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社交营销 社交营销 108 人阅读 | 0 人回复 | 2024-09-12

探索”The Authority Site System 3.0″的力量,这是一个为渴望创建成功权威站点的初学者设计的改变游戏规则的项目。




Discover the power of The Authority Site System 3.0, a game-changing program for beginners eager to create successful authority sites.
This comprehensive course ensures a step-by-step walkthrough as you witness the creation of a profitable site in real-time.

The linear to-do list format keeps you focused, transforming your daily progress into tangible success.
The course spans crucial modules, covering everything from business models to advanced tactics, ensuring you’re equipped with the tools needed to thrive in the online business landscape.

  • 教程编号:2116911591
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:17.56GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

The Authority Site System 3.0
  └─The Authority Site System 3.0
      │  Growing Your Authority Site - More Ways To Grow v2.mp4
      │  TASS 3.0 - Home.mp4
      │  TASS 3.1 - Expired Domains - Intro.mp4
      │  TASS 3.1 - Expired Domains - Redirecting old URLs.mp4
      │  TASS 3.1 - Misc - Ahrefs updates.mp4
      │  TASS 3.1 - Misc - Google analytics.mp4
      │  TASS 3.1 - Misc - Siteground optimizer.mp4
      │  TASS 3.1 - Misc - Soft silos hub pages.mp4
      ├─Module - Introduction
      │      01-How to use the member area.pdf
      │      02-How to use the member area.pdf
      │      03-To Do list.pdf
      │      04-Budget and Expectations.pdf
      │      05-Glossary.pdf
      │      TASS 3.0 - Intro - 1. How to use the member area.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Intro - 2. How to succeed with this course.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Intro - 3. TASS Todo.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Intro - 4. Budget _ Expectations.mp4
      ├─Module 1 - Internet Marketing 101
      │      02-What is an Authority Site.pdf
      │      03-How Authority Sites get traffic.pdf
      │      04-How Authority Sites make money.pdf
      │      05-How modern websites are built.pdf
      │      06-Affiliate Marketing 101.pdf
      │      07-Search Engine Optimization 101.pdf
      │      TASS 3.0 - IM 101 - 1. What is An Authority Site.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - IM 101 - 2. How Authority Sites get traffic.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - IM 101 - 3. How Authority Sites make money.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - IM 101 - 4. How modern websites are built.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - IM 101 - 5. Affiliate Marketing 101.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - IM 101 - 6. SEO 101.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - IM 101 - Intro video.mp4
      ├─Module 10 - Uploading & Optimizing Content
      │      TASS 3.0 - Uploading _ Optimization - 6. Adding Images.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Uploading _ Optimization - Adding Images_2.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Uploading _ Optimizing - 1. Uploading Content.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Uploading _ Optimizing - 10. WP Categories -.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Uploading _ Optimizing - 11. Publishing.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Uploading _ Optimizing - 12. Checkpoint- Publish 10 Articles.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Uploading _ Optimizing - 13. Index Your Site.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Uploading _ Optimizing - 2. Meta Title.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Uploading _ Optimizing - 3. Article Title.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Uploading _ Optimizing - 4. Social Title + Description.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Uploading _ Optimizing - 5. Optimizing - URL.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Uploading _ Optimizing - 7. Meta Description.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Uploading _ Optimizing - 8. Internal Linking.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Uploading _ Optimizing - 9. External Linking.mp4
      ├─Module 11 - Initial Link Building
      │      01- Module 11_ Initial Link Building.pdf
      │      02- The Anatomy of a Link.pdf
      │      02.1-The Anatomy of a Link.pdf
      │      03- HARO – Introduction & Setup.pdf
      │      04- HARO – Prospecting.pdf
      │      05- HARO – Answering Questions.pdf
      │      06-HARO – Results.pdf
      │      07-Guest Posting – Introduction.pdf
      │      08-Guest Posting – Prospecting.pdf
      │      09- Guest Posting – Outreach.pdf
      │      10-Guest Posting – Pitching Topics.pdf
      │      11- Link Building Negotiation.pdf
      │      12- Guest Posting – Writing Content.pdf
      │      13- Guest Posting – Results.pdf
      │      14-Skyscraper – Introduction.pdf
      │      15- Skyscraper – Prospecting.pdf
      │      16-Skyscraper – Bulk Email Finding.pdf
      │      16.1-Skyscraper – Bulk Email Finding.pdf
      │      17- Skyscraper – Hunter Lead Tool.pdf
      │      18- Skyscraper – Outreach Templates.pdf
      │      18-Skyscraper – Results.pdf
      │      19- Skyscraper – Outreach.pdf
      │      19.1-Skyscraper – Outreach.pdf
      │      20- Email Deliverability.pdf
      │      21- Finding Emails Manually.pdf
      │      23- Crossniching – The Most Important Concept In Link Building.pdf
      │      24- Checkpoint_ Your First 20 Links.pdf
