├─01 -The Intro
│ 1. The WWWWWH of Copy.txt
│ 2. My Story with Copywriting-13421.png
│ 2. My Story with Copywriting.txt
│ 3. How to Get the Most out of BDSC.txt
│ 说明.txt
├─02 - The Mindset
│ 1. Direct Response vs. Everything Else.txt
│ 2. Forget Everything You Learned In School.txt
│ 3. Brutally Murdering the Scary Sales Monster.txt
│ 4. SalesEverything Else.txt
│ 说明.txt
├─03 - The Principles
│ 1. Market Research.txt
│ 10. Now, Not Later- 2.png
│ 10. Now, Not Late
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