【销售之道】- 揭示客户观点,有效影响购买决策,提升你的...
└─Selling Excellence by Thinking Like a Customer
├─01-Superstar Sales Person
││00-Superstar Sales Person.pdf
│├─01-Essential Fundamentals
││ 01-1-Essential Fundamentals.mp4
││ 01-2-Beliefs and Behaviors.mp4
││ 01. Essential Fundamentals.pdf
│├─02-What Is Selling
││ 02-0-What Is Selling.pdf
││ 02-1--What Is Selling.mp4
││ 02-2-What It Is and What It Is Not.mp4
││ 02-3-Definition of Selling.mp4
││ 02-4-My Selling Philosophy.mp4
││ 02-5-How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling.mp4
│├─03. Thinking Like a Customer
││ 03-0-Thinking Like a Customer.mp4
││ 03-0-Thinking Like a Customer.pdf
││ 03-1-The 4 Pillars Overview.mp4
││ 03-2-Mindset (KMR and Intent).mp4
││ 03-3-Words Matter.mp4
││ 03-4-Safe Environment.mp4
││ 03-5-Meaningful Dialogue.mp4
│├─04-Introduction to the Big 8
││ 04-0-Introduction to the Big 8.pdf
││ 04-1-Introduction to the Big 8.mp4
││ 04-2-The Big 8 Overview.mp4
│├─05-Big 8- Goal Setting
││ 05-0-Big 8- Goal Setting.mp4
││ 05-0-Big 8- Goal Setting.pdf
││ 05-1-You Can not Hit a Target You Do not Have.mp4
││ 05-2-Rules for Setting and Achieving Goals.mp4
│├─06-The Big 8- Planning
││ 06-0-The Big 8- Planning.mp4
││ 06-0-The Big 8- Planning.pdf
││ 06-1-Planning Overview.mp4
││ 06-2-Planning for the Interaction that May Go Short.mp4
│├─07-Big 8- Relationship Edge
││ 07-0-Big 8- Relationship Edge.mp4
││ 07-1-LTA (Listen, Think, Act).mp4
││ 07-2-Relationship Edge? Overview.mp4
││ 07-3-6 Key Concepts.mp4
││ 07. Big 8- Relationship Edge.pdf
│├─08-The Big 8- Opening the Call
││ 08-0-The Big 8- Opening the Call.mp4
││ 08-1-Opening the Call Overview.mp4
││ 08-2-Capture Interest Quickly.mp4
││ 08-3-2 Reasons Someone Listens to You.mp4
││ 08-4-Relationship Building.mp4
││ 08-5-Open Minds.mp4
││ 08-6-Mystery, Surprise, and Curiosity.mp4
││ 08. The Big 8- Opening the
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