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揭秘秘密行动,掌握行为预测与控制的终极秘籍 - 社交营销 - 富裕者联盟社区 - Affiliate营销圈




社交营销 社交营销 5697 人阅读 | 46 人回复 | 2024-12-19



OPTHINK is a groundbreaking digital training that unlocks the secrets of covert operations, empowering users to predict, control, and direct behavior.
With 27 Operational Thinking Training Modules, it instills the mindset of a covert operator, teaching advanced social influence techniques and providing real-world application training.

OPTHINK promises tangible results in behavior prediction and control.
By mastering operational thinking, you will gain a strategic advantage in achieving your goals.

  • 教程编号:0955310935
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:9.8GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  ├─High Income Crash Course
│  │      0. High Income Crash Course.pdf
│  │      1. EDS - WTW - 20 Percent Raise.mp4
│  │      10. How to Get Recruited Rather than Hunt for Jobs [imjmj.com].pdf
│  │      2. EDS - WTW - 6 month promotion [imjmj.com].mp4
│  │      3. 3 Unspoken Rules When Asking for More Money.pdf
│  │      4. EDS - WTW - What Your Boss Needs to Hear.mp4
│  │      5. 5 Key Terms You Can Use to Impress Your Boss.pdf
│  │      6. EDS - WTW - Workplace Arguments.mp4
│  │      7. 3 Techniques to Win Salary Negotiations.pdf
│  │      8. EDS - WTW - Winning the Interviewer.mp4
│  │      9. Intimidating the Competition in the Waiting Room.pdf
│  │      Resources.txt
│  │      
│  └─Opthink- Elite Cognitive Conditioning Course
│      │  0. Opthink.pdf
│      │  Resources.txt
│      │  
│      ├─1. Awareness Part I [imjmj.com]
│      │      0. Awareness  Part I.pdf
│      │      1. OPT Intro video.mp4
│      │      1. Welcome to OPTHINK.pdf
│      │      2. ED381577 [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. MBTI and Entrepreneurship [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. MBTI for learning and teambuilding in the classroom [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. MBTI [imjmj.com].url
│      │      2. MentalHelp [imjmj.com].url
│      │      2. OPT Awareness  Personality Type [imjmj.com].mp4
│      │      2. Personality [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. Semantic Scholar [imjmj.com].url
│      │      2. Truity [imjmj.com].url
│      │      2. using-the-mbti-to-understand-tl-and-self-perception-accuracy [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      3. Debunking myths about Maslows hierarchy.pdf
│      │      3. Execute first Status check.url
│      │      3. Rediscovering the Later Version Maslows Hierarchy.pdf
│      │      3. Reflection and professional development for public health.pdf
│      │      3. Status Check OPT.mp4
│      │      3. Status Check.pdf
│      │      3. The Role of Self Awareness and Reflection in Social Care Practice.pdf
│      │      4. Status Check Document-.pdf
│      │      4. Status Check Example.pdf
│      │      4. Status Check Template and Example.pdf
│      │      5. Field Assignment 1.mp4
│      │      Resources.txt
│      │      
│      ├─10. Practical Application Part II
│      │      0. Introduction.mp4
│      │      0. Practical Application  Part II.pdf
│      │      1. Negotiation Theory and Practice.pdf
│      │      1. Non Zero Sum Collaboration.pdf
│      │      1. Smile Seeking.pdf
│      │      1. Sparring - OpThink.mp4
│      │      1. Sparring.pdf
│      │      2. Changing the World and Changing the Self [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. Control [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. Intention Perceived Control Weight Loss [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. Practical Application P2- Control [imjmj.com].mp4
│      │      2. What-Self-Awareness-Really-Is-and-How-to-Cultivate-It [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      3. Field Assignment 10.mp4
│      │      4. OPT Thank You and Godspeed.mp4
│      │      Resources.txt
│      │      
│      ├─2. Awareness Part II
│      │      0. Awareness  Part II.pdf
│      │      1. Energy as a resource Spoon Theory.pdf
│      │      1. OPTHINK Awareness 2 - Prioritization Lesson.mp4
│      │      1. Prioritization vs multi tasking.pdf
