │  
      │  │  
      │  ├─01-Phase 1 - Package Your Course
      │  │      00-Introduction to Phase 1 - Package Your Course.mp4
      │  │      01-How to Determine the Right Promise for Your Online Course.mp4
      │  │      02-Phase 1 Lesson 1 Workbook Activity.mp4
      │  │      03-How to Determine the Right Position for Your Online Course.mp4
      │  │      04-Phase 1 Lesson 2 Workbook Activity.mp4
      │  │      05-How to Determine the Right Price for Your Online Course.mp4
      │  │      06-Phase 1 Lesson 3 Workbook Activity + Q&A.ts
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  ├─02-Phase 2 - Promote Your Course
      │  │      00-Introduction to Phase 2 - Promote Your Course.mp4
      │  │      01-How to Prime Your Audience to Buy.mp4
      │  │      02-Phase 2 Lesson 1 Workbook Activity.mp4
      │  │      03-How to Invite Your Audience to Chat.mp4
      │  │      04-Phase 2 Lesson 2 Workbook Activity.mp4
      │  │      05-How to Convert Your Audience into Customers.mp4
      │  │      06-Phase 2 Lesson 3 Workbook Activity + Q&A.ts
      │  │      
      │  │      
      │  └─03-Phase 3 - Deliver Your Course
      │          00-Introduction to Phase 3 - Deliver Your Course.mp4
      │          01-How to Deliver Your Course Content.mp4
      │          02-Phase 1 Lesson 1 Workbook Activity.mp4
      │          02-Phase 2 Lesson 1 Workbook Activity.mp4
      │          02-Phase 3 Lesson 1 Workbook Activity.mp4
      │          03-How to Deliver Your Coaching Calls.mp4
      │          04-Phase 2 Lesson 2 Workbook Activity.mp4
      │          04-Phase 3 Lesson 2 Workbook Activity.mp4
      │          05-How to Deliver Your Student Community.mp4
      │          06-Phase 3 Lesson 3 Workbook Activity + Q&A.mp4
      ├─06-The 7-Figure Sales Page Kit
      │      01-The 7-Figure Sales Page Training.ts
      │      02-The 7-Figure Sales Page Workbook.pdf
      │      03-The 7-Figure Sales Page Example.pdf
      │      04-Resource.pdf
      │      04-The 7-Figure Sales Page Template and Tech Training.mp4
      │      05-How to Use Your 7-Figure Sales Page in Your Profitable Sales Machine.pdf
      └─07-Evergreen Paid Traffic Mastery
              01-How paid traffic works with your Profitable Sales Engine.mp4
              01-Introduction to Evergreen Paid Traffic Mastery.mp4
              01-Sales Every Day Training.ts
              02=Sales Every Day Workbook.pdf
              03-H-PASC Video Formula.mp4
              04-5X10 Method.mp4
              05-Duplicate Copywriting Framework.mp4
              06-7 Point Scaling System.mp4
              07-Setup Your Webinar Invite Ad.mp4


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