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惊艳开局,稳赚不赔!“批发公式”为你解锁亚马逊批发生意秘籍! - 电商平台 - 富裕者联盟社区 - Affiliate营销圈





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The Wholesale Formula is a proven system for building a thriving Amazon wholesale business, generating over $1 billion in sales for our students.
This comprehensive course covers key modules:
Getting Started: Establish a solid foundation for your wholesale business.
Product Analysis: Efficiently assess product profitability on Amazon.
Scouting: Utilize proprietary methods to find lucrative product opportunities.
Value Propositions: Attract brands and gain account approvals.
Sourcing: Learn how to contact brand owners, open wholesale accounts, and secure competitive prices.
Operating: Manage inventory from suppliers to Amazon with precision.

While The Wholesale Formula isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme, it equips you to build a sustainable business.

  • 教程编号:1828295004
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知
  • 文件大小:5.23GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  └─The Wholesale Formula
│      ├─01-VA Launchpad
│      │  ├─01-Module 1
│      │  │      00-Introduction - What a VA Can Do FOR YOU.mp4
│      │  │      00-Introduction What Can a VA Do for you .pdf
│      │  │      01-1.1 Hire Slowly Fire Quickly.pdf
│      │  │      01-1.1 Hire Slowly, Fire Quickly.mp4
│      │  │      02-1.2 - What You Need Before You Hire.pdf
│      │  │      02-1.2 What You Need Before You Hire.mp4
│      │  │      02-Before You Hire Checklist.pdf
│      │  │      03-1.3 - Where To Find A VA.pdf
│      │  │      03-1.3 Where to Find a VA.mp4
│      │  │      04-1.4 Creating a Job Description.mp4
│      │  │      04-1.4 Creating a Job Description.pdf
│      │  │      04-M1V1 Job Description Template.pdf
│      │  │      05-1.5 - Salary and Negotiations.pdf
│      │  │      05-1.5 Salary and Negotiations.mp4
│      │  │      06-1.6 - The Hiring Process 2 .pdf
│      │  │      06-1.6 The Hiring Process.mp4
│      │  │      07-1.7 Creating a Job Post.mp4
│      │  │      07-1.7 Creating a Job Post.pdf
│      │  │      07-Example Job Post.pdf
│      │  │      08-1.8 Communicating.mp4
│      │  │      08-1.8 Communicating.pdf
│      │  │      09-1.9 Finding The Right Candidate.mp4
│      │  │      09-1.9 Finding The Right Candidate.pdf
│      │  │      09-Application Questions.pdf
│      │  │      10-1.10 The Interview.mp4
│      │  │      10-1.10 The Interview.pdf
│      │  │      10-Interview_Script_and_Questions.pdf
│      │  │      10-Offer Email Template.pdf
│      │  │      11-1.11 How To Reduce Your Risk.mp4
│      │  │      11-1.11 How To Reduce Your Risk.pdf
│      │  │      12-1.12 - Your VA's First Day.pdf
│      │  │      12-1.12 Your VA's First Day.mp4
│      │  │      12-Onboarding Check List and Training.pdf
│      │  │      
│      │  ├─02-Module 2
│      │  │      01-2.1 Life In The Philippines.mp4
│      │  │      02-2.1 Life in the Philippines.pdf
│      │  │      02-2.2 Software Recommendations.mp4
│      │  │      02-2.2 Software Recommendations.pdf
│      │  │      03-2.3 Daily Routines.mp4
│      │  │      03-2.3 Daily Routines.pdf
│      │  │      04-2.4 Tracking Hours.mp4
│      │  │      04-2.4 Tracking Hours.pdf
│      │  │      05-2.5 Paying Your VA.mp4
│      │  │      05-2.5 Paying Your VA.pdf
│      │  │      06-2.6 Benefits and Expectations.mp4
│      │  │      06-2.6 Benefits and Expectations.pdf
│      │  │      
│      │  └─03-Module 3
│      │          01-3.1 Intro to SOPs.mp4
│      │          01-3.1 Intro to SOPs.pdf