│      │      1. Prioritization.pdf
│      │      1. Time as a resource Warren Buffet 5 25 Rule.pdf
│      │      1. Tunnel Vision.url
│      │      2. A 9-Step Guide to Increase Your Neuroplasticity [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. Lifestyle Modulators of Neuroplasticity [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. Music and Brain Plasticity [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. Neuplasticity for mental health and wellbeing [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. Neuroplasticity [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. OPT Awareness 2  Neuroplasticity [imjmj.com].mp4
│      │      3. Case Studies in Intelligence Tet offensive and Iranian Revolution.pdf
│      │      3. How to Become Great at Just About Anything.url
│      │      3. Practice OPT.mp4
│      │      3. Practice.pdf
│      │      3. Ten Reasons to Focus on Your Strengths.pdf
│      │      3. The Making of an Expert.pdf
│      │      3. The Role of Deliberate Practice in the Acquisition of Expert Performance.pdf
│      │      4. Field Assignment 2.mp4
│      │      Resources.txt
│      │      
│      ├─3. Cognitive Base Part I
│      │      0. Cognitive Base  Part I.pdf
│      │      1. Bad is Stronger Than Good.pdf
│      │      1. Cognitive Bias.pdf
│      │      1. Cognitive biases in decision making and risk taking.pdf
│      │      1. Deciding for Future Selves Reduces Loss Aversion.pdf
│      │      1. Dunning Kruger Effect.pdf
│      │      1. Neural network framework for cognitive bias.pdf
│      │      1. Not all emotions are created equal.pdf
│      │      1. OPT Cognitive Base 1 - Cognitive Bias.mp4
│      │      1. The paranoid optimist.pdf
│      │      1. Unskilled and Unaware of It.pdf
│      │      1. What Is Confirmation Bias.pdf
│      │      2. Cognitive dissonance effects of perceived choice on attitude change-1 [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. Cognitive Dissonance OPT [imjmj.com].mp4
│      │      2. Cognitive Dissonance [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. Combating cognitive dissonance [imjmj.com].url
│      │      2. Explaining Preferences from Behavior A Cognitive Dissonance Approach [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. Extraversion as moderator of cognitive dissonance [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      3. Field Assignment 3.mp4
│      │      Resources.txt
│      │      
│      ├─4. Cognitive Base Part II
│      │      0. Cognitive Base  Part II.pdf
│      │      1. 10 Cognitive Distortions Sabotaging Your Brain.url
│      │      1. Cognitive Distortion.pdf
│      │      1. Development and validation of the Dichotomous Thinking Inventory.pdf
│      │      1. Emotional Reasoning Processes and Dysphoric Mood.pdf
│      │      1. OPTHINK Cognitive Base 2 - Cognitive Distortion Lesson.mp4
│      │      1. The role of dichotomous thinking in changes to self concept following cognitive dissonance.pdf
│      │      1. What is Emotional Reasoning and Why is it Such a Problem.pdf
│      │      1. Your Best Life Perfectionism The Bane of Happiness.pdf
│      │      2. Exercise and circulating cortisol levels The intensity threshold effect [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. MENTAL STRENGTH (Part I)  A New Journey [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. MENTAL STRENGTH (Part II)  Get Quiet [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. MENTAL STRENGTH (Part III)  Get Air [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. MENTAL STRENGTH (Part IV)  Get Physical [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. Mental Strength [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. OPT Cognitive Bias 2  Mental Strength [imjmj.com].mp4
│      │      2. The Effect of Diaphragmatic Breathing [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. The importance of silence [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. Understanding Mental Toughness and Stress The Role of Cortisol [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      3. Affective Continuance and Normative Comm.pdf
│      │      3. Commitment in the Workplace Toward a General Model.pdf
