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打造稳健商业:从零开始,构筑长久资产! - 网络营销 - 富裕者联盟社区 - Affiliate营销圈





网络营销 网络营销 9130 人阅读 | 57 人回复 | 2023-10-23





The Durable Business Course is a comprehensive training program based on timeless principles for building a long-term business asset.
TDB provides a framework for growing a business from $0 to $100,000 in revenue, demonstrated by creating a brand new online side-business from scratch.
The course embraces the challenge of starting from zero and focuses on a high-level framework inspired by Jim Collins’ flywheel concept, which has driven Amazon’s success.
The course content will primarily consist of text-based materials, with audio and video elements used when appropriate.
Enrolling in The Durable Business Course offers an opportunity to execute and build a new business in real-time, ultimately generating revenue.

  • 教程编号:0165884513
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知
  • 文件大小:4.66GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

─The Durable Business Course
  ├─01 - The Durable Business
  │  ├─Main Course
  │  │  │  1. The Durable Business.pdf
  │  │  │  10a. Build, Part I _ TDB.pdf
  │  │  │  10b Build, Part I . TDB.mp3
  │  │  │  11a. Validate, Part IV . TDB.mp3
  │  │  │  11b . Validate, Part IV _ TDB.pdf
  │  │  │  2. Introduction _ TDB.pdf
  │  │  │  2a. Introduction . TDB.mp3
  │  │  │  3. Discover, Part I_ Experience, Expertise, and Audience _ TDB.pdf
  │  │  │  3a Discover, Part I- Experience, Expertise, and Audience . TDB.mp3
  │  │  │  4. Discover, Part II_ Research and Immersion _ TDB.pdf
  │  │  │  4a. Discover, Part II- Research and Immersion . TDB.mp3
  │  │  │  4a. Discover, Part II- Research and Immersion . TDB.pdf
  │  │  │  4b. Value Proposition Design Overview (TTE) .mkv
  │  │  │  5. Discover, Part III_ Questions Framework _ TDB.pdf
  │  │  │  5a. Steve Blank- Want Your Startup to Succeed. 'Get Out of the Building' . Inc. Magazine.mkv
  │  │  │  6. Project X_ Part I _ TDB.pdf
  │  │  │  6a. Project X- Part I . TDB.mp3
  │  │  │  7. Validate, Part I _ TDB.pdf
  │  │  │  7a Validate, Part I . TDB -  - 2021-02-22 12-57-58.mp3
  │  │  │  7a Validate, Part I . TDB.mp3
  │  │  │  8. Validate, Part II _ TDB.pdf
  │  │  │  8a Validate, Part II . TDB.mp3
  │  │  │  9a. Validate, Part III _ TDB.pdf
  │  │  │  
  │  │  └─Updated With Comments PDF Only
  │  │          1. The Durable Business.pdf
  │  │          10. Build, Part I _ TDB.pdf
  │  │          11. Validate, Part IV _ TDB.pdf
  │  │          2. Introduction _ TDB.pdf
  │  │          3. Discover, Part I_ Experience, Expertise, and Audience _ TDB.pdf
  │  │          4. Discover, Part II_ Research and Immersion _ TDB.pdf
  │  │          5. Discover, Part III_ Questions Framework _ TDB.pdf
  │  │          6. Project X_ Part I _ TDB.pdf
  │  │          7. Validate, Part I _ TDB.pdf
  │  │          8. Validate, Part II _ TDB.pdf
  │  │          9. Validate, Part III _ TDB.pdf
  │  │          
  │  └─TLC
  │      ├─Lean Business for Creators
  │      │  │  DS_Store
  │      │  │  Index.pdf
  │      │  │  
  │      │  └─Prerequisites
  │      │      │  DS_Store
  │      │      │  This Is Marketing - Seth Godin.epub
  │      │      │  
  │      │      ├─Company of One by Paul Jarvis
  │      │      │      Company of One by Paul Jarvis.epub
  │      │      │      
  │      │      └─This Is Marketing (Audiobook)
  │      │              This Is Marketing-Part01.mp3
  │      │              This Is Marketing-Part02.mp3
  │      │              This Is Marketing-Part03.mp3
  │      │              This Is Marketing-Part04.mp3
  │      │              This Is Marketing-Part05.mp3
  │      │              This Is Marketing-Part06.mp3
  │      │              This Is Marketing-Part07.mp3
  │      │              
  │      ├─Lean Business for Creators - Volume 1 Pilot Release
  │      │  │  10.Pick a Niche (To Attract & Serve an Audience) _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  11. Smallest Viable Audience (SVA) _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  12. Passion vs 'Love What You Do' _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  14. Worldviews _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  15. Personas _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  16. Love the Problem (Not the Solution) _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  17. Jobs To Be Done & Customer Forces Canvas _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  18. But I'm Not An Expert _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  19. Case Study (Wire Wrapping Jewelry) _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  2. Prerequisite Work _ LBC (Vol 1).pdf