│      │          02-3.2 Creating SOPs.mp4
│      │          02-3.2 Creating SOPs.pdf
│      │          02-SOP Template.pdf
│      │          03-3.3 Task and Project Management.mp4
│      │          03-3.3 Task and Project Management.pdf
│      │          04-3.4 Daily Rounds.mp4
│      │          04-3.4 Daily Rounds.pdf
│      │          05-3.5 Setting Expectations.mp4
│      │          05-3.5 Setting Expectations.pdf
│      │          05-Expectations Rubric.pdf
│      │          06-3.6 When Things Go Wrong.mp4
│      │          06-3.6 When Things Go Wrong.pdf
│      │          07-3.7 Letting Someone Go.mp4
│      │          07-3.7 Letting Someone Go.pdf
│      │          07-Firing Scripts and Process.pdf
│      │          
│      └─02-The Wholesale Formula
│          ├─01-Module 1 - Getting Started
│          │      00-Welcome z.mp4
│          │      01-Look How Many Products There Are!.mp4
│          │      01-Look How Many Products There Are!.pdf
│          │      02-How You'll Learn.mp4
│          │      02-How You'll Learn.pdf
│          │      03-The Wholesale Business Model.mp4
│          │      03-The Wholesale Business Model.pdf
│          │      04-What Are Your Strengths Worksheet.pdf
│          │      04-What Will You Be Selling-.mp4
│          │      04-What Will You Be Selling.pdf
│          │      05-Before You Start - Things You'll Need.mp4
│          │      05-Before You Start - Things You'll Need.pdf
│          │      05-FormingBizFlow 2 .pdf
│          │      05-How to Create a Seller Central Account in the UK.pdf
│          │      06-FormingBizFlow 2.pdf
│          │      06-When To Form Your Business .mp4
│          │      06-When To Form Your Business .pdf
│          │      07.1 Doola Overview Deck.pdf
│          │      07.1-FormingBizFlow.pdf
│          │      07.1-Setting Up Your U.S. Business With Doola .mp4
│          │      07.2-Naming Your Business .mp4
│          │      07.2-Naming Your Business .pdf
│          │      08-Task - Name Your Company.pdf
│          │      09-FormingBizFlow 2.pdf
│          │      09-Task - Legally Start Your Business.pdf
│          │      10-Task - Create Your Amazon Seller Central Account.pdf
│          │      11-Task - Obtain A Resale License.pdf
│          │      12-Task - Get Business Insurance.pdf
│          │      13-The Most Important Video In This Course .mp4
│          │      13-The Most Important Video In This Course .pdf
│          │      
│          ├─02-Module 2 - Product Analysis
│          │      01-The Wholesale Formula.mp4
│          │      01-The Wholesale Formula.pdf
│          │      02-The Right Mindset .mp4
│          │      02-The Right Mindset .pdf
│          │      03-Reverse Sourcing Explained .mp4
│          │      03-Reverse Sourcing Explained .pdf
│          │      04-Amazon Terminology Reference.pdf
│          │      04-The Four Point Checklist .mp4
│          │      04-The Four Point Checklist .pdf
│          │      05-Getting Familiar With An Amazon Listing .mp4
│          │      05-Getting Familiar With An Amazon Listing .pdf
│          │      06-Analysis Tools .mp4
│          │      06-Analysis Tools .pdf
│          │      07.1-Competition Analysis .mp4
│          │      07.1-Competition Analysis .pdf
│          │      07.1-CompetitonAnalysis.pdf
│          │      07.1-Wholesale Terminology Reference Sheet.pdf
│          │      07.2-Competiton Analysis.pdf
│          │      07.2-Complete The Competition Analysis Worksheet.pdf
│          │      08.1-Formatted 2.8 - Profit Analysis.pdf
│          │      08.1-Profit Analysis .mp4
│          │      08.1-Profit Margin and ROI.pdf
