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了解如何销售的艺术:顺应顾客购买方式的全方位课程 - 外贸 - 富裕者联盟社区 - Affiliate营销圈




外贸 外贸 4589 人阅读 | 40 人回复 | 2024-03-07









Learn How Sell The Way People Buy with this comprehensive course.
In this program, you’ll gain valuable insights into effective sales strategies and techniques.

Discover how to identify problems and understand what your customers want and why they want it.
Learn how to start conversational dialogues and ask the right questions to gather essential information.
Master the art of presenting your solutions with features, advantages, and benefits.
Understand the importance of building connections and creating value impact statements.
Develop a positive mindset and effectively respond to questions or concerns without overcoming objections.

  • 教程编号:0513698406
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知
  • 文件大小:147MB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  └─How to Sell The Way People Buy
│      ├─00-Introduction - Welcome
│      │      01-Introduction.mp3
│      │      01-Introduction.pdf
│      │      02-Overview.mp3
│      │      02-Overview.pdf
│      │      03-Nobody Likes Being Sold.mp3
│      │      03-Nobody Likes Being Sold.pdf
│      │      04-7 Success Tips.mp3
│      │      04-7 Success Tips.pdf
│      │      04-Natural_Selling_Dialogue_Framework.pdf
│      │      
│      ├─01-Lesson 1 - 9 Essential Basic Sales Skills
│      │  │  01-9 Essential Basic Sales Skills.mp3
│      │  │  02-Skill #1- Your 3 Primary Objectives.mp3
│      │  │  03-Is There A Problem.mp3
│      │  │  04-What They Want And Why They Want It.mp3
│      │  │  05-Establishing Their Level Of Desire And Commitment To Change.mp3
│      │  │  06-Skill #2- 4 Ways A Conversational Dialogue Can Start.mp3
│      │  │  07-Skill #3- Where Your Questions Come From.mp3
│      │  │  08-Skill #4- Turn What You Know Into Asking Questions.mp3
│      │  │  09-Skill #5- Problems and Needs - What You’re Discovering and Listening For.mp3
│      │  │  10-Understanding Problems and Needs.mp3
│      │  │  11-Skill #6- How To Correctly Present Your Solution.mp3
│      │  │  12-Definition Of A Feature.mp3
│      │  │  13-Definition Of An Advantage.mp3
│      │  │  14-Definition Of A Benefit.mp3
│      │  │  15-Skill #7. Fact Finding and Feeling Finding Questions.mp3
│      │  │  16-Fact Finding Questions.mp3
│      │  │  17-Feeling Finding Questions.mp3
│      │  │  18-Skill #8. Implied Needs And Explicit Needs.mp3
│      │  │  19-Skill #9- Using Tag-On Questions.mp3
│      │  │  
│      │  └─Resources
│      │          01-9 Essential Basic Sales Skills.pdf
│      │          02-Skill #1- Your 3 Primary Objectives.pdf
│      │          03-Is There A Problem.pdf
│      │          04-What They Want And Why They Want It.pdf
│      │          05-Establishing Their Level Of Desire And Commitment To Change.pdf
│      │          06-Skill #2- 4 Ways A Conversational Dialogue Can Start.pdf
│      │          07-Skill #3- Where Your Questions Come From.pdf
│      │          08-Skill #4- Turn What You Know Into Asking Questions.pdf
│      │          09-Skill #5- Problems and Needs - What You’re Discovering and Listening For.pdf
│      │          10-Understanding Problems and Needs.pdf
│      │          11-Skill #6- How To Correctly Present Your Solution.pdf
│      │          12-Definition Of A Feature.pdf
│      │          13-Definition Of An Advantage.pdf
│      │          14-Definition Of A Benefit.pdf
│      │          15-Skill #7. Fact Finding and Feeling Finding Questions.pdf
│      │          16-Fact Finding Questions.pdf
│      │          17-Feeling Finding Questions.pdf
