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打造顾客快乐满意的企业必备技能:四招全掌握! - 外贸 - 富裕者联盟社区 - Affiliate营销圈





外贸 外贸 11138 人阅读 | 63 人回复 | 2023-10-16




Everyone building a happy customer-producing business needs to master four non-negotiable skills. We’ll unpack each one and explain how they work together to (dramatically) improve your results.
When you enroll in MMS, you get access to:

Art of Email (AoE)
Sphere of Influence (SOI)
The Traffic Engine (TTE)
and The Durable Business (TDB)
There’s no template — each MMS student will create their own unique puzzle pieces as it relates to their unique business. But they all have to fit together systemically to get results.

  • 教程编号:1104803531
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知
  • 文件大小:15.7G
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

  ├─01-Getting Started Masterclass
  │      01-Getting Started Masterclass.mp4
  │      01-Resources.pdf
  │      02-Getting Started Masterclass Q&A.mp4
  │      02-Transcript.txt
  ├─02-Systems Theory 101
  │      01-Systems Theory 101.pdf
  │      02-Art of Email Introduction.pdf
  │      03-Strategic Upstream Decisions - Emphasize Relationships Before Transactions.pdf
  │      04-Strategic Upstream Decisions - Customers are Created Before They Buy Anything.pdf
  │      05-Strategic Upstream Decisions - World Building.pdf
  │      06-Strategic Upstream Decisions - Permission Before Promotion.pdf
  │      07-Where to Start - A 10,000′ Roadmap for The System.pdf
  ├─03-Audience & Offer Masterclass
  │      00-Audience & Offer Masterclass Intro.pdf
  │      01-Audience & Offer Masterclass (Part I).pdf
  │      02a-Audience & Offer Masterclass (Part II).pdf
  │      02b-Customer Gains Trigger Questions (PDF).pdf
  │      02b-Customer Jobs Trigger Questions (PDF).pdf
  │      02b-Customer Pains Trigger Questions (PDF).pdf
  │      02b-Gain Creators Trigger Questions (PDF).pdf
  │      02b-Pain Relievers Trigger Questions (PDF).pdf
  │      02b-The Value Proposition Canvas (PDF).pdf
  │      02b-Value Proposition Design Overview (TTE).mkv
  ├─04-[CORE] Art of Email
  │  │  00a-The Art of Email Intro.pdf
  │  │  00b-Foreword.pdf
  │  │  
  │  │  
  │  ├─01-Module 1 - The Foundations of AoE
  │  │      01-Introduction.pdf
  │  │      02-Strategic Upstream Decisions - Emphasize Relationships Before Transactions.pdf
  │  │      03-Strategic Upstream Decisions - Customers are Created Before They Buy Anything.pdf
  │  │      04-Strategic Upstream Decisions - World Building.pdf
  │  │      05-Strategic Upstream Decisions - Permission Before Promotion.pdf
  │  │      06-Strategy + 10,000′ View.pdf
  │  │      07-How to Think About Writing.pdf
  │  │      08-The Nine-Dot Puzzle.pdf
  │  │      
  │  │      
  │  ├─02-Module 2
  │  │      01-Principles of Serialized Narratives.pdf
  │  │      02-Andrew Stanton - The clues to a great story.mkv
  │  │      02-How to truly MOVE your audience - Lisa Nichols.mkv
  │  │      02-Kevin Costner's Kindness Was Repaid - The Graham Norton Show.mkv
  │  │      
  │  │      
  │  ├─03-Module 3
  │  │      01-Soap Opera Series (SOS) Overview.mkv
  │  │      01-Soap Opera Series.pdf
  │  │      02-Mark Levy's Freewriting Tips for Innovators.mkv
  │  │      
  │  │      
  │  ├─04-Module 4
  │  │      01-Overview - Relationship Building Series (RBS).mkv
  │  │      01-Relationship Building Series (RBS).pdf
  │  │      
  │  │      
  │  ├─05-Module 5
  │  │      01-Overview - Value Newsletter (VNL).mkv
  │  │      01-Value Newsletter (VNL).pdf
  │  │      
