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创作高影响力内容!写作清单、磁性提示、视频点评,让你成为... - 网络营销 - 富裕者联盟社区 - Affiliate营销圈




网络营销 网络营销 51 人阅读 | 1 人回复 | 2025-02-05


The High Impact Content Cheatsheet with follow-along checklists for every step of the writing process, including short form, long form, hooks, first drafts, and editing.
The 3 Pillars of Magnetic Writing Prompt Collection with over 264 templates so you never struggle with ideas again.
Video content critiques of my clients’ work to show you the common mistakes and simple tweaks to make your writing much more engaging.

  • 教程编号:1076974558
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:1011kb
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  ├─01-Welcome To Cash Flow Confidential 
│  │      00-Welcome To Cash Flow Confidential.pdf
│  │      01-Start Here.pdf
│  │      02-Welcome Video .mp4
│  │      02-Welcome Video .pdf
│  │      Resources.txt
│  │      
│  ├─02-Cfc Module One- Mindset & Who Youre Really Helping
│  │      01-Cfc Module 1 Lesson 1.mp4
│  │      01-Module One Lesson One- High Cash Mindset.pdf
│  │      01-Module-One-Lesson-One.pdf
│  │      02-Cfc Module One Lesson Two .mp4
│  │      02-Module One Lesson Two Who You  X27 Re Really Helping .pdf
│  │      02-Workbook-Module-1-Lesson-2 .pdf
│  │      Resources.txt
│  │      
│  ├─03-Cfc Module Two- Your Funnel Framework
│  │      01-Module 2 Lesson 1.mp4
│  │      01-Module Two Lesson One- Your Funnel Framework.pdf
│  │      01-Module-2-Lesson-1-Workbook.pdf
│  │      02-Module 2 Lesson 2 .mp4
│  │      02-Module Two Lesson 2- Your Visibility Framework .pdf
│  │      02-Module-2-Lesson-2-Workbook .pdf
│  │      03-Module 2 Lesson 3.mp4
│  │      03-Module 3 Lesson 3.mp4
│  │      03-Module Two Lesson Three- The Connection Framework.pdf
│  │      03-Module-2-Lesson-3.pdf
│  │      Resources.txt
│  │      
│  ├─04-Cfc Module Three- Your Methodology Creation Process
│  │      01-Module 3 Lesson 1.mp4
│  │      01-Module Three Lesson One- Methodology.pdf
│  │      01-Module-3-Lesson-1-Workbook.pdf
│  │      02-Module 3 Lesson 2 .mp4
│  │      02-Module Three Lesson Two- Creating Your Methodology Pillars .pdf
│  │      02-Module-3-Lesson-2-Workbook .pdf
│  │      03-Module 3 Lesson 3.mp4
│  │      03-Module Three Lesson Three- Naming Your Methodology.pdf
│  │      03-Module-3-Lesson-3-Workbook.pdf
│  │      Resources.txt
│  │      
│  ├─05-Cfc Module Four- You Magnetic Messaging
│  │      01-Lesson 1 Module Four.mp4
│  │      01-Module Four Lesson One- Market Research Process.pdf
│  │      01-Workbook-Module-4-Lesson-1.pdf
│  │      02-Lesson 2 Module 4 .mp4
│  │      02-Lesson-Two-Module-4-Workbook .pdf
│  │      02-Module Four Lesson Two- 7 Step Messaging Process .pdf
│  │      03-Lesson 3 Module 4.mp4
│  │      03-Lesson-3-Module-4-Workbook.pdf
│  │      03-Module Four Lesson Three- Story Telling Framework.pdf
│  │      Resources.txt
│  │      
│  ├─06-Cfc Module Five- Freebie Creation And Offer Suite Brainstorming
│  │      01-Module 5 Lesson 1.mp4
│  │      01-Module Five Lesson One- Creating Your Freebie.pdf
│  │      01-Workbook-Module-5-Lesson-1.pdf
│  │      02-Module  Lesson 2 .mp4
│  │      02-Module 2 Lesson 2 .mp4
│  │      02-Module Five Lesson Two- The Tech How-To .pdf
│  │      03-Module 5 Lesson 3.mp4
│  │      03-Module Five Lesson Three- Mapping Out Your Offer Suite.pdf
│  │      03-Workbook-Module-5-Lesson-3.pdf
│  │      Resources.txt
│  │      
│  ├─07-Cfc Module Six- Your Social Mapout
│  │      01-Module Six Lesson One- Creating Your Content Pillars.pdf
│  │      01-Module Six Lesson One.mp4
│  │      01-Module-Six-Lesson-1-Workbook.pdf
│  │      02-Module Six Lesson 2 .mp4
│  │      02-Module Six Lesson Two- Your Content Calendar Plan .pdf
│  │      02-Module-Six-Lesson-2-Workbook .pdf
│  │      03-Module Six Lesson 3.mp4
│  │      03-Module Six Lesson Three- Caption And Creation.pdf
│  │      04-Ig Stories.mp4
│  │      04-Ig-Sales.pdf
│  │      04-Module Six Bonus Ig Story Selling.pdf
│  │      Resources.txt
│  │      
│  ├─08-Cfc Module Seven- The Launch And Dm Strategy
│  │      01-Module 7 Lesson 1.mp4
│  │      01-Module Seven Lesson One- The Energy Of Launching.pdf
│  │      01-Module-7-Lesson-1.pdf
│  │      02-Module 7 Lesson 2 .mp4
│  │      02-Module Seven Lesson Two- Your Dm Strategy .pdf
│  │      Resources.txt
│  │      
│  └─09-Bonus The Energetic Expert Seller Workshop
│          01-The Energetic Expert Seller Workshop.mp4
│          Resources.txt



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