│      │          18-Skill #8. Implied Needs And Explicit Needs.pdf
│      │          19-Skill #9- Using Tag-On Questions.pdf
│      │          
│      ├─02-Lesson 2 - Your Natural Selling Conversational Dialogue Frameworkter
│      │      01-Natural_Selling_Dialogue_Framework.pdf
│      │      01-Your Natural Selling Conversational Dialogue Framework.mp3
│      │      01-Your Natural Selling Conversational Dialogue Framework.pdf
│      │      02-Addressing The Possible Elephant In The Room.mp3
│      │      02-Addressing The Possible Elephant In The Room.pdf
│      │      03-It’s About Them - Not About You.mp3
│      │      03-It’s About Them - Not About You.pdf
│      │      
│      ├─03-Lesson 3 - The Connecting Stage
│      │  │  01-THE CONNECTING STAGE.mp3
│      │  │  02-SMART Pre-Planning.mp3
│      │  │  03-10 Ways to Start Conversational Dialogues Without Tension.mp3
│      │  │  04-1. You Had Me At Hello.mp3
│      │  │  05-Creating Your Own Personal Value Impact Statement.mp3
│      │  │  06-Outline a Problem.mp3
│      │  │  07-Outline Your Solution.mp3
│      │  │  08-Ask a Question.mp3
│      │  │  09-Stop! Do It Now.mp3
│      │  │  10-2. Describing Your Product or Service With Impact.mp3
│      │  │  11-3. Your FeedBack Value Impact Statement.mp3
│      │  │  12-4. Continuing An Earlier Conversation.mp3
│      │  │  13-5. Starting a Cold Call.mp3
│      │  │  14-6. Talking with Personal Assistants.mp3
│      │  │  15-7. Calling Leads From a Leads List.mp3
│      │  │  16-8. Replying To A Request For Information.mp3
│      │  │  17-9. Following Up To a Request For Information.mp3
│      │  │  18-10. Making Appointments.mp3
│      │  │  
│      │  └─Resources
│      │          01-THE CONNECTING STAGE.pdf
│      │          02-SMART Pre-Planning.pdf
│      │          03-10 Ways to Start Conversational Dialogues Without Tension.pdf
│      │          04-1. You Had Me At Hello.pdf
│      │          05-Creating Your Own Personal Value Impact Statement.pdf
│      │          06-Outline a Problem.pdf
│      │          07-Outline Your Solution.pdf
│      │          08-Ask a Question.pdf
│      │          09-Stop! Do It Now.pdf
│      │          10-2. Describing Your Product or Service With Impact.pdf
│      │          11-3. Your FeedBack Value Impact Statement.pdf
│      │          12-4. Continuing An Earlier Conversation.pdf
│      │          13-5. Starting a Cold Call.pdf
│      │          14-6. Talking with Personal Assistants.pdf
│      │          15-7. Calling Leads From a Leads List.pdf
│      │          16-8. Replying To A Request For Information.pdf
│      │          17-9. Following Up To a Request For Information.pdf
│      │          18-10. Making Appointments.pdf
│      │          
│      ├─04-Lesson 4 - The Discovering Stage
│      │      01-THE DISCOVERING STAGE.mp3
│      │      01-THE DISCOVERING STAGE.pdf
│      │      02-This Is Not A Linear Approach.mp3
│      │      02-This Is Not A Linear Approach.pdf
│      │      03-The Approach Never Differs.mp3
│      │      03-The Approach Never Differs.pdf
│      │      04-Using Closed And Open-Ended Questions.mp3
│      │      04-Using Closed And Open-Ended Questions.pdf
│      │      
│      ├─05-Lesson 5 - The Discovering Stage Cont
│      │  │  01-Discovering Stage Questions.mp3
│      │  │  02-1. Background Questions - BQ.mp3
│      │  │  03-2- Needs Awareness Questions - NAQ.mp3
│      │  │  04-A Financial Advisor Example.pdf
│      │  │  05-3. Needs Development Questions - NDQ.mp3
│      │  │  06-3 Values Centered Needs Development Questions.mp3
│      │  │  07-3 More Financial Advisor’s Values Centered Questions.mp3
│      │  │  08-With Just 4 Questions.mp3