  │  │      
  │  ├─06-Module 6
  │  │      01-Bridge Emails.pdf
  │  │      01-Overview - Bridge Emails.mkv
  │  │      
  │  │      
  │  ├─07-Module 7
  │  │      01-Overview - SPP.mkv
  │  │      01-Story-Powered Promotions (SPPs) — Part 1.pdf
  │  │      02a-Story-Powered Promotions (SPPs) — Part 2.pdf
  │  │      02b-AoE - SPP Basic.mkv
  │  │      02c-AoE - SPP Stack + VIP.mkv
  │  │      03-Story-Powered Promotions (SPPs) — Part 3.pdf
  │  │      
  │  │      
  │  ├─08-Module 8
  │  │      01-Overview - Product Launch Series (PLS).mkv
  │  │      01-Product Launch Series (PLS).pdf
  │  │      
  │  │      
  │  ├─09-Module 9
  │  │      01-Customer Onboarding Series (COS).pdf
  │  │      01-Overview - Customer Onboarding Series (COS).mkv
  │  │      
  │  │      
  │  ├─10-Module 10
  │  │      01-Putting it All Together.pdf
  │  │      
  │  │      
  │  └─11-Module 11
  │          01-Subscribing to the VNL (after an RBS or COS).pdf
  │          02-How To 'Mute' VNLs (when in SOSs or SSPs or PLSs).pdf
  │          03-Re-Engagement Series.pdf
  │          04-How To Use The 'VIP' Idea In Other Creative Ways.pdf
  ├─05-[CORE] Sphere of Influence
  │  │  00b-Prelude.pdf
  │  │  00c-SOI Prelude Feedback.mkv
  │  │  00d-The pyramid of belief.mkv
  │  │  
  │  │  
  │  ├─01-SOI Core Training
  │  │      01-Frank & Matt.pdf
  │  │      02-Chain of Beliefs Backstory.pdf
  │  │      03a-SOI Summary by Nathan Dye.pdf
  │  │      03b-Joe Sugarman - Genius Network Interviews.mp4
  │  │      03b-Summary of Chains Of Belief by Nathan Dye.mp4
  │  │      04-Defining Your Chain of Beliefs.pdf
  │  │      05a-Instilling Your Chain of Beliefs.pdf
  │  │      05b-Liminal thinking - The pyramid of belief.mp4
  │  │      05c-#9 Session - The Secret of Copy-Boarding (Part 1).mp4
  │  │      05d-#9 Session - The Secret of Copy-Boarding (Part 2).mp4
  │  │      06-The Logic Chain (Todd Brown).mp4
  │  │      06-The Logic Chain (Todd Brown).pdf
  │  │      07-Channeling Desire Through Beliefs (Rich Schefren).mp4
  │  │      07-Channeling Desire Through Beliefs (Rich Schefren).pdf
  │  │      08-The Art of Preselling.pdf
  │  │      09-Framework of a Presell.pdf
  │  │      10-Big Idea Template Example.docx
  │  │      10-NOT a Big Idea!.docx
  │  │      10-Ryan’s Big Idea Template.docx
  │  │      10-Secret To Unlocking Creativity.pdf
  │  │      10-The Big Idea (PDF).pdf
  │  │      10-What Makes a Big Idea (Appeal-O-Meter).docx
  │  │      10a-The Big Marketing Idea (The Hook).pdf
  │  │      10b-Session #2 - The Big Idea Template — Part 1.mp4
  │  │      10c-Session #2 - The Big Idea Template — Part 2.mp4
  │  │      10d-Session #4 - Technique For Producing Ideas — Part 1.mp4
  │  │      10e-Session #4 - Technique For Producing Ideas — Part 2.mp4
  │  │      11-Authority.pdf
  │  │      12a-Advanced Strategy of Preeminence.pdf
  │  │      12b-Advanced Preeminence.mp3
  │  │      12b-Advanced Preeminence.pdf
  │  │      13a-Context & Cognitive Reframing.pdf
  │  │      13b-Cognitive Reframing.mp4
  │  │      14-Commitment & Consistency.pdf
  │  │      15-Educational Content.pdf
  │  │      16-Primary Purpose of Presell Sites & Worlds.pdf
  │  │      17-The Flow of a Presell Site.pdf
  │  │      18-Presell World Structure (Part 1).pdf
  │  │      19-Presell World Structure (Part 2).pdf
  │  │      20-Experiences (Character Arcs).pdf
  │  │      21-Side Project Marketing.pdf
  │  │      22-Building Your Presell Site.pdf
  │  │      23a-Funnel Visualization & Tracking.pdf
  │  │      23b-How I Track My Whole Funnel With MixPanel.mp4
