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Media Buyer学院:价值百万美元的 Media Buyer 团队的精确训练课程,利用Fa - 社交营销 - 富裕者联盟社区 - Affiliate营销圈



Media Buyer学院:价值百万美元的 Media Buyer 团队的精确训练课程,利用Fa


社交营销 社交营销 12423 人阅读 | 65 人回复 | 2023-10-16

偷走我用来建立高绩效的七位数的 Media Buyer 团队的精确训练。

偷走我用来建立高绩效的七位数的 Media Buyer 团队的精确训练。


无论您是要培训第一个 Media Buyer 还是第30个,这都是市场上最好的培训,来自一个“已经有经验”的人。


Steal the exact trainings I used to build a team of high performing 7 figure media buyers.
They are the foundation of my 9 figure eCom empire I’ve built over the past five years.
Whether you’re looking to train your first media buyer or your 30th…this is the best possible training on the market from someone who’s “been there, done that.”
Countless hacks & tactics to improve your Facebook ad performance and lower your CPA.

  • 教程编号:1523350173
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知
  • 文件大小:10GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码
  1. │ └─7 Figure Media Buyer Academy
  2. │ ├─Module 1 - 7 Figure Media Buyer In The Making
  3. │ │ ├─Lesson 1 - Foundations – How to Find a Perfect Media Buyer for Yourself
  4. │ │ │ How_to_Hire_a_Great_Media_Buyer.docx
  5. │ │ │ Lesson 1. Foundations – How to Find a Perfect Media.mkv
  6. │ │ │ Test_Task_Media_Buyer.xlsx
  7. │ │ │
  8. │ │ ├─Lesson 2 - Day 1 - Facebook Ads Manager
  9. │ │ │ Lesson 2. Day 1 - Facebook Ads Manager [imjmj.com].mkv
  10. │ │ │ Lesson_2._Day_1_TASKS.docx
  11. │ │ │ PERFECT_Ads_Manager_Layout.docx
  12. │ │ │
  13. │ │ ├─Lesson 3 - Day 2 - Interest Testing – 3 Best Strategies to Utilize for Interest Targeting
  14. │ │ │ Lesson_3._Day_2_TASKS.docx
  15. │ │ │
  16. │ │ ├─Lesson 4 - Part 1. Day 3 – FULL Ads Creation Setup – How to Make ads that SELL
  17. │ │ │ How_to_Make_Creatives_that_SELL.docx
  18. │ │ │ Lesson_4._Day_3_TASKS.docx
  19. │ │ │ UGC_Cheatsheet.docx
  20. │ │ │
  21. │ │ ├─Lesson 4 - Part 2. Day 4 – FULL Ads Creation Setup – Make Ads that SELL by Yourself
  22. │ │ │ How_to_Make_Creatives_that_SELL.docx
  23. │ │ │ Lesson_4._Day_3_TASKS.docx
  24. │ │ │ UGC_Cheatsheet.docx
  25. │ │ │
  26. │ │ ├─Lesson 5 - Part 1. Day 5 – Expert LLA Creation Framework – What LLAs to Use and HOW to Make them
  27. │ │ │ Lesson_5._Day_5_TASKS.docx
  28. │ │ │
  29. │ │ ├─Lesson 5 - Part 2. Day 6 – Expert LLA Utilization Framework
  30. │ │ │ Advanced_LLA_Creation_Cheatsheet.docx
  31. │ │ │ Lesson 5 Part 2. Day 6 – Expert LLA Utilization Framework.mkv
  32. │ │ │ Lesson_5._Day_5_TASKS.docx
  33. │ │ │
  34. │ │ ├─Lesson 6 - Day 7 – The Ultimate RETARGETING Formula
  35. │ │ │ Lesson 6. Day 7 – The Ultimate RETARGETING Formula [imjmj.com].mkv
  36. │ │ │ Lesson_6._Day_7_TASKS.docx
  37. │ │ │ Ultimate_Retargeting_Cheatsheet.docx
  38. │ │ │
  39. │ │ ├─Lesson 7 - Day 8 – The CBO Blueprint Short Version
  40. │ │ │ CBO_PRO_Testing_Cheatsheet.docx
  41. │ │ │ Lesson 7. Day 8 – The CBO Blueprint Short Version [imjmj.com].mkv
  42. │ │ │ Lesson_7._Day_8_TASKS.docx
  43. │ │ │
  44. │ │ └─Lesson 8 - Day 9 – Optimization and Scaling
  45. │ │ Fb_Ads_Scaling_Cheatsheet_-_REAL_Case_Study.docx
  46. │ │ Lesson 8. Day 9 – Optimization and Scaling [imjmj.com].mkv
