Shopify Code(x)
└─Shopify Code(x)
├─01-The Shopify Codex 2.0
│├─01-Welcome to the Codex
│││01-A Message From Your Instructor.mp4
││└─02-2.0 Shopify Codex Student Wiki
││ │
││ │
││ ├─01-Adding Team to the Mix
││ ││
││ ││
││ │├─01-Business Stage
││ ││ 01-Business Stage (page 1).pdf
││ ││ 02-Business Stage (page 2).pdf
││ ││
││ ││
││ │├─02-Clarity Plan
││ ││ 01-Clarity Plan (page 1).pdf
││ ││ 02-Clarity Plan (page 2).pdf
││ ││ 03-Clarity Plan (page 3).pdf
││ ││ 04-Clarity Plan (page 4).pdf
││ ││
││ ││
││ │├─03-Work Audit
││ ││ 01-Work Audit (page 1).pdf
││ ││ 02-Work Audit (page 2).pdf
││ ││ 03-Work Audit (page 3).pdf
││ ││
││ ││
││ │├─04-Setting Intentions
││ ││ 01-Setting Intentions (page 1).pdf
││ ││ 02-Setting Intentions (page 2).pdf
││ ││ 03-Setting Intentions (page 3).pdf
││ ││ 04-Setting Intentions (page 4).pdf
││ ││ 05-Setting Intentions (page 5).pdf
││ ││
││ ││
││ │├─05-Budgeting
││ ││ 01-Budgeting (page 1).pdf
││ ││ 02-Budgeting (page 2).pdf
││ ││
││ ││
││ │├─06-Defining a Role
││ ││ 01-Defining a Role (page 1).pdf
││ ││ 02-Defining a Role (page 2).pdf
││ ││
││ ││
││ │├─07-Crafting a Job Description
││ ││ 01-Crafting a Job Description (page 1).pdf
││ ││ 02-Crafting a Job Description (page 2).pdf
││ ││
││ ││
││ │├─08-Managing Hires
││ ││ 01-Managing Hires.pdf
││ ││
││ ││
││ │├─09-Firing and Employee
││ ││ 01-Firing an Employee (page 1).pdf
││ ││ 02-Firing an Employee (page 2).pdf
││ ││ 03-Firing an Employee (page 3).pdf
││ ││ 04-Firing an Employee (page 4).pdf
││ ││
││ ││
││ │├─10-Addressing your Teams Feeling
││ ││ 01-Addressing your Teams Feeling (page 1).pdf
││ ││ 02-Addressing your Teams Feeling (page 2).pdf
││ ││ 03-Addressing your Teams Feeling (page 3).pdf
││ ││
││ ││
││ │├─12-1 on 1's with Team Members
││ ││ 01-1 on 1's with Team Members (page 1).pdf
││ ││ 02-1 on 1's with Team Members (page 2).pdf
││ ││ 03-1 on 1's with Team Members (page 3).pdf
││ ││ 04-1 on 1's with Team Members (page 4).pdf
││ ││ 05-1 on 1's with Team Members (page 5).pdf
││ ││ 06-1 on 1's with Team Members (page 6).pdf
││ ││ 07-1 on 1's with Team Me
非会员试读19%,加入社区后可阅读全文 学习下 撸过 支持楼主,用户楼主,楼主英明呀!!! 高手云集 果断围观 边撸边过 very good 支持楼主,用户楼主,楼主英明呀!!! 不错 支持下 嘘,低调。