  │      │  │  20. Additional Resources (Documentary) _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  21. Reading List (for creators and serving the small) _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  22. Monetization Models - Tiny Little Businesses (TLB) _ by André & Anita Chaperon.pdf
  │      │  │  24. Patreon _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  25. Patreon Membership Based Business Models _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  26. Patreon Creator Stories & Resources _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  28. Paid Email Newsletter - Tiny Little Businesses (TLB) _ by André & Anita Chaperon.pdf
  │      │  │  3. Welcome to LBC (Volume 1) _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  30. SVA Tiers - Tiny Little Businesses (TLB) _ by André & Anita Chaperon.pdf
  │      │  │  31. Hybrid - Tiny Little Businesses (TLB) _ by André & Anita Chaperon.pdf
  │      │  │  32. Build a Lean Happy Customer Engine _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  33. Site Layout _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  34. Lean Tech Stack _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  35. Lean MPPS (Multi-Page Presell Site) _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  36. Lead Magnet 3.0 _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  37. Andre's StoryPath Framework _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  38. Mapping The StoryPath Framework To Your MPPS _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  39. Build a Lean Email Series (SOS) _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  4. Unique Mix _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  40. Framework of a SOS - Tiny Little Businesses (TLB) _ by André & Anita Chaperon.pdf
  │      │  │  41. Email Length _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  42. The _Soap Opera_ Part _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  43. Tension _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  44. Email Automation Workflow - Tiny Little Businesses (TLB) _ by André & Anita Chaperon.pdf
  │      │  │  46. Lean FB Advertising_ Tech Setup _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  47. Mental Setup _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  48. Customer Forces Targeting _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  49. Detailed Targeting & Interest Layering _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  5. Slow Down _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  50. Long-Form Paid Ad Examples _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  51. Creating Your Ad _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  52. Organic _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  53. Add-On Pages _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  54. Content Marketing Strategy _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  55. Ranking Signals _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  56. Promoting Your Content (Outreach Strategies) _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  57. How To Write and Deliver _Magic_ _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  58. Tools & Resources _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  59. Article Examples _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  6. Figure It Out Mentality (REQUIREMENT) _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  7. The _Lean Business for Creators_ Business Model _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  9. Constraints & Personal Philosophy _ LBC (Vol 1) Pilot Edition by André.pdf
  │      │  │  Lean Business for Creators (Volume 1) PILOT _ by André Chaperon.pdf
  │      │  │  
  │      │  └─Videos
  │      │          533 The School of Greatness Dr Michael Gervais.mp3
  │      │          Covert Hypnosis - Captivation w Nested Loops - Kevin Hogan.webm
  │      │          getfvid_10000000_255502922028879_3977415034154262505_n _更新新课_Imjmj.Com_.mkv
  │      │          Love the Problem _ INDUSTRY_ The Product Conference 2018 _更新新课_Imjmj.Com_.mkv
  │      │          One of the Greatest Speeches Ever _ Jeff Bezos _更新新课_Imjmj.Com_.mkv
  │      │          Patreon call with Joanna Penn (30.01.19) _更新新课_Imjmj.Com_.mkv
  │      │          Patreon call with Joanna Penn (30.01.19).srt
  │      │          Stop searching for your passion _ Terri Trespicio _ TEDxKC _更新新课_Imjmj.Com_.mkv
  │      │          The Cake Server _ Joseph's Most Complex Machine Ever _更新新课_Imjmj.Com_.mkv
  │      │          The Third Industrial Revolution_ A Radical New Sharing Economy _更新新课_Imjmj.Com_.mkv
  │      │          WIRE WRAP TUTORIAL Swirling Ear Cuff _更新新课_Imjmj.Com_.mkv
  │      │          Worlds Most Expensive Christmas _更新新课_Imjmj.Com_.mkv
  │      │          Your Job is to Make Art - Seth Godin at ConvertKit Craft _更新新课_Imjmj.Com_.mkv
  │      │          
