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爆款YouTube频道加速器:零基础打造月入百万的秘密! - 网络营销 - 富裕者联盟社区 - Affiliate营销圈





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最大化频道增长和利润的5大支柱 – 即使你从零开始。

In the Profitable YouTube Channel Accelerator you’ll learn the exact strategies that allowed me to build a YouTube Business around my passions that consistently generates $10K-$20K per month in pure profit.

Learn how to build a Profitable YouTube Channel in your spare time.
How to create 7 different streams of income from just one YouTube Channel.
Replace your income & turn your passion into profits by filming videos you actually enjoy creating.
The step-by-step “Snowball Effect” to create compounding organic YouTube Channel Growth.
The shortcut to hyper-scaling your Channels Growth using simple $5-10/day YouTube Ads.
The 5 pillars to maximize your Channels Growth & Profit – even if you’re starting from scratch.

  • 教程编号:0941244924
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知
  • 文件大小:8.02GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  └─Profitable YouTube Channel Accelerator
│      ├─01. Introduction
│      │  │  01. Get Ready to Grow a Profitable YouTube Channel..mp4
│      │  │  02. The Entrepreneurial Success Mindset..mp4
│      │  │  03. New AdOutreach Referral Program..mp4
│      │  │  
│      │  └─Resources
│      │          04. Recommended Resources.pdf
│      │          
│      ├─02. Creating Your Profitable Channel
│      │  │  01. Introduction to Your Profitable YouTube Channel Strategy..mp4
│      │  │  02. Creating Your Profitable YouTube Channel Subscriber Avatar (Worksheet)..mp4
│      │  │  03. Filling out YouTube Channel Subscriber Avatar..mp4
│      │  │  04. Map out your 90-Day Content Plan (Worksheet)..mp4
│      │  │  05. Creating a 90-Day Content Plan.mp4
│      │  │  06. How to Execute on your 90-Day Content Plan (Next Steps).mp4
│      │  │  
│      │  └─Resources
│      │          02. YouTube Channel Subscriber Avatar - AdOutreach.docx
│      │          02. YouTube Channel Subscriber Avatar - AdOutreach.pdf
│      │          02. YouTube_Channel_Subscriber_Avatar_-_AdOutreach.docx
│      │          04. 90 Day YouTube Content Plan - AdOutreach.docx
│      │          04. 90 Day YouTube Content Plan - AdOutreach.pdf
│      │          
│      ├─03. Building Your Channel & Publishing Videos
│      │  ├─01. Setting up your YouTube Channel for Success
│      │  │      01. How to Create _ Set Up Your YouTube Channel.mp4
│      │  │      02. YouTube Channel Branding (Name, Banner, Logos, etc.).mp4
│      │  │      
│      │  └─02. Optimal YouTube Video Publishing
│      │      │  01. Introduction to Publishing Your Videos.mp4
│      │      │  02. Writing the Perfect YouTube Titles.mp4
│      │      │  03. How to Write YouTube Descriptions.mp4
│      │      │  04. Irresistible YouTube Thumbnails.mp4
│      │      │  05. YouTube Settings _ Quick Warning.mp4
│      │      │  06. Tagging YouTube Videos - Keyword Research.mp4
│      │      │  07. Other Recommended YouTube Video Settings.mp4
│      │      │  08. Maximize Profit with Optimal YouTube Monetization Settings.mp4
│      │      │  09. Cross-Promoting Videos with End Screens _ Cards.mp4
│      │      │  10. Publish your Video!.mp4
│      │      │  Introduction Video .mp4
│      │      │  
│      │      └─Resources
│      │              02. Writing the Perfect YouTube Titles.txt
│      │              02. YouTube Title Cheat Sheet - AdOutreach.docx
│      │              02. YouTube Title Cheat Sheet - AdOutreach.pdf
│      │              03. How to Write YouTube Descriptions.txt