│          │      08.1-Wholesale Terminology Reference Sheet.pdf
│          │      08.2-Complete The Profit Margin & ROI Worksheet.pdf
│          │      08.2-Profit Margin and ROI.pdf
│          │      09-Product Analysis Examples .mp4
│          │      09-Product Analysis Examples.pdf
│          │      10.1- Defining Your Product Range .mp4
│          │      10.1-Defining Your Product Range .pdf
│          │      10.2-Task - Define Your Personal Product Range.pdf
│          │      11-Analyzing Variation Listings .mp4
│          │      11-Analyzing Variation Listings .pdf
│          │      12-Resource.pdf
│          │      12-Reviewing Historical Data .mp4
│          │      12-Reviewing Historical Data .pdf
│          │      
│          ├─03-Module 3 - Scouting
│          │      01.1- Intro to Scouting .mp4
│          │      01.1- Intro to Scouting .pdf
│          │      01.2-Task - Download Google Chrome.pdf
│          │      02.1-TWF Scouting & Sourcing Workbook.mp4
│          │      02.1-TWF Scouting & Sourcing Workbook.pdf
│          │      02.2-Task - Make Your Own Copy Of TWF Scouting & Sourcing Workbook.pdf
│          │      02.2-TWF Scouting & Sourcing System Workbook Template.xlsx
│          │      03-Amazon Filtering .mp4
│          │      03-Amazon Filtering .pdf
│          │      04-Note.pdf
│          │      04-Smart Scouting .mp4
│          │      04-Smart Scouting .pdf
│          │      05-Advanced Smart Scouting - Sellers .mp4
│          │      05-Advanced Smart Scouting - Sellers .pdf
│          │      06-Advanced Smart Scouting - Brands .mp4
│          │      06-Advanced Smart Scouting - Brands .pdf
│          │      07.1-The 20 Point Checklist.mp4
│          │      07.1-The 20 Point Checklist.pdf
│          │      07.2-Task - Scout And Practice Using Your Workbook.pdf
│          │      08-20 Point Checklist Example.mp4
│          │      08-20 Point Checklist Example.pdf
│          │      
│          ├─04-Module 4 - Value Propositions
│          │      01-The Most Important Thing About Module 4.mp4
│          │      01-The Most Important Thing About Module 4.pdf
│          │      02-Amazon Value Propositions - Part 1.mp4
│          │      02-On Amazon Value Propositions Part 1 .pdf
│          │      03- On Amazon Value Propositions - Part 2.mp4
│          │      03- On Amazon Value Propositions - Part 2.pdf
│          │      04-On Amazon Value Propositions - Part 3.mp4
│          │      04-On Amazon Value Propositions - Part 3.pdf
│          │      05.1-Other Value Props.mp4
│          │      05.1-Other Value Props.pdf
│          │      05.2-Task - Listing Image Review.pdf
│          │      06.1- Getting Started With Your Email And Website .mp4
│          │      06.1- Getting Started With Your Email And Website .pdf
│          │      06.2-Task - Create A Company Domain & Email.pdf
│          │      07.1-Over The Shoulder Wix Site Creation .mp4
│          │      07.1-Resource.pdf
│          │      07.2-Task - Create A Company Value Prop Website.pdf
│          │      
│          ├─05-Module 5 - Sourcing
│          │      01- Intro To Sourcing.mp4
│          │      01- Intro To Sourcing.pdf
│          │      02-Approval Rate Expectation.mp4
│          │      02-Approval Rate Expectation.pdf
│          │      03-Understanding Objection.mp4
│          │      03-Understanding Objection.pdf
│          │      04-Contact System Overview.mp4
│          │      04-Contact System Overview.pdf
│          │      04-Denial Email Template.pdf
│          │      04-Resource - Does Not Allow FBA Sales.pdf
│          │      04-Resource - Does Not Sell to Amazon Sellers.pdf
