└─Chris Do - How To Find Clients
│01-Relationship Building - The Futur.mp4
│ 01-Intro Questionnaire.pdf
│ 01-Welcome to Business Bootcamp- Sales and Marketing! - The Futur.mp4
│ 01-welcome to business bootcamp_ sales and marketing! _ the futur.pdf
│ 02-The Big Misconception - The Futur.mp4
│ 03-Inbound VS Outbound - The Futur.mp4
│ 04-The Conversion Funnel - The Futur.mp4
├─02-Know Who
│ 01-Do you know who your ideal client is- - The Futur.mp4
│ 02-Figuring out your ideal client's identity - The Futur.mp4
│ 02-Finding And Profiling Your Ide
非会员试读19%,加入社区后可阅读全文 我也来顶一下.. 在撸一遍。。。 没人回帖。。。我来个吧 为保住菊花,这个一定得回复! 感谢分享.正需要 好,很好,非常好! 顶起顶起顶起 确实不错,顶先 支持楼主,用户楼主,楼主英明呀!!!