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网站设计工作室加速器!教你如何运营和扩展成功的网站设计工作室 - 独立站 - 富裕者联盟社区 - Affiliate营销圈





独立站 独立站 11522 人阅读 | 60 人回复 | 2023-07-26







The Web design Studio Accelerator shows you how to run and scale a successful web design studio.
I cover every important aspect of launching a website design studio.
We will also have a real-time Slack channel for communication where I’ll answer your questions.
I’m here to help you build a successful studio and will be there every step of the way during the process.
I’ve been able to build more than 250+ websites for local and national businesses including Land Rover, NAACP, WGInc. and other Fortune 500 companies.

  • 教程编号:1380766657
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知
  • 文件大小:4.2G
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

Web Design Studio Accelerator 2.0
  │  #2864 - 'Read Me First!' - webdesignstudioaccelerator.podia.com.pdf
  │  #2865 - 'Master List' - webdesignstudioaccelerator.podia.com.pdf
  │  1.1 The Social Media Autopilot Course - Introduction.pdf
  │  2.1 The Social Media Autopilot Course - Content Creation.pdf
  │  3.1 The Social Media Autopilot Course - Training.pdf
  │  Client Response Times and Project Timeline.ts
  │  The Introduction.mp4
  │  WDSA 2.0 - The Master Checklist.docx
  ├─Client Calls
  │      Agency Brand - Website Artboard Review.ts
  │      Coffee Brand - Sitemap Review.ts
  │      Coffee Brand - Website Art Board.ts
  │      THA - Sitemap.ts
  │      1 - Prospect-20220402T134624Z-001.zip
  │      1 - Prospect-20220402T135132Z-001.zip
  │      1 - The Web Design Agency Process - Prospect.mkv
  │      1 - The Web Design Agency Process - Prospect_2.mkv
  │      11 - The Web Design Agency Process - Website Launch.mp4
  │      12 - The Web Design Agency Process - Website Management.mp4
  │      2 - Onboarding a New Client-20220402T134627Z-001.zip
  │      2 - The Web Design Agency Process - Onboarding a New Client.mkv
  │      3 - Brand Discovery-20220402T134630Z-001.zip
  │      3 - The Agency Web Design Process - Brand Discovery.mp4
  │      4 - Branding and Guidelines-20220402T134635Z-001.zip
  │      4 - The Web Design Agency Process - Brand Guidelines Doc.mp4
  │      5 - Sitemap-20220402T134732Z-001.zip
  │      6 - The Web Design Agency Process - Website Content Doc.mp4
  │      6 - Website Content Doc-20220402T134730Z-001.zip
  │      7 - Low-Fidelity Wireframe-20220402T134753Z-001.zip
  │      7 - The Web Design Agency Process - Low Fidelity Wireframe.mp4
  │      8 - The Web Design Agency Process - High Fidelity Wireframe.mp4
  │      9 - The Web Design Agency Process - Website Development.mp4
  │      Agreements-20220402T135207Z-001.zip
  │      CCL - Website Menu - draw.io.mp4
  │      Competitive Analysis Training  - EXAMPLE.docx
  │      Copy of WDSA 2.0 - The Master Checklist.docx
  │      Job Templates.xlsx
  │      Module Docs-20220402T134900Z-001.zip
  │      Module Training-20220402T135340Z-001.zip
  │      NTC - Menu Overview.mp4
  │      SEO Title and Description Sheet Template.xlsx
  │      Training - PM - Hubspot CRM Followup.docx
  │      Training - Web Dev - Intro to Webflow.docx
  │      WDSA - Design Work - How to Delegate to your Designer.mp4
  │      WDSA - Mod.3 - Brand Discovery Template.docx
  │      WDSA - Mod.3 - Training - Facebook Pixel Installation.docx
  │      WDSA - Mod.3 - Training - Google Analytics _ Goal Conversion Setup.docx
  │      WDSA - Mod.3 - Training - Image Optimization.docx
  │      WDSA - Mod.3 - Training - SEO Titles and Descriptions.docx
  │      WDSA - Mod.3 - Training - Site Design Review.docx
  │      WDSA - Mod.3 - Training - Sitemap Submission (Search Console).docx