      │      TASS 3.0 - Link Building - 1. Anatomy of links.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Link Building - 10. Link Building Negotiation (V2).mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Link Building - 11. Writing Guest Posts.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Link Building - 12. GP Results.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Link Building - 13. Skyscraper Overview.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Link Building - 14. Skyscraper Prospecting.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Link Building - 15. Skyscraper Bulk Email Finding.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Link Building - 16. Skyscraper Hunter Lead Tool.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Link Building - 17. Skyscraper Outreach Templates.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Link Building - 18. Skyscraper Outreach.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Link Building - 19. Skyscraper Results.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Link Building - 2. Intro to HARO.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Link Building - 20. Email Deliverability.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Link Building - 21. Finding Emails Manually.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Link Building - 22. Crossniching.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Link Building - 23. Checkpoint Your first 20 links.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Link Building - 3. HARO Prospecting.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Link Building - 4. Answering HARO.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Link Building - 5. HARO Results.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Link Building - 6. Guest Posting Overview.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Link Building - 7. GP Prospecting.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Link Building - 8. GP Outreach.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Link Building - 9. GP Pitching Topics.mp4
      ├─Module 12 - Affiliate Monetization Setup
      │      02-How Affiliate Programs Work.pdf
      │      03-Affiliate Program Signups.pdf
      │      04- Managing Links With ThirstyAffiliates.pdf
      │      05- Amazon Overview.pdf
      │      06-Signing Up For Amazon.pdf
      │      07-Using Amazon Associates.pdf
      │      08-Affiliate Rules.pdf
      │      09-Affiliate Disclosure.pdf
      │      10- Affiliate Payouts.pdf
      │      TASS 3.0 - Affiliate Setup - 1. How Affiliate Programs Work.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Affiliate Setup - 2. Affiliate Program Signup.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Affiliate Setup - 3. Affiliate Link Management via ThirstyAff.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Affiliate Setup - 4. Amazon Overview.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Affiliate Setup - 5. Amazon Signup.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Affiliate Setup - 6. Using Amazon Associates.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Affiliate Setup - 7. Affiliate Rules.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Affiliate Setup - 8. Affiliate Disclosure.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Affiliate Setup - 9. Getting Paid.mp4
      ├─Module 13 - Commercial Content
      │      01- Module 13_ Commercial Content.pdf
      │      02-How Commercial Content Fits With Your Site.pdf
      │      03- Types of Commercial Content.pdf
      │      04- [Content Template] Single Reviews.pdf
      │      05-[Content Template] Roundup Reviews.pdf
      │      06- [Content Template] Versus.pdf
      │      07-[Content Template] Alternatives.pdf
      │      08-Structuring Your Commercial Content.pdf
      │      09- Researching Commercial Content.pdf
      │      10- Commercial Content Buying Guides.pdf
      │      11-Commercial Content Product Sections.pdf
      │      12-Commercial Content Intros.pdf
      │      13-Commercial Content Outros.pdf
      │      14- Uploading and Publishing Commercial Content – Authority Hacker_.pdf
      │      15-Checkpoint_ Write 40 Commercial posts.pdf
      │      TASS 3.0 - Commercial content - 1. How commercial Content Fits In To Your Site.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Commercial content - 10. Commercial Content Product Sections.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Commercial content - 11. Commercial Content Intros.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Commercial content - 12. Commercial Content Outros.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Commercial content - 13. Uploading & Publishing Commercial Content.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Commercial content - 14. Checkpoint Write 40 Commercial posts.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Commercial content - 2. Types of Commercial Content.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Commercial content - 4. [Template] Roundup Reviews.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Commercial content - 5. [Template] Versus.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Commercial content - 6. [Template] Alternatives.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Commercial content - 7. Structuring Commercial Content.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Commercial content - 8. Researching Commercial Content.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Commercial content - 9. Commercial Content Buying Guides.mp4
      ├─Module 14 - Advanced Tactics
      │      01- Module 14_ Advanced Tactics.pdf
