││00- Module 0 - Orientation.mp4
││01-Module 1 - Planning Your Webinar for Success.mp4
││02-Module 2Scripting Your Presentation (With AI) .mp4
││03-Module 3 Creating Your Presentation Slides.mp4
││04-1-Module 4Setting Up Software and Inviting People to Attend.mp4
││04-2-How to Set Up and Use Zoom.mp4
││05-Module 5 Hosting Your Webinar.mp4
││06-Module 6 Following Up After Your Webinar.mp4
││07-1-Module 7Bonus Fill Your Webinars With Promotional Partners.mp4
││07-2-How to Fill Your Virtual Events with Promotional Partners (47-Minute Presentation).mp4
││07-3-Interview with JV Expert Charles Bryd.mp4
││08-Module 8Bonus Ultimate Webinar F
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