│      │              04. Irresistible YouTube Thumbnails.txt
│      │              05. YouTube Settings _ Quick Warning.txt
│      │              06. Tagging YouTube Videos - Keyword Research.txt
│      │              07. Other Recommended YouTube Video Settings.txt
│      │              10. Publish your Video!.txt
│      │              
│      ├─04. Organic Growth Strategies
│      │  ├─01. Organic Growth Strategies
│      │  │  │  01. Introduction to Organic Growth Strategies for YouTube.mp4
│      │  │  │  02. Cross-Posting to Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIN, Reddit etc.).mp4
│      │  │  │  03. Focus on Deep Keyword Research _ Tagging.mp4
│      │  │  │  04. YouTube Video Publishing Schedule _ Timing.mp4
│      │  │  │  05. How to Spot _ Capitalize on Trends for Viral Content.mp4
│      │  │  │  Introduction to Youtube.mp4
│      │  │  │  
│      │  │  └─Resources
│      │  │          03. Focus on Deep Keyword Research _ Tagging.txt
│      │  │          
│      │  ├─02. Advanced Organic Growth Strategies
│      │  │      01. Giveaways to Spur Growth.mp4
│      │  │      02. Collaboration Videos.mp4
│      │  │      03. The Email List Strategy.mp4
│      │  │      04. Video Recycle _ Grow Strategy.mp4
│      │  │      
│      │  ├─03. How to Analyze Channel _ Video Analytics
│      │  │      01. Spot High Performing Videos _ Replicate.mp4
│      │  │      02. How to Spot Channel Trends.mp4
│      │  │      03. Discover Opportunities from Analytics.mp4
│      │  │      04. YouTube Retention _ Watch Time Analysis.mp4
│      │  │      
│      │  └─04. Recommended Organic Growth Tools
│      │      │  01. How to use KeywordSearch.com.mp4
│      │      │  02. How to use VidIQ.mp4
│      │      │  
│      │      └─Resources
│      │              01. How to use KeywordSearch.com.txt
│      │              02. How to use VidIQ.txt
│      │              
│      ├─05. Maximizing Profitability
│      │  ├─01. Optimizing YouTube Ad Revenue Income
│      │  │      01. How to Optimize YouTube Profitability - 7 Income Streams.mp4
│      │  │      02. Maximize Profit with Optimal YouTube Monetization Settings.mp4
│      │  │      03. Prioritize Long-Term _ Viral Content for Ad Revenue.mp4
│      │  │      04. Video Recycle _ Grow Strategy.mp4
│      │  │      
│      │  ├─02. Maximize Sponsorship Income
│      │  │  │  01. Creating Your YouTube Channel RateCard (Worksheet).mp4
│      │  │  │  02. How to Optimize your Channel to get Sponsors.mp4
│      │  │  │  03. The Simple Sponsorship Email Reply Template.mp4
│      │  │  │  04. In-Depth Replying to Inbound Sponsorship Requests  Emails.mp4
│      │  │  │  05. Applying for Sponsorships on Sponsorship Sites.mp4
│      │  │  │  
│      │  │  └─Resources
│      │  │          01. Sponsorship RateCard - AdOutreach Template V1.docx
│      │  │          01. Sponsorship RateCard - AdOutreach Template V2.docx
│      │  │          03. Email Sponsorship Reply Template - AdOutreach.docx
│      │  │          
│      │  ├─03. Building your Email List
│      │  │      01. How to Build an Email List from your YouTube Channel.mp4
│      │  │      
│      │  ├─04. Creating a Course or High Ticket Offer (Coaching, Consulting, Service)
│      │  │      02. How to Sell Your High Ticket Offer on YouTube.mp4
│      │  │      03. Next Steps AdOutreach Workshop.mp4
│      │  │      4. Coaching Offer.mp4
│      │  │      
│      │  ├─05. BONUS Crafting Your own High Ticket Offer
│      │  │  │  01. The 7-8 Figure Advertiser_s DNA (Vision Board).mp4
│      │  │  │  02. Brainstorming your “YouTube Ads Ready” Offer (+ Worksheet).mp4
