【Shopify设计大师之路】- 从客户获取到项目管理,...
└─Amplify Shopify
├─0. Welcome
│ 1. Start here.pdf
│ 2.1. Welcome - Morgan Rapp.mp4
│ 2.1. Welcome.pdf
│ 2.2. AS Affiliate Info.pdf
│ 3.1. App Database - Morgan Rapp.mp4
│ 3.2. Link to App Database.url
│ 3.3. Want to learn more about Notion.url
│ 4. Link To Theme Database.url
│ 4. Theme Database - Morgan Rapp.mp4
│ 5. Link To All Course Resources.url
├─1. Module 1 - Why Shopify
│ 1. Full list of Shopify Features.url
│ 1. Why Shopify_ - Morgan Rapp.mp4
│ 2. Making Money with Shopify - Morgan Rapp.mp4
│ 2. Making Money with Shopify.pdf
│ 3. Link to sign up for the partner program.url
│ 3. The Partner Dashboard - Morgan Rapp.mp4
├─10. Module 10- Where to add CSS and common steps I do with every project
│ 0. Module 10- Where to add CSS and common steps I do with every project .pdf
│ 1.1. Where to add CSS to Shopify - Morgan Rapp.mp4
│ 1.2. A few CSS apps.url
│ 1.3. W3 Schools.url
│ 1.4. Free Code Camp.url
│ 2. Creating your CSS file - Morgan Rapp.mp4
│ 3.1. Using the Chrome Inspector - Morgan Rapp.mp4
│ 3.2. View and Change CSS Chrome Article.url
│ 4. Adding 3rd Party Fonts - Morgan Rapp.mp4
│ 5. Adding Hosted Fonts [ Google Fonts ] - Morgan Rapp.mp4
│ 5. Google Fonts.url
│ 6. Adding Hosted Fonts [ Adobe Fonts ] - Morgan Rapp.mp4
│ 6. Adobe Fonts.url
│ 7. Styling fonts further - Morgan Rapp.mp4
│ 7. W3School .url
│ 8. More CSS info around borders _ Button Styling.url
│ 8. Other areas to style _ Uplevel the theme - Morgan Rapp .mp4
│ 9. Removing the Powered By Shopify link - Morgan Rapp.mp4
├─11. Bonuses
│ 1. Packaging Q_A with Laura Evans from Our Kind Studio.pdf
│ 1.2. Link to Laura_s Instagram.url
│ 1.3. Laura_s Website.url
│ 2. Chaitra_s Website.url
│ 2. Intro to Adobe XD with Chaitra from Pink Pot Studio.pdf
│ 2. XD_AmplifyShopify~1.mp4
│ 3. Creating Custom Sections in Shopify with Webflow with Jen from Jenuine Creative.pdf
│ 3.1. Creating Custom Sections in Shopify with Webflow with Jen from Jenuine Creative - Morgan Rapp .mp4
│ 3.2. Creating Custom Sections in Shopify with Webflow with Jen from Jenuine Creative - Morgan Rapp.mp4
│ 3.3. Notion Doc.url
│ 3.4. Creating custom sections in Shopify with Webflow.pdf
├─12. QA Calls
│ 0. QA Call Replay - March.pdf
│ Video one~1.mp4
│ Video two.mp4
├─2. Module 2 - Attracting + Booking Shopify Clients
│ 1. Attracting Clients - Morgan Rapp.mp4
│ 2. Creative Projects - Morgan Rapp.mp4
│ 3. High Ticket Content vs Low Ticket Content - Morgan Rapp.mp4
│ 3. Link to Notion dashboard of Content Ideas.url
│ 4. Pipelines - Morgan Rapp.mp4
│ 5. Mining Pinterest - Morgan R
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