│      │      3. Commitment OPT.mp4
│      │      3. Commitment.pdf
│      │      3. Effect of Continuance Commitment and Organizational Cynicism.pdf
│      │      3. Employee commitment in context The natur.pdf
│      │      3. Measuring self differentiation and academic commitment.pdf
│      │      3. Normative commitment in the workplace A.pdf
│      │      3. The Impact of Affective Commitment in Employees Life Satisfaction.pdf
│      │      3. The Impacts of Personality Traits and Goal Commitment on Employee.pdf
│      │      3. The influence of goals commitment selfefficacy.pdf
│      │      3. The Sense of Commitment A Minimal Approach.pdf
│      │      4. Field Assignment 4.mp4
│      │      Resources.txt
│      │      
│      ├─5. Mental Optimization Part I
│      │      0. Mental Optimization  Part I.pdf
│      │      1. Beyond subjective and objective in statistics.pdf
│      │      1. Contextualist research and the study of organizational change process.pdf
│      │      1. Objective vs Subjective.pdf
│      │      1. OPTHINK Mental Optimization - Objective vs Subjective Lesson.mp4
│      │      1. Personality and emotional memory.pdf
│      │      1. Retrieval induces adaptive forgetting of competing memories.pdf
│      │      1. The neuroscience of memory implications for the courtroom.pdf
│      │      1. World Hypothesis A Study In Evidence.pdf
│      │      2. Different mechanisms of fear extinction [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. Fear Extinction as a Model for Translational Neuroscience [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. Fear Management OPT [imjmj.com].mp4
│      │      2. Fear Management [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. How the Science of Fear Makes Soldiers Stronger [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. SilencedbyFear [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. The amygdala and decision making [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. The biology of fear and anxiety related behaviors [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. The Neurocircuitry of Fear Stress and Anxiety Disorders [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      3. Assessment vs Assumption.pdf
│      │      3. Assumption-and-assessment.url
│      │      3. Judgment under Uncertainty Heuristics and Biases.pdf
│      │      3. Operational Thinking.pdf
│      │      3. OPT Mental Optimization P1 Assessment vs assumption.mp4
│      │      3. Pyschology-of-Intelligence-Analysis.pdf
│      │      4. Field Assignment 5.mp4
│      │      Resources.txt
│      │      
│      ├─6. Mental Optimization Part II
│      │      0. Mental Optimization  Part II.pdf
│      │      1. An Alternate Framework for Agent Recruitment.pdf
│      │      1. Expanding protection motivation theory.pdf
│      │      1. Fear of the unknown  One fear to rule them all  - ScienceDirect.pdf
│      │      1. Foundational Fear.pdf
│      │      1. foundationalfear opt.mp4
│      │      1. Human Emotion and Memory.pdf
│      │      1. The Emotional Imperative.pdf
│      │      1. What’s Your Core Vulnerability  I Psychology Today.pdf
│      │      2. Advancing Understanding of Knowledges Role in Lay Risk Perceptio [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. An-Introduction-to-Prospect-Theory [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. Emotion-Decision-and-Risk-Betting-on-Gambles-Versus-Betting-on-People [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. Explaining-Risk-Perception-An-Evaluation-of-Cultural-theory [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. OPT Mental Optimization P2- Risk Tolerance [imjmj.com].mp4
│      │      2. Prospect-Theory-An-Analysis-Of-Decision-Under-Risk [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. Risk Tolerance [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. Risk-as-Feelings [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. Safety is Third, Not First, and We All Know It Should Be [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      3. Observation Skills.pdf
│      │      3. Observe Paintings Like Sherlock Holmes.pdf
│      │      3. Observe Target Engage Respond.pdf