│      │  │  09-Revealing Two Truths.mp3
│      │  │  10-Listen for Contradictions.mp3
│      │  │  11-Probing and Clarifying.mp3
│      │  │  12-Checking for Agreement.mp3
│      │  │  13-4. Responsibility Questions - RQ.mp3
│      │  │  14-5. Solution Questions - SQ.mp3
│      │  │  15-What Have They Done If Anything.mp3
│      │  │  16-What Would They Do If They Could.mp3
│      │  │  17-The Upside Results of Needs-Payoff Solution Questions.mp3
│      │  │  18-Conversational Dialogue Example.mp3
│      │  │  19-6. Consequence Questions - CQ.mp3
│      │  │  20-Digging Deeper by Layering Your Questions.mp3
│      │  │  21-Examples Of Using Consequence Questions.mp3
│      │  │  22-7. Qualifying Questions - QQ.mp3
│      │  │  23-When Do You Qualify.mp3
│      │  │  24-Qualify Throughout Your Conversational Dialogue.mp3
│      │  │  25-Qualify Before You Present And Support.mp3
│      │  │  26-Qualify As You Summarize.mp3
│      │  │  27-Qualify After You Present.mp3
│      │  │  28-A Qualifying Question Designed To Get a “No” Answer.mp3
│      │  │  29-Our Financial Advisor’s 5th Values Centered Question.mp3
│      │  │  30-A Networking Meeting Example.mp3
│      │  │  
│      │  └─Resources
│      │          01-Discovering Stage Questions.pdf
│      │          02-1. Background Questions - BQ.pdf
│      │          02-1._Background_Questions.pdf
│      │          03-2- Needs Awareness Questions - NAQ.pdf
│      │          03-2._Needs_Awareness_Questions.pdf
│      │          04-A Financial Advisor Example.pdf
│      │          05-3. Needs Development Questions - NDQ.pdf
│      │          05-3._Needs_Development_Questions.pdf
│      │          06-3 Values Centered Needs Development Questions.pdf
│      │          06-Values_Centered_Needs_Development_Questions.pdf
│      │          07-3 More Financial Advisor’s Values Centered Questions.pdf
│      │          08-With Just 4 Questions.pdf
│      │          09-Revealing Two Truths.pdf
│      │          10-Listen for Contradictions.pdf
│      │          11-Probing and Clarifying.pdf
│      │          12-Checking for Agreement.pdf
│      │          13-4. Responsibility Questions - RQ.pdf
│      │          13-4._Personal_Responsibility_Questions.pdf
│      │          14-5. Solution Questions - SQ.pdf
│      │          14-5._Solution_Questions.pdf
│      │          15-What Have They Done If Anything.pdf
│      │          16-What Would They Do If They Could.pdf
│      │          17-The Upside Results of Needs-Payoff Solution Questions.pdf
│      │          18-Conversational Dialogue Example.pdf
│      │          18-Solution_Questions.pdf
│      │          19-6. Consequence Questions - CQ.pdf
│      │          19-6._Consequence_Questions.pdf
│      │          20-Digging Deeper by Layering Your Questions.pdf
│      │          21-Consequence_Questions.pdf
│      │          21-Examples Of Using Consequence Questions.pdf
│      │          22-7. Qualifying Questions - QQ.pdf
│      │          22-7._Qualifying_Questions.pdf
│      │          23-When Do You Qualify.pdf
│      │          24-Qualify Throughout Your Conversational Dialogue.pdf
│      │          25-Qualify Before You Present And Support.pdf
│      │          26-Qualify As You Summarize.pdf
│      │          27-Qualify After You Present.pdf
│      │          28-A Qualifying Question Designed To Get a “No” Answer.pdf
│      │          29-Our Financial Advisor’s 5th Values Centered Question.pdf
│      │          30-A Networking Meeting Example.pdf
│      │          
│      ├─06-Lesson 6 - The Transitioning Stage
│      │      
│      ├─07-Lesson 7 - The Presenting & Supporting Stage
