<p></p><p>获得您的前 1000 个电子邮件订阅者并制作您的第一个微型数字产品。</p><p>获得您的前 1000 个电子邮件订阅者并制作您的第一个微型数字产品。</p>
<p>我将向您展示如何增加电子邮件订阅者列表,<br />
以及如何创建和销售您的第一个小型数字产品(如研讨会、电子邮件课程或下载)。<br />
<li>教程语言:英语 / 无字幕</li>
<li>文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文</li>
├─Bonuses & Tech Trainings
││5 Webinars With LeadPages Tutorial - Femtrepreneur.avi
││6 Case Study Interview- Sarah Morgan of XoSarah.com - Femtrepreneur.avi
││7 Grow Your Blog Traffic, Email Subscribers, and Income as a Blogger with Melyssa Griffin - Femtrepreneur.avi
││8 List-Building Masterclasses- Sell More Courses with a Free Email Course with Nathan Barry - Femtrepreneur.avi
│├─1 DPD Store + Product Setup Tech Tutorial
││ Femtrepreneur.avi
││ page.jpg
││ 说明.txt
│├─2 MailChimp Basic Training
││ Femtrepreneur.avi
││ page.jpg
││ 说明.txt
│├─3 Mailchimp Automation Workflows- How to Build Free Email Courses
││ neur.avi
││ page.jpg
││ 说明.txt
│└─4 LeadPages Tech Training- Landing Pages and LeadBoxes
│ reneur.avi
│ 说明.txt
├─Lesson 1
│├─List Building
││ Links.html
││ page.jpg
││ 说明.txt
││ page.jpg
││ Week 1 Checklist Worksheet.pdf
││ Week 1 Daily Calendar.pdf
││ 说明.txt
│└─Product Creation
│ page.jpg
│ 说明.txt
├─Lesson 2
│├─1 Overview
││ Links.html
││ Overview.jpg
││ Influencer Friendship Relationship Map.pdf
││ Pre-Selling Rapid Fire Q & A.pdf
││ Product-Promotion Map.pdf
││ Sales Page Template.pdf
││ The Content Upgrade.pdf
││ Week 2 Checklist Worksheet.pdf
││ Week 2 Daily Calendar.pdf
││ 说明.txt
│├─2 List Building
││ Links.html
││ page.jpg
││ The Content Upgrade_2.pdf
││ 说明.txt
│└─3 Product Creation
│ Links.html
│ page.jpg
│ Influencer Friendship Relationship Map.pdf
│ Pre-Selling Rapid Fire Q & A.pdf
│ Product-Promotion Map.pdf
│ Welcome Course Packet.pdf
│ 说明.txt
├─Lesson 3
│├─1 OverView
││ page.jpg
││ Influencer Friendship Relationship Map.pdf
││ Product-Promotion Map.pdf
││ Week 3 Checklist Worksheet.pdf
││ Week 3 Daily Calendar.pdf
││ 说明.txt
│├─2 List Building
││ Links.html
││ page.jpg
││ The Content Upgrade.pdf
││ 说明.txt
│└─3 Product Creation
│ page.jpg
│ 说明.txt
├─Lesson 4
│├─1 OverView
││ page.jpg
││ Webinar Checklist.pdf
││ Week 4 Checklist Worksheet.pdf
││ Week 4 Daily Calendar.pdf
││ 说明.txt
│├─2 List Building
││ Links.html
││ page.jpg
││ Launch Your Space Webinar Outline.pdf
││ Webinar Presentation.pdf
││ 说明.txt
│└─3 Product Creation
│ page.jpg
│ 说明.txt
├─Lesson 5
│├─List Building
││ Links.html
││ page.jpg
││ 说明.txt
││ page.jpg
││ Week 5 Checklist Worksheet.pdf
││ Week 5 Daily Calendar.pdf
││ 说明.txt
│└─Product Creation
│ page.jpg
│ 说明.txt
├─Lesson 6
│├─List Building
││ Links.html
││ page.jpg
││ 说明.txt
││ page.jpg
││ Week 6 Checklist Worksheet.pdf
││ Week 6 Daily Calendar.pdf
││ 说明.txt
│└─Product Creation
│ Links.html
│ Product Creation.jpg
│ 说明.txt
├─Lesson 7
│├─List Building
││ List Building.jpg
││ 说明.txt
││ page.jpg
││ Launch Calendar.pdf
││ Week 7 Checklist Worksheet.pdf
││ Week 7 Daily Calendar.pdf
││ 说明.txt
│└─Product Creation
│ Product Creation.jpg
│ 说明.txt
├─Lesson 8
│├─List Building
││ List Building.jpg
││ 说明.txt
││ page.jpg
││ Week 8 Checklist Worksheet.pdf
││ 说明.txt
│└─Product Creation
│ Links.html
│ Product Creation.jpg
│ 说明.txt
└─Welcome & Overview
Find Your Niche Ebook - Femtrepreneur.pdf
Course Calendar.pdf
Welcome Course Packet.pdf
<p><br />
**** Hidden Message *****<br />
</p> 无论是不是沙发都得回复下 广告位,,坐下看看 好帖必须得顶起 占位编辑 打酱油的人拉,回复下赚取积分 我也顶起出售广告位 元芳你怎么看? 发发呆,回回帖,工作结束~ 回个帖子,下班咯~