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Amazon Ads:成为亚马逊广告专家!50多个模块,... - 电商平台 - 富裕者联盟社区 - Affiliate营销圈



Amazon Ads:成为亚马逊广告专家!50多个模块,...

电商平台 电商平台 34 人阅读 | 1 人回复 | 2025-02-16

跟着Stephen Noch和Andrew Bailiff,探索亚马逊PPC的终极指南吧!


Discover the ultimate guide to Amazon PPC with Stephen Noch and Andrew Bailiff.
This masterclass is designed to transform you into an expert in Amazon advertising, offering over 50 modules and more than 20 hours of in-depth content.

Module 1: Introduction to Amazon PPC, perfect for beginners.
Module 2: Master fundamental principles like campaign structuring and keyword management.
Module 3: Dive into intermediate strategies—optimize bids, manage placements, and dissect advertising reports.
Module 4: Unlock advanced tactics such as single-keyword campaigns and effective ad copywriting.
Module 5: Learn efficient bulk operations to streamline your campaigns.

  • 教程编号:1543576289
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知 / IMJMJ
  • 文件大小:13.9GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  ├─01-1.0 - Introduction 
│  │      01-Before You Get Started.mp4
│  │      01-Before You Get Started.pdf
│  │      Resources.txt
│  │      
│  ├─02-2.0 - Fundamental Principles
│  │  │  Resources.txt
│  │  │  
│  │  ├─01-2.1 - Campaign Naming & Structure 
│  │  │      01-Copy of Campaign Naming Convention Generator.xlsx
│  │  │      01-Copy of Campaign Structure Guide.xlsx
│  │  │      01-Lesson.mp4
│  │  │      01-Lesson.pdf
│  │  │      Resources.txt
│  │  │      
│  │  ├─02-2.2 - Ad Types Overview
│  │  │      01-Lesson.mp4
│  │  │      01-Lesson.pdf
│  │  │      Resources.txt
│  │  │      
│  │  ├─03-2.3 - Targeting Keywords, Products, and Audiences
│  │  │      01-Intro.mp4
│  │  │      02-Lesson .mp4
│  │  │      Resources.txt
│  │  │      
│  │  ├─04-2.4 - Match Types
│  │  │      01-Leson.mp4
│  │  │      01-Leson.pdf
│  │  │      Resources.txt
│  │  │      
│  │  ├─05-2.5 - Keyword Harvesting
│  │  │      01-Intro(5).mp4
│  │  │      01-Intro.pdf
│  │  │      02-Lesson .mp4
│  │  │      02-Lesson .pdf
│  │  │      Resources.txt
│  │  │      
│  │  ├─06-2.6 - Critically Thinking Through Data
│  │  │      01-Intro(2).mp4
│  │  │      02-Lesson .pdf
│  │  │      02-Lesson(2) .mp4
│  │  │      Resources.txt
│  │  │      
│  │  ├─07-2.7 - Critically Thinking Through Metrics
│  │  │      01-Intro.mp4
│  │  │      02-Lesson .pdf
│  │  │      02-Lesson(3) .mp4
│  │  │      Resources.txt
│  │  │      
│  │  ├─08-2.8 - Determining Target ACOS
│  │  │      01-Intro(3).mp4
│  │  │      01-Intro.pdf
│  │  │      02-Lesson .pdf
│  │  │      02-Lesson(4) .mp4
│  │  │      Resources.txt
│  │  │      
│  │  ├─09-2.9 - How to Troubleshoot a Rising ACOS
│  │  │      01-Intro(4).mp4
│  │  │      02-Lesson .pdf
│  │  │      02-Lesson(5) .mp4
│  │  │      Resources.txt
│  │  │      
│  │  ├─10-2.10 - Budget Management
│  │  │      01-Intro(7).mp4
│  │  │      02-Lesson .pdf
│  │  │      02-Lesson(7) .mp4
│  │  │      Resources.txt
│  │  │      
│  │  └─11-2.11 - What Actually Affects Sales
│  │          01-Intro(6).mp4
│  │          02-Lesson .pdf
│  │          02-Lesson(6) .mp4
│  │          Resources.txt
│  │          
│  ├─03-3.0 - Intermediate Strategies
│  │  │  Resources.txt
│  │  │  
│  │  ├─01-3.1 - The Amazon PPC Food Pyramid 
│  │  │      01-Intro(8).mp4
│  │  │      02-Lesson .pdf
│  │  │      02-Lesson(8) .mp4
│  │  │      Resources.txt
│  │  │      
│  │  ├─02-3.3 - How to Optimize Bids on Keywords
│  │  │      01-Intro(10).mp4
│  │  │      02-Lesson .pdf
│  │  │      02-Lesson(9) .mp4
│  │  │      Resources.txt
│  │  │      
│  │  ├─03-3.4 - Negative Keyword Management
│  │  │      01-Intro(9).mp4
│  │  │      01-Intro.pdf
│  │  │      02-Copy of Amazon Ads Masterclass - NGram Analysis .xlsx
│  │  │      02-Lesson .pdf
│  │  │      02-Lesson(12) .mp4
│  │  │      Resources.txt
│  │  │      