  47. │ │ Lesson_8._Day_9_TASKS.docx
  48. │ │ Optimization_Cheatsheet.docx
  49. │ │
  50. │ ├─Module 2 - Entrepreneurial Mindset Shift Paradigm
  51. │ │ Hyper_Profit_Maximization_SOP.docx
  52. │ │ Lesson 10. –Facing the Ultimate Enemy.mp4
  53. │ │ Lesson 9. My Story – How a Ukrainian Freelancer Became a 9-Figure Businessman.mp4
  54. │ │ Lesson11.–Seeing the FULL Picture.mp4
  55. │ │ Lesson12. – Entrepreneurial Health Hacks.mp4
  56. │ │ Lesson13. – Building With The ENDING In Mind.mp4
  57. │ │ Lesson14. – Radical Openmindness.mp4
  58. │ │ Lesson15. – Exploiting the WOP [imjmj.com].mkv
  59. │ │ Lesson16. – Business vs. Gig [imjmj.com].mkv
  60. │ │ Lesson17.– The Truth About Scale [imjmj.com].mkv
  61. │ │ Lesson18 – Profit-Hyper Optimization Framework [imjmj.com].mkv
  62. │ │
  63. │ ├─Module 3 - Facebook Troubleshooting Guide
  64. │ │ ├─Lesson 19. – Have Your BM and Ads Account SAFE
  65. │ │ │ Lesson 19. – Have Your BM and Ads Account SAFE [imjmj.com].mkv
  66. │ │ │ Ultimate_Account_Safety_Cheat_Sheet_v1.pdf
  67. │ │ │
  68. │ │ ├─Lesson 20. –Sourcing Pages with NO Feedback Score
  69. │ │ │ Creating_a_PAGE_with_NO_FEEDBACK_SCORE.pdf
  70. │ │ │ Lesson 20. –Sourcing Pages with NO Feedback Score [imjmj.com].mkv
  71. │ │ │
  72. │ │ ├─Lesson 21.–Planning Cashflow
  73. │ │ │ Lesson 21.–Planning Cashflow [imjmj.com].mkv
  74. │ │ │
  75. │ │ ├─Lesson 22. – Getting Extra Suppliers
  76. │ │ │ Lesson 22. – Getting Extra Suppliers [imjmj.com].mkv
  77. │ │ │ Supplier.txt
  78. │ │ │
  79. │ │ └─Lesson 23. – Sourcing UGC
  80. │ │ Lesson 23. – Sourcing UGC [imjmj.com].mkv
  81. │ │ UGC_Cheatsheet.docx
  82. │ │
  83. │ ├─Module 4 - Bonus - Choose YOUR Online Sales Funnel
  84. │ │ Lesson 24. – Standard eCom Sales Funnel (Front-End Profit) [imjmj.com].mkv
  85. │ │ Lesson 25. –Free+Shipping (Invest to Grow Fast) [imjmj.com].mkv
  86. │ │ Lesson 26.–Subscription (Build a SUSTAINABLE Revenue Stream) [imjmj.com].mkv
  87. │ │ Lesson 27. – Automated Webinar (Don’t Deal with Shipping_Inventory_Suppliers) [imjmj.com].mkv
  88. │ │ Lesson 28. – High-End Product Sale (Blow Your Margins to the Skies) [imjmj.com].mkv
  89. │ │
  90. │ └─Module 5 - IOS 14 Solution With Shopify UTM
  91. │ ├─1. Multi-Pixel & Google Analytics Overview
  92. │ │ 1. Multi-Pixel & Google Analytics Overview [imjmj.com].mkv
  93. │ │ Facebook Ads Tracking - IOS 14 (Multi Pixel & GA).docx
  94. │ │ How To Set Up Google Analytics For Facebook Tracking.docx
  95. │ │ How To Solve IOS 14 Tracking Issues With Zapier.docx
  96. │ │
  97. │ ├─2. How To Connect Google Analytics To Shopify (Step By Step)
  98. │ │ How To Connect Google Analytics To Shopify (Step By Step).mkv
  99. │ │
  100. │ ├─3. Managing Your Ads With Shopify UTM
  101. │ │ Copy of ROAS_CPA calculator.xlsx
  102. │ │ Managing Your Ads With Shopify UTM [imjmj.com].mkv
  103. │ │ Shopify Analytics UTM Overview.docx
  104. │ │
  105. │ ├─4. Managing Your Ads With Google Analytics
  106. │ │ Managing Your Ads With Google Analytics [imjmj.com].mkv
  107. │ │
  108. │ └─5. SuperMetrics & Hyros
  109. │ SuperMetrics & Hyros [imjmj.com].mkv



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