      │      02-Creating a Sticky Header for High Paying Affiliate Offers.pdf
      │      03-Getting Faster at Writing.pdf
      │      04-Hiring Writers.pdf
      │      05- Managing Writers.pdf
      │      06-Outsourcing Content.pdf
      │      TASS 3.0 - Advanced Tactics - 1. Custom Tables.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Advanced Tactics - 1a. Custom Tables_2.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Advanced Tactics - 2. Surfer seo optimisation.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Advanced Tactics - 3. Outsourcing content.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Advanced Tactics - 4. Getting faster at Writing V2.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Advanced Tactics - 5. Hiring writers.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Advanced Tactics - 6. Managing writers.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Advanced Tactics - 7. Popups.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Advanced Tactics - 8. Sticky Header.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Advanced Tactics - 9. Display Ad Setup.mp4
      ├─Module 15 - Becoming an Authority
      │      02- Monthly tracking sheet.pdf
      │      03-What to do next.pdf
      │      TASS 3.0 - Next Steps - Monthly Tracking Sheet.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Next Steps - What to do for the next year.mp4
      │      TASS Site Monthly Performance Log.xlsx
      ├─Module 2 - Brainstorming Niche
      │      01-Brainstorming Niches.pdf
      │      02-What makes a good niche.pdf
      │      03- What Makes A Good Niche For YOU.pdf
      │      04-Introducing the niche research spreadsheet.pdf
      │      05-Things You’re Good At.pdf
      │      06-Website Marketplaces.pdf
      │      07-Content Marketplaces.pdf
      │      08-Affiliate Networks.pdf
      │      09- [Advanced] Affiliate Tracking Domains.pdf
      │      10-Disclaimers.pdf
      │      11-Online Lists.pdf
      │      12-Shortlisting Your Niches (Round 1).pdf
      │      TASS 3.0 - Niche Brainstorm - 1. Intro.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Niche Brainstorm - 10. Footer Disclaimers.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Niche Brainstorm - 11. AH posts.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Niche Brainstorm - 12. Shortlist 1.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Niche Brainstorm - 2. What Makes a Good Niche.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Niche Brainstorm - 3. Niches for you.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Niche Brainstorm - 5. Things You're Good At.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Niche Brainstorm - 6. Website Marketplaces.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Niche Brainstorm - 7. Content Marketplaces.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Niche Brainstorm - 8. Affiliate Networks.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Niche Brainstorm - 9. Affiliate Tracking Domains.mp4
      │      [Template] Main Niche Analysis Sheet.xlsx
      ├─Module 3 - Qualifying Niches
      │      01-Introduction to the deep niche research spreadsheet.pdf
      │      02-Finding sites with high organic traffic.pdf
      │      03-Finding Low DR Sites Ranking.pdf
      │      04-Shortlisting – Round 2.pdf
      │      05-Finding affiliate programs.pdf
      │      05.1-Finding affiliate programs.pdf
      │      06-Finding Info Products.pdf
      │      07- Assessing CPC (Cost Per click).pdf
      │      08-Shortlisting – Round 3.pdf
      │      09-Finding Low Competition Commercial Keywords.pdf
      │      10-Seasonality and Growth.pdf
      │      11-Finding Link Opportunities.pdf
      │      12-Shortlisting – Round 4.pdf
      │      13-Finding social communities.pdf
      │      14-Niche credibility.pdf
      │      15-Are you still interested_.pdf
      │      16-Picking your final niche.pdf
      │      TASS 3.0 - Qualifying Niches - 1. Deep Niche Research.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Qualifying Niches - 10. Seasonality.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Qualifying Niches - 11. Link Building.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Qualifying Niches - 12. Shortlisting 4.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Qualifying Niches - 13. Social Communities.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Qualifying Niches - 14. Credibility.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Qualifying Niches - 15. Interest.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Qualifying Niches - 16. Niche Decision.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Qualifying Niches - 2. Big Sites.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Qualifying Niches - 3. Small Sites.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Qualifying Niches - 4. Shortlisting 1 v2.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Qualifying Niches - 5. Affiliate Programs.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Qualifying Niches - 7. CPC.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Qualifying Niches - 9. Commercial Keywords.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Qualifying Niches - Shortlisting 2.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Qualifying Niches - Small Sites.mp4
      ├─Module 4 - Planning Your Site
