<p>30个模块将彻底改变你写 Copy 的方式。</p>
<p>如何把任何乏味、无聊和普通的东西变成令人兴奋的新机制,<br />
基本上迫使你的客户打开钱包,<br />
<li>教程语言:英语 / 无字幕</li>
<li>文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文</li>
├─Module 1 Getting Clear On Your Offer
│ 1 Introduction.mkv
│ 2 Value Based Results Formula.mkv
│ 3 Pre-Validation+Workbook.pdf
│ 3 Pre-Validation.mkv
│ 4 The 7 Secrets Of Immediate Magnetism.mkv
│ 5 Customer Journey Map.mkv
│ 5 Customer Journey Map.xlsx
│ 6 Consistency-Authenticity.pdf
│ 6 Identifying Your Why.mkv
│ 7 Understanding Bonuses And Why They Matter.mkv
│ Module 1.pdf
│ 说明.txt
├─Module 2 Mastering the Art of Product Suite
││1 Managing Expectations.mkv
││2 Your Signature Framework.mkv
││3 Creating Your Tiny Offer Funnel.mkv
││4 Understanding The Offer Suite.mkv
││4 Understanding-The-Offer-Suite.pdf
││Module 2.pdf
│└─2a Designing Your Offer Worksheets
│ 22TinyOfferIdeas.pdf
│ SLO+Offer+Workbook.pdf
│ 说明.txt
├─Module 3 Words Written to Captivate and Sell
││1 Direct Response Copywriting Resources.mkv
││1 Direct Response Copywriting Resources.pdf
││2 Minimal Viable Product.pdf
││2 Minimum Viable Product.mkv
│├─3 Writing Your Video Sales Letter
││ Client Multiplier Method - Video Sales Letter Transcript.docx
││ Client Multiplier Method Video Link For Reference.mkv
││ Livestream365 Calendar - Video Sales Latter Transcript.docx
││ Livestream365 Video Link For Reference.mkv
││ Main Offer VSL Original Script.docx
││ Writing Your Video Sales Letter.pdf
││ Your One Time Offer Video Sales Letter Script.docx
││ 说明.txt
│├─4 Behind the Scenes of My Funnel Copy
││ 1 Livestream-365-Main-Offer.pdf
││ 2 Livestream-365-Order-Form (Step 1).pdf
││ 3 Livestream-365-Order-Form (Step 2).pdf
││ 4 Client-Multiplier-Method-Stripe.pdf
││ 5 Livestream-365-Confirmation-Page.png
││ Main Offer Sales Page Walkthrough.mkv
││ One Time Offer Sales Page Walkthrough.mkv
││ 说明.txt
│└─5 Blank Sales Page PDF Mockups
│ Blank Sales Page Mockup.pdf
│ Confirmation-Page.pdf
│ Confirmation-Page.psd
│ One-Time-Offer.pdf
│ One-Time-Offer.psd
│ Order-Form.pdf
│ Order-Form.psd
│ Sales-Page.pdf
│ Sales-Page.psd
│ 说明.txt
├─Module 4 The Simple Science Behind Total Tech Mastery
│ 1 Allie Recommended Tools.pdf
│ 1 The Official Tech Stack.mkv
│ 2 Product Delivery Flow - CF To AC To MV.mkv
│ 2 Product Delivery Flow.pdf
│ 3 Easily Creating Mockups With Photoshop.pdf
│ 3 Website Mock-Up 1 _ Mobile & Web Mockups _ Creative Market.mkv
│ 4 Your Clickfunnels Share Link.pdf
│ 说明.txt
├─Module 5 The 4 Little-Known Secrets to Passive Income Success
│ 1 The 5 Little Known Ts Of Passive Income Success.pdf
│ 1 The 5 Little-Known T's Of Passive Income Success.mkv
│ 2 Trello Board.pdf
│ 3 SCRIPTS_ A Nurturing Email Sequence For Service Providers, Coaches And Experts.docx
│ 3 Welcome Sequence.pdf
│ 4 Email Teasers For Life Coaches.docx
│ 4 Email Teasers Tweets And FB Posts.pdf
│ 5 Masterclass Follow-Up Sequence.pdf
│ 5 SCRIPTS_ A Webinar Followup Sequence.docx
│ 6 Picking Best Email Service Provider.pdf
│ 说明.txt
├─Module 6 Creating Consistent Content that Closes Anyone
│ 1 Funnelytics IO Funnel Mapping Software.pdf
│ 1 Funnelytics Plan, Launch & Optimize Your Marketing Funnels.mkv
│ 2 TEMPLATE_ Crunch The Numbers Program Content + Projections.xlsx
│ 说明.txt
├─Module 7 Waterfall Ads Scaling Framework
│ 1 Facebook Ad Blueprint Training.pdf
│ 1 Facebook Blueprint.mkv
│ 2 Waterfall Ad Scaling Method.mkv
│ 说明.txt
└─ Attract and Captivate New Clients
Resource Library.pdf
<p>**** Hidden Message *****</p> 我也顶起出售广告位 是爷们的娘们的都帮顶!大力支持 秀起来~ 路过的帮顶 广告位,,坐下看看 支持,楼下的跟上哈~ 有空一起交流一下 佩服佩服! 我也顶起出售广告位