│      │      01-PRESENTING and SUPPORTING STAGE.mp3
│      │      01-PRESENTING and SUPPORTING STAGE.pdf
│      │      02-Making Mini-Presentations.mp3
│      │      02-Making Mini-Presentations.pdf
│      │      03-The Financial Advisors Presentation Example.mp3
│      │      03-The Financial Advisors Presentation Example.pdf
│      │      04-Checking for Agreement.mp3
│      │      04-Checking for Agreement.pdf
│      │      05-Check for Anything Else.mp3
│      │      05-Check for Anything Else.pdf
│      │      
│      ├─08-Lesson 8 - The Committing Stage
│      │      01-THE COMMITTING STAGE.mp3
│      │      01-THE COMMITTING STAGE.pdf
│      │      02-The Commitment to Buy.mp3
│      │      02-The Commitment to Buy.pdf
│      │      03-Think Like a Checkout Cashier.mp3
│      │      03-Think Like a Checkout Cashier.pdf
│      │      04-Follow Up. Follow Up. Follow Up.mp3
│      │      04-Follow Up. Follow Up. Follow Up.pdf
│      │      05-Your Attitude.mp3
│      │      05-Your Attitude.pdf
│      │      06-Summary Of The Financial Advisors 5 Values Centered Questions and Presentation.mp3
│      │      06-Summary Of The Financial Advisors 5 Values Centered Questions and Presentation.pdf
│      │      
│      ├─09-Lesson 9 - How to Effectively Respond to Questions or Concerns
│      │  │  01-Effectively Responding to Questions or Concerns.mp3
│      │  │  02-6 Important Mindset Shifts.mp3
│      │  │  03-Questions Or Concerns Are NOT Objections To Be Overcome.mp3
│      │  │  04-People Don’t Think What You Think They Think.mp3
│      │  │  05-Prepare For Everything and Expect Nothing.mp3
│      │  │  06-Understand the Question or Concern.mp3
│      │  │  07-Uncovering The Hidden Question.mp3
│      │  │  08-Let’s Get Negative For A Moment.mp3
│      │  │  09-5 Tips To Understanding And Resolving Concerns.mp3
│      │  │  10-Examples Of How To Respond To Concerns Or Comments.mp3
│      │  │  11-Example 1.mp3
│      │  │  12-Example 2.mp3
│      │  │  13-Example 3.mp3
│      │  │  14-Example 4.mp3
│      │  │  15-Example 5.mp3
│      │  │  16-Example 6.mp3
│      │  │  17-Example 7.mp3
│      │  │  18-Example 8.mp3
│      │  │  19-Example 9.mp3
│      │  │  20-Example 10.mp3
│      │  │  21-Replying to Questions.mp3
│      │  │  
│      │  └─Resources
│      │          01-Effectively Responding to Questions or Concerns.pdf
│      │          02-6 Important Mindset Shifts.pdf
│      │          03-Questions Or Concerns Are NOT Objections To Be Overcome.pdf
│      │          04-People Don’t Think What You Think They Think.pdf
│      │          05-Prepare For Everything and Expect Nothing.pdf
│      │          06-Understand the Question or Concern.pdf
│      │          07-Uncovering The Hidden Question.pdf
│      │          08-Let’s Get Negative For A Moment.pdf
│      │          09-5 Tips To Understanding And Resolving Concerns.pdf
│      │          10-Examples Of How To Respond To Concerns Or Comments.pdf
│      │          11-Example 1.pdf
│      │          12-Example 2.pdf
│      │          13-Example 3.pdf
│      │          14-Example 4.pdf
│      │          15-Example 5.pdf
│      │          16-Example 6.pdf
│      │          17-Example 7.pdf
│      │          18-Example 8.pdf
│      │          19-Example 9.pdf
│      │          20-Example 10.pdf
│      │          21-Replying to Questions.pdf
│      │          
│      └─10-Lesson 10 - What’s Next
│              01-Congratulations.mp3
│              01-Congratulations.pdf
│              02-Coaching With Me.mp3
│              02-Coaching With Me.pdf
│              03-Staying In Touch.mp3
│              03-Staying In Touch.pdf



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