│      │  │  │  03. Conquering Limiting Beliefs To Become Successful With Your Offer.mp4
│      │  │  │  
│      │  │  └─Resources
│      │  │          02. Offer Planning Worksheet - AdOutreach.docx
│      │  │          04. _Offer Statement _ 5 Keys Worksheet.docx
│      │  │          
│      │  └─06. Build a 6-7+ Figure Online Business from YouTube
│      │          01. What’s Next Building Your 6-7+ Figure Online Business!.mp4
│      │          
│      ├─06. Hyper-Scale Your Channel with Simple Ads
│      │  ├─01. Hyper-Scale with YouTube Discovery Ads
│      │  │      01. Introduction to Hyper-Scaling your YouTube Channel with Ads.mp4
│      │  │      
│      │  ├─02. Setting up Google Ads Account
│      │  │      01. How to Setup your Google Ads Account.mp4
│      │  │      02. How to Connect your YouTube Channel to Google Ads.mp4
│      │  │      
│      │  ├─03. Creating Discovery Ad Templates
│      │  │      01. How to Setup your YouTube Discovery Ads Template.mp4
│      │  │      02. How to Create Ads in your YouTube Discovery Campaign.mp4
│      │  │      
│      │  ├─04. Launching your Ads
│      │  │      01. YouTube Ad Keyword Research.mp4
│      │  │      02. How to Launch Keyword Based YouTube Discovery Ads.mp4
│      │  │      03. Competitor Keyword Campaigns.mp4
│      │  │      04. Topic Based YouTube Discovery Ads.mp4
│      │  │      05. Placement YouTube Discovery Ads.mp4
│      │  │      06. Targeting Audiences on YouTube.mp4
│      │  │      07. Creating Custom Audiences for your YouTube Ads.mp4
│      │  │      08. Layering Targeting on your YouTube Discovery Ads.mp4
│      │  │      
│      │  ├─05. Retargeting Subscribers
│      │  │      01. How to Setup YouTube Channel Audiences.mp4
│      │  │      02. How to Create Subscriber _ Viewer Retargeting Campaigns.mp4
│      │  │      03. Creating Similar to Subscriber  Viewer Campaigns.mp4
│      │  │      04. The Giveaway Growth Strategy.mp4
│      │  │      
│      │  ├─06. Troubleshooting Your YouTube Ads
│      │  │      01. Troubleshooting Your YouTube Discovery Ads.mp4
│      │  │      02. How to Appeal Disapproved YouTube Ads.mp4
│      │  │      
│      │  ├─07. Discovery Ads Optimization
│      │  │      01. Setting Up Your Reporting Metrics _ Custom Columns.mp4
│      │  │      02. How to Optimize your YouTube Discovery Ads.mp4
│      │  │      
│      │  └─08. What’s Next with YouTube Ads
│      │          01. What’s Next AdOutreach YouTube Ads Workshop.mp4
│      │          02. The YouTube Advertising MasterClass.mp4
│      │          
│      ├─07. What’s Next Building Your 6-7+ Figure Online Business!
│      │      01. What’s Next Building Your 6-7+ Figure Online Business!.mp4
│      │      02. The YouTube Advertising MasterClass.mp4
│      │      
│      ├─08. Creating a Funnel & Building Your Email List
│      │  ├─01. Building your “YouTube Ads Ready” VSL Funnel
│      │  │      01. How to build a “YouTube Ready” Training Page.mp4
│      │  │      03. [VSL] Optimization Roadmap.docx
│      │  │      
│      │  └─02. The Email Indoctrination Machine
│      │      │  01. The 7 Email Commandments.mp4
│      │      │  02. 11-Day Email Sequence Walkthrough.mp4
│      │      │  
│      │      └─Resources
│      │              01. [AdOutreach] 7 Email Commandments.docx
│      │              02. _[AdOutreach] Master Email Template.docx
│      │              
│      └─09. YouTube Channel Clinic Call Recordings & Trainings
│              01. Placing Your Ads Within Your Own YouTube Videos.mp4
│              02. Explaining the YouTube Partner Program.mp4



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