│  │  ├─04-3.5 - Campaign Structure for Sponsored Brand Ads
│  │  │      01-Intro(11).mp4
│  │  │      02-Lesson .pdf
│  │  │      02-Lesson(10) .mp4
│  │  │      Resources.txt
│  │  │      
│  │  ├─05-3.6 - Making the Most out of Sponsored Display Ads
│  │  │      01-Intro(12).mp4
│  │  │      02-Lesson .pdf
│  │  │      02-Lesson(11) .mp4
│  │  │      Resources.txt
│  │  │      
│  │  └─06-3.7 - Advertising Reports
│  │          01-Introduction to Sponsored Ads Reports .mp4
│  │          01-Introduction to Sponsored Ads Reports.pdf
│  │          02- Sponsored Products- Search Term Report  .mp4
│  │          02- Sponsored Products- Search Term Report .pdf
│  │          03- Sponsored Products- Search Term Impression Share Report.mp4
│  │          03- Sponsored Products- Search Term Impression Share Report.pdf
│  │          04- Sponsored Products- Advertised Products Report.mp4
│  │          04- Sponsored Products- Advertised Products Report.pdf
│  │          05- Sponsored Products- Campaign Performance Report .mp4
│  │          05- Sponsored Products- Campaign Performance Report.pdf
│  │          06- Sponsored Products- Placement Performance Report.mp4
│  │          06- Sponsored Products- Placement Performance Report.pdf
│  │          07- Sponsored Brands- Attributed Purchases.mp4
│  │          07- Sponsored Brands- Attributed Purchases.pdf
│  │          08-Sponsored Brands- Category Benchmark Report.mp4
│  │          08-Sponsored Brands- Category Benchmark Report.pdf
│  │          Resources.txt
│  │          
│  ├─04-4.0 - Advanced Tactics
│  │  │  Resources.txt
│  │  │  
│  │  ├─01-4.1 - Calculating Campaign Placement Adjustments 
│  │  │      01-Intro(13).mp4
│  │  │      02-Lesson .pdf
│  │  │      02-Lesson(13) .mp4
│  │  │      Resources.txt
│  │  │      
│  │  ├─02-4.2 - Advanced Keyword Bidding
│  │  │      01-Intro(14).mp4
│  │  │      02-Lesson .pdf
│  │  │      02-Lesson(14) .mp4
│  │  │      Resources.txt
│  │  │      
│  │  ├─03-4.3 Strategies for New Product Launches
│  │  │      01-Lesson(2).mp4
│  │  │      01-Lesson.pdf
│  │  │      Resources.txt
│  │  │      
│  │  ├─04-4.4 - Single Keyword Campaigns
│  │  │      01-Lesson(3).mp4
│  │  │      01-Lesson.pdf
│  │  │      Resources.txt
│  │  │      
│  │  ├─05-4.5 - Copywriting Tactics for Sponsored Brands
│  │  │      01-Lesson(4).mp4
│  │  │      01-Lesson.pdf
│  │  │      Resources.txt
│  │  │      
│  │  └─06-4.6 - The Quadrant Method of Account Management
│  │          01-Intro(15).mp4
│  │          02-Lesson .pdf
│  │          02-Lesson(15) .mp4
│  │          Resources.txt
│  │          
│  └─05-5.0 - Bulk Operations 101
│      │  01-5.1 - Introduction to Bulk Operations .mp4
│      │  01-5.1 - Introduction to Bulk Operations.pdf
│      │  Resources.txt
│      │  
│      ├─01-Sponsored Products in Bulk 
│      │      01- 5.2 - How to Bulk Launch SP Campaigns .mp4
│      │      01- 5.2 - How to Bulk Launch SP Campaigns.pdf
│      │      02-5.3 - Optimizing SP Campaign Placements in Bulk Sheets .mp4
│      │      02-5.3 - Optimizing SP Campaign Placements in Bulk Sheets .pdf
│      │      03-5.4 - Optimizing Bids in Bulk Sheets.mp4
│      │      03-5.4 - Optimizing Bids in Bulk Sheets.pdf
│      │      Resources.txt
│      │      
│      ├─02-Sponsored Brands in Bulk
│      │      01-5.5 - How to Bulk Launch SB Campaigns.mp4
│      │      01-5.5 - How to Bulk Launch SB Campaigns.pdf
│      │      01-Bulk_Template.xlsx
│      │      02-5.6 - Bulk Launching SB Video Ads .mp4
│      │      03- 5.7 - Bulk Update Ad Group Names.mp4
│      │      04- 5.8 - Adding & Updating Creative Assets.mp4
│      │      Resources.txt
│      │      
│      └─03-Sponsored Display in Bulk
│              01-5.9 - How to Bulk Launch SD Retargeting Campaigns.mp4
│              01-5.9 - How to Bulk Launch SD Retargeting Campaigns.pdf
│              Resources.txt



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