  │      WDSA - Mod.4 - BEST Facebook Groups.xlsx
  │      WDSA - Mod.4 - COLD Email Outreach .docx
  │      WDSA - Mod.4 - Email Outreach _ Email Templates (1).docx
  │      WDSA - Mod.4 - Email Outreach _ Email Templates (2).docx
  │      WDSA - Mod.4 - Email Outreach _ Email Templates.docx
  │      WDSA - Mod.4 - Email Outreach _ Google Reviews.docx
  │      WDSA - Mod.4 - Email Outreach _ Proposal Email Template.docx
  │      WDSA - Mod.4 - Flawless Proposal Kit - Part 2.pptx
  │      WDSA - Mod.4 - Scheduled Consult Questionnaire.docx
  │      WDSA - Mod.4 - YouTube Description Template.docx
  │      WDSA - Mod.4 - YouTube Thumbnail Template.psd
  │      WDSA - Module 3 - Website Content Doc Example (from an accelerator program).xlsx
  │      WDSA 2.0 - Job Templates - 2021 (1).xlsx
  │      WDSA 2.0 - Job Templates - 2021.xlsx
  │      WDSA 2.0 - Mod.1 - Privacy Policy Template (1).docx
  │      WDSA 2.0 - Mod.1 - Privacy Policy Template.docx
  │      WDSA 2.0 - Mod.1 - T&C Template (1).docx
  │      WDSA 2.0 - Mod.1 - T&C Template.docx
  │      WDSA 2.0 - Mod.2 - Interview Example Questions (1).docx
  │      WDSA 2.0 - Mod.2 - Interview Example Questions.docx
  │      WDSA 2.0 - Mod.2 - Job Applicants Tracker (1).xlsx
  │      WDSA 2.0 - Mod.2 - Job Applicants Tracker.xlsx
  │      WDSA 2.0 - Mod.2 - Job Description Examples (1).docx
  │      WDSA 2.0 - Mod.2 - Job Description Examples.docx
  │      WDSA 2.0 - Mod.2 - Training - Prep Your Studio for Launch (1).docx
  │      WDSA 2.0 - Mod.2 - Training - Prep Your Studio for Launch.docx
  │      WDSA 2.0 - Mod.2 - Website Fundamentals Review (1).docx
  │      WDSA 2.0 - Mod.2 - Website Fundamentals Review.docx
  │      WDSA Case Studies-20220402T135209Z-001.zip
  │      Website Content Doc Template.docx
  │      Website Menu Example
  ├─Module 2 - Web Design Studio Setup
  │      1-Web Design Checklist.mkv
  │      2-Website Fundamentals Doc.mkv
  │      3-Skills & Jobs.ts
  │      4-Hiring Your Remote Team.ts
  │      5-Onboard New Team Members.ts
  ├─Module 3 - The Web Design Agency Process
  │      1-Prospect.mkv
  │      10-Quality Assurance.ts
  │      11-Website Launch.ts
  │      12-Website Management.ts
  │      2-Onboarding a New Client.mkv
  │      3-Brand Discovery.ts
  │      4-Sitemap.ts
  │      5-Brand Guidelines Doc.ts
  │      6-Low Fidelity Wireframe.ts
  │      7-Website Content Doc.ts
  │      8-High Fidelity Wireframe.ts
  │      9-Web Development.ts
  ├─Module 4 - Design and Development Strategy
  │      1-Design + Development.mkv
  │      2-Development - Brand Discovery.mkv
  │      3-Developing Design.ts
  │      4-Website Design + Figma Files.ts
  │      5-Website Quality Assurance List.ts
  ├─Module 5 - Gaining Paying Clients  Partnerships
  │      1-The Flawless Proposal Kit.mkv
  │      2-Providing Massive Value to Gain New Clients.mkv
  │      3-Case Studies.ts
  │      4-Cold Outreach with a Twist.ts
  │      5-The Sales Process.ts
  │      6-Google Business Listing Domination.ts
  │      7-Agency Affiliate Strategy.ts
  │      8-Finding High Quality Designers.ts
  ├─Module 6 - The Business (Profit First Strategy)
  │      1-The Business (Profit First Strategy).mkv
  ├─Module 7 - An Intro to Webflow
  │      1-An Intro to Webflow.mkv
  ├─Module 8 - Building No-Code Template Websites in Webflow
  │      1-Building No-Code, Template Websites in Webflow.mkv
  ├─Module 9 - Webflow QA
  │      1-Going Live.mkv
  └─Website Critiques
          1-Agency Site Critique.mkv
          2-General Website Critique.mkv
          3-Education Website Critique.ts
          4-Donation Website Critique.ts
          5-Non-Profit Website Critique.mp4.ts



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