Meta Ads平台:设置、启动、测试、BMP、优化和增加广告支出所需的一切
本课程使用Meta Ads平台设置、启动、测试、优化和增加广告支出所需的一切。
The 7-Figure Meta Ads Playbook
├─01-The BPM Method (2022)
│├─01. Welcome (Start Here)
││ 01-Introduction to The BPM Method.mkv
││ 01-Introduction to The BPM Method.pdf
││ 02-Goal Setting & Getting The Best From This Training Program.mkv
││ 02-Goal Setting & Getting The Best From This Training Program.pdf
││ 03-The BPM Method Support.mkv
││ 03-The BPM Method Support.pdf
│├─02. Selling Anything Online with The AC-4 Framework
││ 01-The 4 Key Pillars of Advertising.mkv
││ 02-Grading Your AC-4.mkv
││ 03-From AC-4 To Advertising Strategy.mkv
││ 04-End of Module Review.pdf
││ More.png
│├─03. Pitch The Perfect PRODUCT
││ 01-Is Your Product-Service Ads Ready.mkv
││ 02-Human Needs & Desires.mkv
│├─04-4. Find AUDIENCES That Click
││ 01-Introduction to The 5W Avatar - The First Step of Creating Magnetic Ads .mkv
││ 02-Content Planning Matrix - BPM Method - ZASR (c).xlsx
││ 02-Into The Mind of Your Prospects.mkv
││ 03-Building Your 5W Avatar .mkv
││ 04-Copy Mastery Using The 5W Avatar.mkv
│├─05. Create OFFERS That Sell
││ 01-Introduction .mkv
││ 02-Compulsion Offers That Attract, Convince & Convert.mkv
││ 03-Storytelling, Visualisation & Emotion - Creating The Perfect Ad.mkv
││ 03-Storytelling, Visualisation & Emotion - Creating The Perfect Ad.pdf
││ 04-Mega List of Ecommerce Promotions.pdf
│├─06. Build FUNNELS That Convert
││ 01-Introduction .mkv
││ 02-The 4 Funnel System Explained.mkv
││ 03-4-Funnel System Examples.mkv
││ 04-Build Your 4 Funnel System.mkv
││ 04-Build Your 4 Funnel System.pdf
│├─07-Increasing Conversion Rates
││ 01-The Customer Experience Framework.mkv
││ 02- Landing Page Analysis & Inspiration.mkv
││ 03- Landing Page Speed Optimisation .mkv
││ 03- Landing Page Speed Optimisation.pdf
││ 04- Landing Page Design Example.mkv
││ 05- Ecommerce Landing Page Review.mkv
││ 06-Site Optimisation- Heatmaps and Clickmaps .mkv
││ 06-Site Optimisation-Heatmaps and Clickmaps.pdf
││ 07-Site Optimisation- Visitor Spying.mkv
││ 08-Site Optimisation- Visitor Polls .mkv
││ 09-Site Optimisation Split Testing.pdf
││ 09-Site Optimisation- Split Testing.mkv
│├─08-Improving Average Order Values (AOV)
││ 01-AOV Optimisation M
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