



网络营销 网络营销 9630 人阅读 | 60 人回复 | 2023-10-13







  • 教程编号:0666747849
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知
  • 文件大小:3.6GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码
[code] └─The No Bullshit Digital Course Boot Camp │ │ ├─01 - Getting Your Head Straight │ Curing Your Allergies - Entitlement.mp4 │ Curing Your Allergies - Figure It Out.mp4 │ Curing Your Allergies - Honey Badger Brain.mp4 │ Welcome and How I'll Stop You From Being a Digital Course F___ Up.mp4 │ │ ├─02 - Change Starts With a Shove, Not a Step │ Got WordPress Installed Yet Watch This Whether You Do or Dont.mp4 │ Got Your Domain Yet_ Get It Now, Here's How.mp4 │ Got Your Email Setup Yet_ Do It Now, Here's How.mp4 │ Got Your Web Host Yet_ Watch This Whether You Do or Don't.mp4 │ Lets Add a Dress and Some Lipstick To WordPress.mp4 │ Lets Add a Paid Plugin That Will Make Your Life Easier.mp4 │ Lets Configure WordPress and Add The Basic Plugins.mp4 │ Lets Make Your Web Site Homepage Say Its Coming Soon.mp4 │ │ ├─03 - It's Time To Coursify Your Web Site │ Heres What It Means To Coursify.mp4 │ Lets Quickly Setup ActiveCampaign and Get On With Our Lives.mp4 │ Lets Quickly Setup MemberPress and Get On With Our Lives.mp4 │ Youre Going To Need a Membership Plugin, So Do This.mp4 │ Youre Going To Need an Email List Service, So Do This.mp4 │ Youre Going To Need PayPal, So Do This.mp4 │ Youre Going To Need Stripe, So Do This.mp4 │ Youre Going To Need Video Hosting, So Do This.mp4 │ │ ├─04 - Let's Setup a Dummy Digital Course │ A Word About MemberPress Shortcodes.mp4 │ Lets Add a Landing Page To Our Site.mp4 │ Lets Add a Sales Page For Our Dummy Product.mp4 │ Lets Add The Required Pages To Our Site.mp4 │ Lets Download and Install The Page Templates Im Giving You.mp4 │ Lets Setup a Dummy Course Delivery Page.mp4 │ Lets Setup a Dummy Course In MemberPress.mp4 │ Lets Setup a Dummy Course Thank You Page.mp4 │ Lets Setup a Dummy Order Form.mp4 │ Lets Tweak The Customer Account Page - Or Not.mp4 │ Lets Tweak The Customer Login Page - Or Not.mp4 │ Lets Tweak The Transactional Emails.mp4 │ Test The Thing To See If Everything Works.mp4 │ │ ├─05 - Hey Elementor Looks Cool, But How In The Hell Do I Use It_ │ 1 -Lets Go Through the Basics of Elementor.mp4 │ 2 -Reverse Engineering Is How You Learn.mp4 │ 3 -How To Tweak The Order Forms.mp4 │ 4 -How To Tweak The Landing Pages.mp4 │ 5 -How To Tweak The Course Delivery Pages.mp4 │ 6 -How To Tweak The Sales Pages.mp4 │ 7 -There Are Also Add-Ons For Elementor Available.mp4 │ 8 -There are Also More Pre-Made Pages For Elementor Available.mp4 │ │ ├─06 - Let's Sell The Course You Don't Have │ 1 -Wait, What, Huh.mp4 │ 2 -You Gotta Make People Vote With Money.mp4 │ 3 -The Two Paths For Pre-Selling Your Course.mp4 │ 4 -But What About Launch Formulas.mp4 │ 5 -How Much Should I Charge For My Non-Existent Course.mp4 │ 6 -But I Dont Even Have a Course Idea.mp4 │ 7 -Let Me Throw You The Bad Idea Bone.mp4 │ 8 -How Will I Know If I Should Actually Make My Course.mp4 │ │ ├─07 - Testing Your Course Idea With An Existing Audience │ 1 -Lets Recap The Steps.mp4 │ 2 -Lets Make The Course Delivery Page.mp4 │ 3 -Lets Make The Thank You Page.mp4 │ 4 -Lets Setup The Course In MemberPress.mp4 │ 5 -Lets Make The Order Page.mp4 │ 6 -Lets Make The Sales Page.mp4 │ 7 -Lets Talk About The Emails.mp4 │ │ ├─08 - Testing Your Course Idea When You Have Invisible Underwear │ 1 -Lets Recap The Steps.mp4 │ 2 -The Million Dollar Question.mp4 │ 3 -Lets Make The Landing Page.mp4 │ 4 -Here Come The Paid Ads.mp4 │ 5 -Cant I Just Send People Straight To My Sales Page.mp4 │ 6 -Did Any People Give You Their Email Address.mp4 │ 7 -Create The Rest of Your Emails and Content.mp4 │ 8 -Now Were Going To Repeat The Stuff From Module 7.mp4 │ │ ├─10 - How To Create Your On-Camera Lessons │ 1 -This Is The Gear I Use.mp4 │ 2 -How To Set It All Up.mp4 │ 3 -To Teleprompt or Not To Teleprompt.mp4 │ 4 -Stop and Take a Look Before You Go All In.mp4 │ 5 -Recording Is a Pain In The Ass, So Record It All At Once.mp4 │ 6 -Warp Speed Tutorial Adobe Premiere Rush.mp4 │ 7 -How I Export My On-Camera Videos.mp4 │ 8 -Warp Speed Vimeo Pro Tutorial.mp4 │ │ ├─11 - How To Create Your Screen Recording Lessons │ 1 -This Is The Gear I Use.mp4 │ 10 -How Youll Export Your Lessons In Camtasia.mp4 │ 11 -How Youll Export Your Lessons In Screenflow.mp4 │ 12 -Warp Speed Vimeo Pro Tutorial (repeat from Section 10).mp4 │ 2 -Lets Talk About Slide Decks.mp4 │ 3 -Warp Speed Camtasia Tutorial.mp4 │ 4 -Warp Speed Screenflow Tutorial.mp4 │ 5 -How You will Record Your Lessons In Camtasia - Windows.mp4 │ 6 -How Youll Record Your Lessons In Camtasia - Mac.mp4 │ 7 -How Youll Record Your Lessons In Screenflow.mp4 │ 8 -How Youll Edit Your Lessons In Camtasia.mp4 │ 9 -How Youll Edit Your Lessons In Screenflow.mp4 │ │ └─12 - But What About, How Do I and What Should I Do_ 1 -I Want To Give My Students Quizzes.mp4 10 -Should I Sell My Course On Other Web Sites.mp4 11 -Burn This Into Your Brain - Everything Has An Expiration Date.mp4 2 -I Want My Students To Be Able To Track Their Course Progress.mp4 3 -Should I Offer a Money Back Guarantee.mp4 4 -How Do I Stop People From Stealing My Course.mp4 5 -I Want To Sell More Courses, Which Way Should I Do It.mp4 6 -Should I Make People Pay Monthly or One-Time.mp4 7 -Should I Sell My Course Year-Round or Once a Year.mp4 8 -I Didnt Listen To What You Said About Offering a Pre-Enroll, Any Advice.mp4 9 -Should I Provide Free Course Updates or Charge For Them.mp4



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