      │      TASS 3.0 - Site Planning - 1. Intro.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Site Planning - 2. Expanding Competitors.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Site Planning - 3. Expanding Monetization Research (Part 1).mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Site Planning - 4. Expanding Monetization research (Part 2) v3.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Site Planning - 5. Expanding Keywords (Part 1).mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Site Planning - 6. Expanding keyword list - competitor reverse engineering v3.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Site Planning - 7. Expanding Skyscraper content.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Site Planning - 8. Sitemap.mp4
      ├─Module 5 - Setting up Your Site
      │      TASS 3.0 - Site Setup - 1. Do_s _ Don_t when picking a domain name.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Site Setup - 11. & 12. Gsuite and Email.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Site Setup - 2. Picking a domain.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Site Setup - 3. Hosting Setup.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Site Setup - 4. SSL _ Cloudflare.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Site Setup - 5. Basic WordPress settings.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Site Setup - 6. Theme Install.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Site Setup - 7. Elementor Pro.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Site Setup - 8. Google Analytics.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Site Setup - 9. Google Search Console.mp4
      │      TASS 30 - Site Setup - 10. Rankmath Setup v1.mp4
      ├─Module 6 - Branding Your Site
      │      TASS 3.0 - Branding - 1. Picking Brand Colors.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Branding - 2. Picking Your Brand Font.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Branding - 3. Creating a logo in Canva.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Branding - 4. Favicon.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Branding - 5. Branded Images.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Branding - 6. Applying Your Branding.mp4
      │      TASS 3.1 - Setting up your site - Applying your branding (GP).mp4
      │      TASS 3.1 - Setting up your site - Building your footer (GP).mp4
      │      TASS 3.1 - Setting up your site - Building your header (GP).mp4
      │      TASS 3.1 - Setting up your site - Contact page (GP).mp4
      │      TASS 3.1 - Setting up your site - Home page (GP).mp4
      │      TASS 3.1 - Setting up your site - Installing Generatepress (GP).mp4
      │      TASS 3.1 - Setting up your site - Page Template (GP).mp4
      │      TASS 3.1 - Setting up your site - Picking page builder.mp4
      │      TASS 3.1 - Setting up your site - Post template (GP).mp4
      ├─Module 7 - Setting up Posts & Pages
      │      3. Contact Page.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Posts _ Pages - 1. Site Structure.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Posts _ Pages - 10. Privacy Policy.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Posts _ Pages - 11. About Page.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Posts _ Pages - 2. Inspiration.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Posts _ Pages - 3. Header.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Posts _ Pages - 4. Footer.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Posts _ Pages - 5. Post Template.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Posts _ Pages - 6. Page Template.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Posts _ Pages - 7. Home Page.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Posts _ Pages - 8. Hub Pages.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Posts _ Pages - 9. Contact Page.mp4
      ├─Module 8 - Preparing Info Content
      │      TASS 3.0 - Info Content - 1. Creating content for web users.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Info Content - 2. Writing for Google.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Info Content - 3. Types of Info Content.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Info Content - 4. Using Content Templates.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Info Content - 5. Question Posts.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Info Content - 6. Content Templates- Question Posts.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Info Content - 7. Lists Posts.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Info Content - 8. Content Template- List Posts.mp4
      │      TASS 3.0 - Info Content - 9. Writing Guidelines.mp4
      └─Module 9 - Writing Content
              TASS 3.0 - Writing Content - 1. Article _ Template Selection.mp4
              TASS 3.0 - Writing Content - 10. Extra Prep.mp4
              TASS 3.0 - Writing Content - 11. Writing the body.mp4
              TASS 3.0 - Writing Content - 12. Writing Intro.mp4
              TASS 3.0 - Writing Content - 13. Writing Outro.mp4
              TASS 3.0 - Writing Content - 14. Editing.mp4
              TASS 3.0 - Writing Content - 2. Article Length.mp4
              TASS 3.0 - Writing Content - 3. How to research content.mp4
              TASS 3.0 - Writing Content - 4. Research- SERP.mp4
              TASS 3.0 - Writing Content - 5. Research- Related Articles.mp4
              TASS 3.0 - Writing Content - 6. Research- YouTube.mp4
              TASS 3.0 - Writing Content - 7. Research- Social Communities.mp4
              TASS 3.0 - Writing Content - 8. Research- Asking.mp4
              TASS 3.0 - Writing Content - 9. Planning Your Article.mp4



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