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教你最前沿的生产力、自动化和效率技巧,让你能用更少的时间做更多的工作! - 外贸 - 富裕者联盟社区 - Affiliate营销圈





外贸 外贸 12727 人阅读 | 68 人回复 | 2023-10-15

如何管理注意力为您的一天增加 1-3 小时,

如何管理注意力为您的一天增加 1-3 小时,







  • 教程编号:1222482357
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件
  • 培训机构:未知
  • 文件大小:4.06GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  1. 教程目录
  2. ├─01-Section 1 Introductions and Foundations
  3. │ │ 01-Lecture 1 About Your Instructor How this course came to be.avi
  4. │ │ 02-Lecture 2 Course structure & how to succeed.avi
  5. │ │ 03.1-Lecture 3 Course Syllabus + Checklist (Download Now!).pdf
  6. │ │ 03.2-Lecture 3 Course Syllabus + Checklist (Download Now!).pdf
  7. │ │ 04-Personal Goals & Progress Worksheet.pdf
  8. │ │ 05-Lecture 4 Why do things quicker.avi
  9. │ │ 06-Lecture 5 Where most people spend (or waste) their time.avi
  10. │ │ 说明.txt
  11. │ │
  12. │ └─03.3-Lecture 3 Course Syllabus + Checklist (Download Now!)
  13. │ Become a Speed Demon Bookmarks Master Class.html
  14. │ 说明.txt
  15. ├─02-Section 2 General Principles & Theories for Hacking Your Productivity
  16. │ 01-Lecture 6 The power of preparation.avi
  17. │ 02-Lecture 7 Having clear priorities & goals - and making them SMART.avi
  18. │ 04-The Priority Star Exercise Worksheet.pdf
  19. │ 05-Lecture 9 Setting deadlines - and making them real.avi
  20. │ 06-Lecture 10 The Pareto Principle our secret to being effective.avi
  21. │ 07-Lecture 11 The Bad kind of multitasking, avoiding distractions, and meditation.avi
  22. │ 08-Lecture 12 Batching similar tasks.avi
  23. │ 09-Lecture 13 The Good kind of multitasking & the wheel of life.avi
  24. │ 10-The Wheel of Life Worksheet.pdf
  25. │ 11-Lecture 14 Planning for structured rest periods.avi
  26. │ 12-Lecture 15 Using small chunks of wasted time effectively.avi
  27. │ 13-Lecture 16 A brief note on Flow and focus.avi
  28. │ New Lecture 8 - Priority Star.avi
  29. │ 说明.txt
  30. ├─03-Section 3 Speeding Up & Automating Computer Work
  31. │ │ 01-Lecture 17 Just how much time are you wasting on your computer.avi
  32. │ │ 02-Lecture 18 Disabling notifications to reclaim time and attention.avi
  33. │ │ 03-Lecture 19 Automating meeting scheduling.avi
  34. │ │ 04-Lecture 20 Text expansion - stop typing the same things over and over.avi
  35. │ │ 05-Suggested Text Expansion Shortcuts - MasterClass Exclusive.xlsx
  36. │ │ 06-Lecture 21 Speaking is faster than typing - and clicking.avi
  37. │ │ 07-Lecture 22 Using custom gestures to speed up common tasks.avi
  38. │ │ 08.2-Suggested BetterTouchTool Gestures.pdf
  39. │ │ 09-Lecture 23 Launchers act without doing.avi
  40. │ │ 10-Lecture 24 Wasting less time reading & sorting through email (Updated for MasterClass).avi
  41. │ │ 11-Lecture 25 Task Management Software.avi
  42. │ │ 12-Lecture 26 Automating simple, repetitive tasks effectively across the web.avi
  43. │ │ 13-Lecture 26A Taking Automation to the Next Level.avi
  44. │ │ 14-Lecture 26B Even More Automation Using Automator on Your Mac.avi
  45. │ │ 15-Lecture 26B Even More Automation Using Automator on Your Mac.pdf
  46. │ │ 16-Lecture 27 Automating reminders, follow-ups, and reaching inbox zero.avi
  47. │ │ 17-.Bonus Lecture How to Get Rid of the 10 Distracting Chat Apps & Use Just On.avi
  48. │ │ 18-Lecture 28 Watching lectures, videos, and podcasts faster.avi
  49. │ │ 19-Lecture 29 Using URL shorteners to save timeMP4.avi
  50. │ │ 说明.txt
  51. │ │
  52. │ └─08.1-Suggested BetterTouchTool Gestures
  53. │ BetterTouchTool Gestures
  54. │ 说明.txt
  55. ├─04-Section 4 Speeding Up Health & Fitness
