Affiliate 付费广告的盈利模式 (图文解释)
就在加入论坛的前几天,我看了一篇文章。觉得不错,就拿到这里分享下吧文章的意思主要有两点吧。 就是希望降低商品单价,提高转化率;同时不需要 squeeze page.如果大家觉得不错,给点金币 This is by no means “new” and it’s far from an “earth-shattering breakthrough.”I learned many years ago from Dan Kennedy that it’s much easier to swipe and deploy ideas that have already been proven to be successful rather than spend years trying to think of your own.As you read this, you’re going to discover many examples where this method has already been proven to be successful in many different markets and niches.Stop trying to reinvent the wheel and start following the blueprint of already successful people.Buckle in and get ready. It’s gonna be a heckuva ride!The Strategy ExplainedIf you’ve known me for long, you know I skip all the BS and hoopla. I’m not one to ramble on for thirty pages about WHY the other strategies don’t work anymore.Truth is, the other strategies still do work. I just find this strategy works better. It’s also easier to implement for someone brand new to internet marketing who might not have a large budget to dedicate to advertising.The strategy itself is simple and it goes something like thisaid Traffic => $7 Offer => Buyers List => Promote Affiliate ProductsLooks a little bit like an Internet Marketing funnel, right? You know, the one's selling the $7 Warrior Forum products? Yep. I’m just now noticing that as I typed it out.Thing is, outside of the Internet Marketing niche this strategy isn’t used nearly as often. The IM niche is always WAAAY ahead of the curve.Having to come up with “new ideas” to stand out from the crowd and make more money.My advice is to steer clear of the IM niche. Just my advice. You might think I’m being hypocritical seeing as how you’re reading this inside an affiliate marketing community. Understandable.I just feel it’s easier to enter niches outside of IM using this strategy as they’re far less crowded and you don’t have to work as hard to get your message read.I'm going to explain each of the steps of this strategy in detail, plus a mandatory “Step 0”. I’ll tell you why it’s mandatory in a second.First, lets talk about the typical affiliate marketing strategy. There are really only two options: direct link to an affiliate offer or drive traffic to a squeeze page for a freebie, then promote related products.Here’s the problem with both of these strategies:If you’re running paid ads (and if you want to make a decent living as an affiliate, you should be running paid ads) you’re paying for a lot of wasted traffic.As you’ll soon see in the next section of this report, driving paid traffic straight to a squeeze page is like paying double (or more) for each click you get.Why?Because no squeeze page in the history of the internet has ever gotten a 100% conversion rate. So every click that landed on your squeeze page and didn’t opt-in, is wasted.Sure you could retarget them but then you’re spending even more money on that ini非会员试读19%,加入社区后可阅读全文 <p>谢谢分享</p> <p>谢谢分享</p> <p><span style="font-size: 14px">谢谢分享</span></p> <p><span>谢谢分享</span><br></p> 我是个凑数的。。。 楼猪V5啊 回个帖子,下班咯~ 沙发??? 楼猪V5啊