│├─00 Introduction
││ Introduction - Start Here.pdf
││ Resources.txt
││ Whats New.pdf
│├─01 Core Component 1 - Prospect Picker
││ ActionSteps.pdf
││ InformationProducts.pdf
││ OtherProducts.pdf
││ ProspectPicker-MAIN.pdf
││ Resources.txt
││ Services.pdf
│├─02 Core Component 2 - The Process
││ ActionSteps.pdf
││ InformationProducts.pdf
││ OtherProducts.pdf
││ Resources.txt
││ Services.pdf
││ TheProcess-MAIN.pdf
│├─03 Core Component 3 - Outcomes
││ ActionSteps-FeatureGrid.pdf
││ ActionSteps-Products.pdf
││ ActionSteps-Services.pdf
││ InformationProducts.pdf
││ OtherProducts.pdf
││ Outcomes-MAIN.pdf
││ Resources.txt
││ Services.pdf
│├─04 Core Component 4 - Difference Identifier
││ ActionSteps-Infoproducts.pdf
││ ActionSteps-OtherProducts.pdf
││ ActionSteps-Services.pdf
││ DifferenceIdentifier-MAIN.pdf
││ InformationProducts.pdf
││ OtherProducts.pdf
││ Resources.txt
││ Services.pdf
│├─05 Core Component 5 - The Bridging Idea
││ ActionSteps.pdf
││ InformationProducts.pdf
││ OtherProducts.pdf
││ Resources.txt
││ Services.pdf
││ TheBridgingIdea-MAIN.pdf
│├─06 Core Component 6 - Presell Points
││ ActionSteps.pdf
││ InformationProducts.pdf
││ OtherProducts.pdf
││ PresellPoints-MAIN.pdf
非会员试读20%,加入社区后可阅读全文 不错 支持一个了 纯粹路过,没任何兴趣,仅仅是看在老用户份上回复一下 众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首在这里! 为毛老子总也抢不到沙发?!! 顶起出售广告位 撸过 感谢分享 专业抢沙发的!哈哈 感谢分享.正需要