│          │      04-Resource - Initial Contact E-mail Templates.pdf
│          │      04-Resource - Manufacturer Discount Request.pdf
│          │      04-Resource - Request For References You Don't Have.pdf
│          │      04-Resource - What Are Your Sales Channels.pdf
│          │      04-Resource - What Sets You Apart.pdf
│          │      04-Resource List.pdf
│          │      05.1-Finding Contact Information.mp4
│          │      05.1-Finding Contact Information.pdf
│          │      05.2-Task -  Create Your Own Initial Brand Contact Email Template.pdf
│          │      06.1-Resource - TWF Scouting & Sourcing System Workbook Template.xlsx
│          │      06.1-Tracking Lead.mp4
│          │      06.1-Tracking Lead.pdf
│          │      06.2-Task - Send Your First Email To A Brand.pdf
│          │      07-The Entire TWF System.mp4
│          │      07-The Entire TWF System.pdf
│          │      08-RPS Call System.mp4
│          │      08-RPS Call System.pdf
│          │      08-RPS Cheat Sheet.pdf
│          │      09-RPS - Resolve.mp4
│          │      09-RPS - Resolve.pdf
│          │      09-RPS Cheat Sheet.pdf
│          │      10-RPS - Probe & Solve.mp4
│          │      10-RPS - Probe Solve.pdf
│          │      10-RPS Cheat Sheet.pdf
│          │      11-Task - Call Your First Brand Using The RPS System.pdf
│          │      
│          ├─06-Module 6 - Operating
│          │      01- Intro To Module 6.mp4
│          │      01- Intro To Module 6.pdf
│          │      02- Analyzing Price Lists.mp4
│          │      02- Analyzing Price Lists.pdf
│          │      02-Resource.pdf
│          │      03-Negotiating With A Brand Owner.mp4
│          │      03-Negotiating With A Brand Owner.pdf
│          │      04-Mock Orders & Projections.mp4
│          │      04-Mock Orders & Projections.pdf
│          │      05-Plan Logistics.mp4
│          │      05-Plan Logistics.pdf
│          │      05-Resource.pdf
│          │      06-Adding An Item To SC Catalog.mp4
│          │      06-Adding An Item To SC Catalog.pdf
│          │      07-Placing An Order .mp4
│          │      07-Placing An Order .pdf
│          │      08-Shipping Your Order.mp4
│          │      08-Shipping Your Order.pdf
│          │      09-Using Test Order Data For Follow Up Orders.mp4
│          │      09-Using Test Order Data For Follow Up Orders.pdf
│          │      10-Inventory Management.mp4
│          │      10-Inventory Management.pdf
│          │      
│          ├─07-Resource Vault
│          │  ├─01-Services (+Discounts) We Use
│          │  │      01-Amazon Services.pdf
│          │  │      02-Bookkeeping and Financials.pdf
│          │  │      03-Funding .mp4
│          │  │      03-Funding.pdf
│          │  │      04-Product Prep.pdf
│          │  │      05-Scouting and Product Research.pdf
│          │  │      05-Sign Up For Smartscout.pdf
│          │  │      06-Website and Contact Management.pdf
│          │  │      
│          │  ├─02-Files & Resources
│          │  │      01-Cheat Sheets.pdf
│          │  │      02-Templates.pdf
│          │  │      
│          │  ├─03-Module 1 Vault
│          │  │      01-Getting A Resale License.mp4
│          │  │      01-Getting A Resale License.pdf
│          │  │      02-Create Your Amazon Seller Central Account.pdf
│          │  │      02-Creating A Seller Central Account .mp4
│          │  │      02-How To Create A Seller Central Account In The UK.pdf
│          │  │      03-How To Set Up An LLC.pdf
│          │  │      03-Setting Up An LLC .mp4
│          │  │      04-What Is Traffic.mp4
│          │  │      04-What Is Traffic.pdf
│          │  │      05-What Are Conversions.pdf