  │  │      23c-How to Install Mixpanel with Google Tag Manager.mp4
  │  │      23d-Quick Look at Using Funnels.mp4
  │  │      
  │  │      
  │  ├─02-Bonus Module - Paid Traffic
  │  │      01-Foreword by André - Introducing Shawn Twing.pdf
  │  │      02-The Big Picture.pdf
  │  │      03a-Fish Where the Fish Are.pdf
  │  │      03b-The paradox of choice - Barry Schwartz.mp4
  │  │      04-Give ‘Em What They Want (And Get What You Want).pdf
  │  │      05-The Problem-Solution Mindset (Advertising on Google Ads).pdf
  │  │      06-The Info-Tainment Mindset (Advertising on Facebook).pdf
  │  │      07-The Secret Sauce - Behaviorally-Based Retargeting.pdf
  │  │      08-Measuring Results.pdf
  │  │      09-Optimizing and Scaling.pdf
  │  │      10-Paid Traffic Q&A Call Audio.mp3
  │  │      10-Paid Traffic Q&A Call.mp4
  │  │      
  │  │      
  │  └─03-Bonus Module - Organic Traffic
  │          01-Organic Traffic for SOI.pdf
  │          02-Tactical Thinker vs Strategic Thinker.mp3
  ├─06-[CORE] The Traffic Engine
  │      00-TTE Road Map.pdf
  │      01-Module 0 — The 30,000′ View.pdf
  │      02-Module 1 — Understanding Current Reality (Part 1).pdf
  │      03-Module 1 — Understanding Current Reality (Part 2).pdf
  │      04-Module 2 — Paid Traffic Principles.pdf
  │      05-Audience and Offer Masterclass (Part I).pdf
  │      06-Full Transcript.txt
  │      06-Q&A Call 1 (Modules 0-2).webm
  │      06-Questions & Answers.txt
  │      07a-Module 3 — Getting Started with Google Ads (Search) — Creating a Campaign.pdf
  │      07b-AdWords Auction - How Keyword Bidding Works.mp4
  │      07c-Google Ads Keyword List Tutorial.mp4
  │      08a-Audience and Offer Masterclass (Part II).pdf
  │      08b-Value Proposition Design Overview.mp4
  │      09a-Module 4 — Google Ads (Search) - Metrics and Performance.pdf
  │      09b-Module 4 with Shawn Twing.mp4
  │      10-Q&A Call 2 (Modules 3-4).webm
  │      10-Questions & Answers.txt
  │      10-Transcript.txt
  │      11-Module 5 — Getting Started With FB - Creating a Campaign (Part I).pdf
  │      12-Module 5 — Getting Started With FB - Creating a Campaign (Part II).pdf
  │      13-Q&A Call 3 (Module 5).webm
  │      13-Questions & Answers.txt
  │      13-Transcript.txt
  │      14-Module 6 — Facebook - Metrics and Performance.pdf
  │      15-Module 6.5 — Facebook Offer & Messaging Testing Framework.pdf
  │      16-Module 7 - Retargeting — Google Display Network + FB (Part I).pdf
  │      17-Q&A Call 4.webm
  │      17-Questions & Answers.txt
  │      17-Transcript.txt
  │      18-Module 7 - Retargeting — Google Display Network + FB (Part II).pdf
  │      19-Q&A Call 5.webm
  │      19-Questions & Answers.txt
  │      19-Transcript.txt
  │      20-Module 8 — Ongoing Optimization & Scale.mp4
  │      21-Q&A Call 1 (Cohort 2).mp3
  │      21-Transcript.txt
  │      22-Missing Chapter - Optimize for Buying, Not Tracking.pdf
  │      23-Interview with Loren (Dec 10, 2020).mp3
  │      24a-Client-Services Module 1 - Strategies for Finding & Working with Paid Traffic Clients.pdf
  │      24b-Simplify Your Time, Effort, And Teamwork.mp4
  │      24c-Dan Sullivan Unique Ability - Genius Network Interviews.mp4
  │      25-Client-Services Module 2 - Common Problems & Solutions.pdf
  │      26-Q&A Call 1 (Modules 1-2).webm
  │      26-Questions & Answers.txt
  │      26-Transcript.txt
  │      27-Client-Services Module 3 - Getting Results for Clients Using The Traffic Engine.pdf
  │      28-Q&A Call 2.webm
  │      28-Questions & Answers.txt