│      │      3. OPT Mental Optimization P2- Observation Skills.mp4
│      │      3. Predictive social perception.pdf
│      │      3. The Expert s Guide to People Watching.pdf
│      │      4. Field Assignment 6.mp4
│      │      Resources.txt
│      │      
│      ├─7. Operational Tools Part I
│      │      0. Operational Tools  Part I.pdf
│      │      1. A Trainable Spaced Repetition Model for Language Learning.pdf
│      │      1. elaborative-rehearsal-a-better-way-to-memorize-98694.pdf
│      │      1. Memory.pdf
│      │      1. Operational Tools P1- Memory.mp4
│      │      1. Priming voluntary autobiographical memories.pdf
│      │      1. Rest-Eyewitness-Memory-Recall-Geiselman.pdf
│      │      1. Spaced Repetition Promotes Efficient and Effective Learning.pdf
│      │      1. The Power of Testing Memory.pdf
│      │      2. Mirroring Behavior - Scientific American [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. Mirroring opt [imjmj.com].mp4
│      │      2. Mirroring [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. Social Dynamics [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. Use Mirroring to Connect With Others - WSJ [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. Who Is Controlling The Interaction [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      3. 7 Ways to Start a Conversation that Leads Where You Want It to I Inc.pdf
│      │      3. Deliberate Dialogue.pdf
│      │      3. Operational Tools P1.mp4
│      │      3. The Art of Dialogue – MIT Spectrum.pdf
│      │      3. The Art of Dialogue.pdf
│      │      3. The Four Types of Conversations  Debate, Dialogue, Discourse, and Diatribe.pdf
│      │      4. Field Assignment 7.mp4
│      │      Resources.txt
│      │      
│      ├─8. Operational Tools Part II
│      │      0. Operational Tools  Part II.pdf
│      │      1. Carry A Conversation Like A Spy (Social Mastery Part II).pdf
│      │      1. How To Build Rapport (Social Mastery Part I).pdf
│      │      1. Manipulation-vs-motivation.url
│      │      1. Smartest-person-in-the-room.url
│      │      1. Social Capital - OpThink.mp4
│      │      1. Social Capital Human Capital.pdf
│      │      1. Social Capital.pdf
│      │      1. SOCIAL MASTERY (Part III)  Following Traffic Lights.pdf
│      │      1. SOCIAL MASTERY (Part IV)  A Warlord Story.pdf
│      │      1. The Truth About Compromise.url
│      │      2. 8 Ways to Get a Difficult Conversation Back on Track [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. At First Sight [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. Conversational Mapping [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. Operational Tools P2- Conversation Mapping [imjmj.com].mp4
│      │      2. Predicted Outcome Value Theory in Ongoing Relationships [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      2. Social Penetration Theory [imjmj.com].pdf
│      │      3. Field Assignment 8.mp4
│      │      Resources.txt
│      │      
│      └─9. Practical Application Part I
│              0. Practical Application  Part I.pdf
│              1. Attitude Change.pdf
│              1. Consequences of Influence Tactics.pdf
│              1. Expert Witness Confidence and Juror Personality.pdf
│              1. How-to-build-your-credibility.url
│              1. Influence.pdf
│              1. Managers Upward Influence Tactic Strategies.pdf
│              1. My Lucky Day.mp4
│              1. Practical Application P1- Influence.mp4
│              2. Compatibility and Myers & Briggs  Personality Types [imjmj.com].pdf
│              2. Developing Collaboration Skills [imjmj.com].pdf
│              2. Four Temperament Profiles [imjmj.com].pdf
│              2. High-Value Relationships [imjmj.com].pdf
│              2. How to Work with People Who Aren’t Like You [imjmj.com].pdf
│              2. InvestigatingtheImpactofPersonalityandTemperamentTraits [imjmj.com].pdf
│              2. OPTHINK Practical Application - High Value Relationships [imjmj.com].mp4
│              2. Qualities of a good friend to look for, according to your MBTI [imjmj.com].pdf
│              3. Field Assignment 9.mp4
│              Resources.txt



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