│          │  │      05-What Are Conversions.ts
│          │  │      
│          │  ├─04-Module 2 Vault
│          │  │      01-Brand Owner Defined.mp4
│          │  │      02-What Is Average Selling Price- .mp4
│          │  │      03-How Does The Buy Box Work-.mp4
│          │  │      04-Fulfillment Channels.mp4
│          │  │      05-Private Label.mp4
│          │  │      06-What Is Landed Cost.mp4
│          │  │      07-Calculating Margin.mp4
│          │  │      08-Calculating ROI .ts
│          │  │      09-Keystone Pricing.mp4
│          │  │      10-Amazon Fees Explained .mp4
│          │  │      
│          │  ├─05-Module 3 Vault
│          │  │      01-How To Install A Chrome Extension.mp4
│          │  │      01-Resource.pdf
│          │  │      02-Adding A Sheet To Your Gsheets.mp4
│          │  │      02-TWF Scouting & Sourcing System Workbook Template.xlsx
│          │  │      03-Resource.pdf
│          │  │      03-What Is An ASIN.ts
│          │  │      04-Resource.pdf
│          │  │      04-Understanding Amazon Categories.mp4
│          │  │      05-Suppressed Buy Boxes.ts
│          │  │      06-Amazon Hazmat Status.mp4
│          │  │      06-Resource.pdf
│          │  │      
│          │  └─06-NetHunt Bonus Videos
│          │          01-Getting The AMZ Template For NetHunt.mp4
│          │          02-Getting An Extension For Chrome .mp4
│          │          03-What Is Workspace, Folders, And Fields .mp4
│          │          04-What Are The Views.mp4
│          │          05- Importing Of Files .mp4
│          │          06-Creating An Email Sending Machine .mp4
│          │          06-Get Your Specialized Copy of NetHunt CRM.pdf
│          │          
│          ├─08-The Business Owners Playbook
│          │      01-Risk.mp4
│          │      02-Assigning Value to Your Time.mp4
│          │      03-Job or Business.mp4
│          │      03-Resource.pdf
│          │      04-Your Core Company Values .mp4
│          │      05-Hiring an Employee.mp4
│          │      06-Developing a Business Workflow.mp4
│          │      07-Negotiation.mp4
│          │      
│          └─09-Listing Optimization Formula
│              ├─01-Lesson 1 - Introduction
│              │      01-LESSON 1.1- Who I Am.mp4
│              │      02-LESSON 1.2- Setting Expectations.mp4
│              │      
│              ├─02-Lesson 2 - Research
│              │      01-LESSON 2.1- Introduction.ts
│              │      02-LESSON 2.2- Market Research.mp4
│              │      03-LESSON 2.3- Keyword Research.mp4
│              │      04-LESSON 2.4- Product Research.mp4
│              │      05-LESSON 2.5- Brand Research.mp4
│              │      06-LESSON 2.6- Over The Shoulder Research.mp4
│              │      
│              ├─03-Lesson 3 - Title, Bullets, And Description
│              │      01-LESSON 3.1- Introduction.ts
│              │      02-LESSON 3.2- Writing The Title.mp4
│              │      03-LESSON 3.3- Writing The Bullets And Description .mp4
│              │      
│              └─04-Lesson 4 - Imagery
│                      01- LESSON 4.1- Introduction.mp4
│                      02-LESSON 4.2- Hiring An Agency or Freelancer.mp4
│                      03-LESSON 4.3- Doing It Yourself.mp4
│                      03-Resource.pdf
│                      04- LESSON 4.4- Writing A Design Brief.mp4
│                      05-LESSON 4.5- Copywriting For Imagery.mp4
│                      06-LESSON 4.6- The Main Image.mp4
│                      07-BONUS- Writing Amazon Copy with Artificial Intelligence.mp4



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