└─Sales Legacy
├─01-Section 1-Introduction & Building Your Foundations for Success
│ 01-Welcome to Sales Legacy! Here's What You'll Be Learning In This Course.mkv
│ 02-About Me - How Sales Legacy Came to Be.mkv
│ 03-Join The Sales Legacy Private Facebook Group.mkv
│ 04-Debunking Sales Misconceptions.mkv
│ 05-Setting Your Goals.mkv
│ 06-SettingYourGoalsWorksheetSalesLegacy.pdf
├─02-Section 2-Sales Strategy & Psychology
│ 01-The Psychology Behind Why People Buy.mkv
│ 02-Sales Legacy Pillars.mkv
│ 03-SalesLegacyPillarsWorksheetSalesLegacy.pdf
├─03-Section - Finding Your Market
│ 01-Market Trends.mkv
│ 02-Static vs. Dynamic Markets.mkv
│ 03-Ikigai A Reason for Being.mkv
│ 04-IkigaiWorksheetSalesLegacy.pdf
│ 05-Ideal Customer Profile.mkv
│ 06-IdealCustomerProfileSalesLegacy.pdf
├─04-Section 4-Developing Your Minimal Viable Product or Minimal Viable Service
│ 01-Developing Your MVP & MVS.mkv
│ 02-Pricing Your Product or Service.mkv
│ 03-PricingWorksheetSalesLegacy.pdf
│ 04-Sales & Business Development Strategies.mkv
├─05-Section 5-Sales Legacy Sales Skills
│ 01-Introduction to Sales Legacy Foundation - Sales Skills.mkv
│ 02-Sales Cycle.mkv
│ 03-Introduction to the Sales Legacy Sales Script.mkv
│ SalesLegacyScriptTemplatePowerPoint-1544422473492.pptx
├─06-Section 6-Sales Skills Mindset
│ 01-Mindset, Strategy, & Tactics.mkv
│ 02-Everything is in Your Control.mkv
│ 03-The Human Subconscious.mkv
├─07-Section 7-Sales Strategies and Tactics Part 1-Rapport, Agenda, and Pain
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