Digital Course Academy
└─Digital Course Academy
├─01-Digital Course Academy (Alumni)
│├─00-Welcome to Digital Course Academy
││ 00-Welcome.mp4
││ 01-Amy Porterfield DCA 2022 WM L1 DCARoadmap.m4a
││ 01-Amy Porterfield DCA 2022 WM L1 DCARoadmap.mp4
││ 01-AmyPorterfield_2022_DCA_Course_Creation_and_Launch_Framework.pdf
││ 01-The Digital Course Academy Roadmap.mp4
││ 02-Amy Porterfield DCA 2022 WM L2 NewStudentOrientation.m4a
││ 02-Amy Porterfield DCA 2022 WM L2 NewStudentOrientation.mp4
││ 02-Amy_Porterfield_DCA_W2_2022_Maximizing_Your_DCA_Experience.pdf
││ 02-The DCA New Student Orientation.mp4
││ 03-Amy Porterfield DCA 2022 WM L3 AccountabilityPods.m4a
││ 03-Amy Porterfield DCA 2022 WM L3 AccountabilityPods.mp4
││ 03-Amy_Porterfield_DCA_W3_2022_Accountability_Program_Cheat_Sheet.pdf
││ 03-The Digital Course Academy Accountability Pods.mp4
││ 04-Amy Porterfield DCA 2022 WM L4 InstantMomentum.m4a
││ 04-Amy Porterfield DCA 2022 WM L4 InstantMomentum.mp4
││ 04-How to Get Instant Momentum.mp4
│├─01-Module 1 - The 9 Key Decisions
││ 00-9 Key Decisions Worksheet.pdf
││ 00-Project Plan.pdf
││ 00-Snapshoot.mp4
││ 01-Choosing Your Course Topic.pdf
││ 01-Lesson 01 - Decision #1 - Choosing Your Course Topic.mp4
││ 02-Defining Your ICA.pdf
││ 02-Lesson 02 - Decision #2 - Defining Your Ideal Customer Avatar.mp4
││ 03-3 Types Digital Courses.pdf
││ 03-Lesson 03 - Decision #3 - Selecting Your Course Type.mp4
││ 04-Declaring Your Course Transformation Statement.pdf
││ 04-Lesson 04 - Decision #4 - Declaring Your Course Transformation Statement.mp4
││ 05-Art Science Naming Course Guide 2023 Update.pdf
││ 05-Lesson 05- Decision #5- Crafting a Stellar Course Name Lesson 05 - Decision #5 - Crafting a Stellar Course Name .mp4
││ 06-How To Price Your Course Guide.pdf
││ 06-Lesson 06 - Decision #6 - Pricing Your Course.mp4
││ 07-Course Content Creation Guide.pdf
││ 07-Lesson 07 - Decision #7 - Choosing Your Course Content Creation Strategy.mp4
││ 08-Lesson 08 - Decision #8 - Selecting Your Tech Set Up.mp4
││ 08-Your Tech SetUp Checklist.pdf
││ 09-How to Schedule Your Launch Dates.pdf
││ 09-Lesson 09 - Decision #9 - Scheduling Your Launch Dates.mp4
│├─02-Module 2 - Validating Your Course
││ 00-Project Plan.pdf
││ 00-Snapshot.mp4
││ 01-Course Calls Strategy Cheat Sheet.pdf
││ 01-Creative Ways to Validate Your Course Idea When You Have a Small Audience.pdf
││ 01-Lesson 01 - The Course Calls Strategy.mp4
││ 02-How to Get Started with Instagram Stories 1 .pdf
││ 02-Lesson 02 - Social Validation Strategies.mp4
││ 03-How to Implement First 10 Strategy.pdf
││ 03-Lesson 03 - The First Ten Strategy.mp4
│├─03-Module 3 - The Art of Outlining & Recording Your Course
││ 00-Project Plan.pdf
││ 00-Snapsho...t.mp4
││ 01-Lesson 01 - How to Outline Your Course.mp4
││ 01-Process for Outlining Your Course.pdf
││ 02-Lesson 02 - Refining Your Course Outline .mp4
││ 02-Porterf
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