  56. │ 01-Lecture 30 Getting fit in fewer hours.avi
  57. │ 02-Lecture 31 Spend less time cooking.avi
  58. │ 03-Lecture 32 Sleeping less and feeling better.avi
  59. │ 说明.txt
  60. ├─05-Section 5 Automating your finances
  61. │ 01-Lecture 33 Monitoring your finances automatically.avi
  62. │ 02-Lecture 34 Paying bills automatically.avi
  63. │ 说明.txt
  64. ├─06-Section 6 Delegation, Communication, & Saying No
  65. │ 01-Lecture 35 Some things just aren't worth your time.avi
  66. │ 02-Lecture 36 Thoughts & tips on outsourcing.avi
  67. │ 03-MasterClass Bonus The Not To Do List Worksheetpdf.pdf
  68. │ 04-Lecture 37 Speeding up decisions.avi
  69. │ 05-Lecture 38 Speeding up communication.avi
  70. │ 06-Lecture 39 Splitting Time Into Maker and Manager Days.avi
  71. │ 说明.txt
  72. ├─07-Section 7 Conclusion
  73. │ 01-Lecture 40 Bonus Become a SuperLearner to learn, read, and memorize faster.avi
  74. │ 02-Lecture 41 What we've learned, conclusion, and congratulations.avi
  75. │ 说明.txt
  76. ├─08-MasterClass Bonuses Check Back Often for Updates & Additions!
  77. │ -An Interview with David Allen, Author of Getting Things Done (Extended Interview for MasterClass Only).mp3
  78. │ 01-Exclusive MasterClass Interview with Productivity Guru Chris Bailey.avi
  79. │ 03-Ep. 75 Jeff Sanders The 5AM Miracle & How to Dominate Your Day Before Breakfast.avi
  80. │ 04-Ep. 73- We Talk Productivity, Purpose, & Fear w_ Alli Worthington.avi
  81. │ 05-Ep. 31- Ari Meisel on Productivity, Healing, & How to Work Just 2 Days a Week.avi
  82. │ 06-Ep. 51- How to Reach Your Peak Potential & Be an Ultra High Performer with Coach Josh Felber.avi
  83. │ 07-Ep. 50- How To Be the Most Productive Person You Know w_ Chris Bailey.avi
  84. │ 08-Ep. 31- Ari Meisel on Productivity, Healing, & How to Work Just 2 Days a Week.avi
  85. │ 09-Ep. 29- Hal Elrod on Motivation, Morning Routines, & Going From Legally Dead to Ultra-Marathons.avi
  86. │ 10-Ep. 27- Productivity Guru Chris Bailey on What Works, What Doesn't, & Living Purposefully.avi
  87. │ 11-Ep. 23- Rory Vaden on Self Discipline, Procrastination, and Multiplying Your Time.avi
  88. │ 12-Ep. 18- Mitch Matthews on Goal Setting, Entrepreneurship, & How to Live Your Dream.avi
  89. │ 13-Ep. 11- Maneesh Sethi on Hacking Life, Habit Change, and Discovering Who You Are.avi
  90. │ 说明.txt
  91. └─09-Become a Speed Demon - Interactive Digital Book Set
  92. │ 01-Become a Speed Demon PDF Format (Great for PCs).pdf
  93. │ 02-BecomeaSpeedDemon-1456076857541.mobi
  94. │ 03-BecomeaSpeedDemon-1456079683554.epub
  95. │ 说明.txt
  96. └─04-Becomea Speed Demon Audiobook
  97. About The Author.mp3
  98. Chapter 1.mp3
  99. Chapter 10.mp3
  100. Chapter 11.mp3
  101. Chapter 12.mp3
  102. Chapter 13.mp3
  103. Chapter 14.mp3
  104. Chapter 15.mp3
  105. Chapter 16.mp3
  106. Chapter 17.mp3
  107. Chapter 18.mp3
  108. Chapter 19.mp3
  109. Chapter 2.mp3
  110. Chapter 20.mp3
  111. Chapter 21.mp3
  112. Chapter 22.mp3
  113. Chapter 23.mp3
  114. Chapter 24.mp3
  115. Chapter 25.mp3
  116. Chapter 26.mp3
  117. Chapter 27.mp3
  118. Chapter 28.mp3
  119. Chapter 29.mp3
  120. Chapter 3.mp3
  121. Chapter 30.mp3
  122. Chapter 31.mp3
  123. Chapter 32.mp3
  124. Chapter 33.mp3
  125. Chapter 34.mp3
  126. Chapter 35.mp3
  127. Chapter 36.mp3
  128. Chapter 4.mp3
  129. Chapter 5.mp3
  130. Chapter 6.mp3
  131. Chapter 7.mp3
  132. Chapter 8.mp3
  133. Chapter 9.mp3
  134. Close.mp3
  135. Foreward.mp3
  136. Opening.mp3
  137. Preface.mp3
  138. Save.mp3



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