  │      28-Transcript.txt
  ├─07-[CORE] The Durable Business
  │      00-The Durable Business.pdf
  │      01-TDB - Introduction.mp3
  │      01-TDB - Introduction.pdf
  │      02-Discover, Part I - Experience, Expertise, and Audience.mp3
  │      02-Discover, Part I - Experience, Expertise, and Audience.pdf
  │      03-Discover, Part II - Research and Immersion.mp3
  │      03-Discover, Part II - Research and Immersion.pdf
  │      04a-Discover, Part III - Questions Framework.pdf
  │      04b-Want Your Startup to Succeed - 'Get Out of the Building'.mp4
  │      05-Project X - Part I.mp3
  │      05-Project X - Part I.pdf
  │      06-Validate, Part I.mp3
  │      06-Validate, Part I.pdf
  │      07-Validate Part II (Messaging & Writing Framework).mp3
  │      07-Validate Part II (Messaging & Writing Framework).pdf
  │      08-Validate, Part III (Build Experiment).mp3
  │      08-Validate, Part III (Build Experiment).pdf
  │      09-Build, Part I (Minimum Viable Infrastructure).mp3
  │      09-Build, Part I (Minimum Viable Infrastructure).pdf
  │      10-Validate, Part IV (FB Testing Traffic Framework).mp3
  │      10-Validate, Part IV (FB Testing Traffic Framework).pdf
  ├─08-Art of Email (Live Workshop)
  │      01-Week 1.mkv
  │      02-Q&A Call 1.mp4
  │      02-Transcript.txt
  │      03-Transcript.txt
  │      03-Week 2.mp3
  │      04-Q&A Call 2.mp4
  │      04-Transcript.txt
  │      05-Week 3.mp3
  │      06-RBS Review (Robin Harford).docx
  │      06-Review of student RBS.mp4
  │      06-Transcript.txt
  │      07-Q&A Call 3.mp4
  │      07-Transcript.txt
  │      07-Workshop Questions - Week 3.docx
  │      08-Transcript.txt
  │      08-Week 4.mp3
  │      09-Review of student SOS.mp4
  │      09-SOS Review (Julie Angel).docx
  │      09-Transcript.txt
  │      10-Q&A Call 4.mp4
  │      10-Transcript.txt
  │      10-Workshop Questions - Week 4.docx
  │      11-Transcript.txt
  │      11-Week 5.mp3
  │      12-November Masterclass - Dating (Khara for Anna) .docx
  │      12-Review of student Bridge Email series.mp4
  │      12-Transcript.txt
  └─09-Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition)
          00-Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).pdf
          01-Pre-Work - Thematic Arcs (Themes).mp3
          01-Pre-Work - Thematic Arcs (Themes).pdf
          02a-Overview, Strategy, Themes.pdf
          02b-Overview, Strategy, Themes.mp3
          02c-Overview, Strategy, Themes.mkv
          03-Facebook Ad.mp3
          03a-Facebook Ad.pdf
          03b-Facebook Ad.mp4
          03c-Review of the work.mp3
          04a-Landing Page.mp3
          04a-Landing Page.pdf
          04b-Unscripted Audio Narration.mp3
          04c-Lesson 4 Feedback.mp3
          05a-Relationship-Building Emails.mp3
          05a-Relationship-Building Emails.mp4
          05a-Relationship-Building Emails.pdf
          05b-The Transformative Power of Classical Music.mp4
          05c-Unscripted Audio Narration.mp3
          05d-Lesson 5 Feedback.mp3
          05e-Coen van Broekhoven.docx
          06a-Promotional Emails.mp3
          06a-Promotional Emails.pdf
          06b-Unscripted Audio Narration.mp3
          06c-Brian Shelton (Lesson 6).docx
          06c-Lesson 6 Feedback.mp3
          07-Q&A Call Recording.mp3
          08a-Bonus Chapter - The Secret Sauce.mp3
          08a-Bonus Chapter - The Secret Sauce.pdf
          08b-The Architect & The Gardener.mp4
          09-Bonus - Q&A Call Recording #2.mp3



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