││ 01-Welcome to EMC.pdf
││ 02-how to succeed Audio .mp3
││ 02-how to succeed Transcript .pdf
││ 02-How to Succeed .mp4
││ 02-How to Succeed .pdf
││ Resources.txt
│├─01-1-Module 01 Course Roadmap and Milestones
││ 01-Intro to Module 1- Course Roadmap and Milestones.pdf
││ 02-What This Course Covers Audio .mp3
││ 02-What This Course Covers Transcript (PDF) .pdf
││ 02-What This Course Covers .mp4
││ 02-What This Course Covers .pdf
││ 03-Becoming an Effective Email Marketer .mp4
││ 03-Becoming an Effective Email Marketer Audio.mp3
││ 03-Becoming an Effective Email Marketer Transcript (PDF).pdf
││ 03-Becoming an Effective Email Marketer.pdf
││ 03-EMC-M01-L02-Tools-Handout.docx
││ Resources.txt
│├─01-2-Module 01 Assignments
││ 01-Intro to Module 1- Assignments.pdf
││ 02-EMC-M01-A01-Envision-Your-Future-Worksheet .docx
││ 02-Envision Your Future .pdf
││ 03-EMC-M01-A02-Plan-Your-Time-Worksheet.docx
││ 03-Plan Your Time.pdf
││ 04-Create Your Swipe File.pdf
││ 04-EMC Sample Swipe File Spreadsheet.xlsx
││ Resources.txt
│├─02-1-Module 02 Marketing Fundamentals
││ 01-Intro to Module 2- Marketing Fundamentals.pdf
││ 02-The Customer-s Journey Audio .mp3
││ 02-The Customer-s Journey Transcript (PDF) .pdf
││ 02-The Customer-s Journey .mp4
││ 02-The Customer-s Journey .pdf
││ 03-Marketing Funnels Audio.mp3
││ 03-Marketing Funnels Transcript (PDF).pdf
││ 03-Marketing Funnels.mp4
││ 03-Marketing Funnels.pdf
││ 04-Pain Points and Benefits Audio.mp3
││ 04-Pain Points and Benefits Transcript (PDF).pdf
││ 04-Pain Points and Benefits.mp4
││ 04-Pain Points and Benefits.pdf
││ 05-Objections Audio.mp3
││ 05-Objections Transcript (PDF).pdf
││ 05-Objections.mp4
││ 05-Objections.pdf
││ Resources.txt
│├─02-2-Module 02 Assignments
││ 01-Intro to Module 2- Assignments.pdf
││ 02-EMC-M02-A01-Customers-Journey-Worksheet .docx
││ 02-EMC-M02-L01-Customers-Journey-Handout .docx
││ 02-Unscramble the Customers Journey .pdf
││ 03-EMC-M02-A02-Pain-Points-Worksheet.docx
││ 03-EMC-M02-L03-Basic-Desires-Handout.docx
││ 03-Use the Eight Basic Desires and Pain Points.pdf
││ Resources.txt
│├─03-1-Module 03 Email Campaigns
││ 01-Intro to Module 3- Email Campaigns.pdf
││ 02-Email Campaign Basics Audio .mp3
││ 02-Email Campaign Basics Transcript .pdf
││ 02-Email Campaign Basics .mp4
││ 02-Email Campaign Basics .pdf
││ 02-EMC-M03-L01-ESP-Handout .docx
││ 03-Merge Fields Audio.mp3
││ 03-Merge Fields Transcript.pdf
││ 03-Merge Fields.mp4
││ 03-Merge Fields.pdf
││ 04-EMC-M03-list-hygiene-handout.docx
││ 04-List Segmentation Audio.mp3
││ 04-List Segmentation Transcript.pdf
││ 04-List Segmentation.mp4
││ 04-List Segment
非会员试读19%,加入社区后可阅读全文 我了个去,顶了 求沙发 珍爱生命,果断回帖。 围观 围观 沙发在哪里!!! 楼下的接上 是爷们的娘们的都帮顶!大力支持 非常好,顶一下 一直在看 广告位,,坐下看看