<p>为什么许多现有的营销技术已经失效,以及应该采取什么行动。<br />
构建一个极其有效的营销系统所需的确切工具和策略。<br />
如何通过简单、有结构、系统化的方法取得成功,而不是通过随机的营销行为失败。<br />
如何创造强大的产品-市场契合度,使你的目标市场强烈渴望你所提供的东西。<br />
如何进行一种令人自豪的、没有炒作、欺诈或压力的营销。<br />
<p>The lean movement has transformed manufacturing and is now revolutionizing marketing. Small, medium, and large businesses are getting bigger and better results with less marketing.</p>
<p>You’ll discover:</p>
<p>Why many existing marketing techniques have stopped working and what to do instead.<br />
The exact tools and tactics you need to build a devastatingly effective marketing system.<br />
How to win with a simple, structured, and systemized approach rather than failing with random acts of marketing.<br />
How to create a strong product-market fit so that your target market intensely desires what you have to offer.<br />
How to do marketing you’ll be proud of that works without hype, scams, or pressure.<br />
How to build a strong brand that creates goodwill and attracts ideal customers.</p>
<li>安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 <a href="https://www.virustotal.com/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">Virustotal</a> <a href="https://virscan.org/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">Virscan</a></li>
<li>培训机构:未知 / <a href="https://imjmj.com/">IMJMJ</a></li>
<li>文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文</li>
<li>压缩软件:<a href="https://sparanoid.com/lab/7z/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">7ZIP</a></li>
<li>视频播放:<a href="https://jm.wmzhe.com/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">完美解码</a></li>
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https://bbs.fuyuzhe.com/data/attachment/forum/202310/22/234526vsnsksu0si3azasf.jpeg**** Hidden Message ***** 一直在看 是爷们的娘们的都帮顶!大力支持 看起来不错 垃圾内容,路过为证。 我只是路过,不发表意见 为了三千积分! :lol 为保住菊花,这个一定得回复! 纯粹路过,没任何兴趣,仅仅是看在老用户份上回复一下