  │      └─Tiny Asset Engine - TAE
  │              1. Framework _ Tiny Asset Engines.pdf
  │              2. Level 8+ Product _ Tiny Asset Engines.pdf
  │              3. High-Value Bonus _ Tiny Asset Engines.pdf
  │              4. Promotion _ Tiny Asset Engines.pdf
  │              5. Build a TAE _ Tiny Asset Engines.pdf
  │              6. The Backend _ Tiny Asset Engines.pdf
  │              7. Epilogue - Tiny Little Businesses (TLB) _ by André & Anita Chaperon.pdf
  │              Tiny Asset Engine (TAE) _ by André Chaperon.pdf
  └─02 - Momentum Builder Workshop
      │  1. Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition) _ André & Shawn.pdf
      │  2. Week 0 _ Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).pdf
      │  3. Week 1 _ Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).pdf
      │  3a Week 1 .mkv
      │  4a. Week 2 _ Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).pdf
      │  4b. Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition)- Week 2 - Facebook Ad .mkv
      │  4c. Week 2 . Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).mp3
      │  5a. Week 3 _ Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).pdf
      │  5b. MBW-W3-260321_oikna.mp3
      │  5b. Week 3 . Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).mp3
      │  5c. Week 3 . Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition) -  - 2021-04-09 21-02-52.mp3
      │  6a. Week 4 _ Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).pdf
      │  6b Week 4 . Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).mp3
      │  7a. Week 5 _ Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).pdf
      │  7b. Week 5 . Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).mp3
      │  7b2. Week 5 . Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition) -  - 2021-04-28 16-46-02.mp3
      │  7c. Week 6_ Q&A Call _ Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).pdf
      │  7d. Week 6- Q&A Call . Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).mp3
      │  8a. Bonus Chapter _ Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).pdf
      │  8b. YouTube Link.txt
      │  8c. The Architect and the Gardener- George R. R. Martin on Writing Game of Thrones .mkv
      ├─01- Update - 22nd, April
      │      1. Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition) _ André & Shawn.pdf
      │      2. Week 0 _ Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).pdf
      │      3. Week 1 _ Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).pdf
      │      3a Week 1 .mkv
      │      4a. Week 2 _ Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).pdf
      │      4b. Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition)- Week 2 - Facebook Ad .mkv
      │      4c. Week 2 . Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).mp3
      │      5a. Week 3 _ Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).pdf
      │      5b. Week 3 . Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).mp3
      │      5c. Week 3 . Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition) -  - 2021-04-09 21-02-52.mp3
      │      6a. Week 4 _ Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).pdf
      │      6b Week 4 . Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).mp3
      │      7a. Week 5 _ Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).pdf
      │      7b. Week 5 . Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).mp3
      ├─02- Update - 23rd of April
      │      8a. Bonus Chapter _ Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).pdf
      │      8b. YouTube Link.txt
      └─Downloadable Files Weekly (13th May Updated)
          │      The Architect and the Gardener- George R. R. Martin on Writing Game of Thrones.srt
          ├─Week 1
          │      Week 1 _更新新课_Imjmj.Com_.mkv
          ├─Week 2
          │      Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition)- Week 2 - Facebook Ad _更新新课_Imjmj.Com_.mkv
          │      Week 2 . Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).mp3
          ├─Week 3
          │      Week 3 . Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition) -  - 2021-05-13 14-28-29.mp3
          │      Week 3 . Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).mp3
          ├─Week 4
          │      Week 4 . Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition) -  - 2021-05-13 14-29-11.mp3
          │      Week 4 . Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).mp3
          ├─Week 5
          │      Week 5 . Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition) -  - 2021-05-13 14-29-47.mp3
          │      Week 5 . Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).mp3
          └─Week 6
                  Week 6- Q&A Call . Momentum Builder Workshop (Lean Edition).mp3



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