│└─CFO Excel Dashboard and Reporting
│ │点击进入 外贸跨境出海培训教程网站 - CHUHAI5.COM .html
│ │点击进入 最新的海外英文教程分享网 - IMJMJ.COM .html
│ │
│ ├─01-Getting Started
│ │ 01-Course Intro - CFO Dashboards - Your CFO Guy.mp4
│ │ 02-CFO Dashboards Reporting Complete.pptx
│ │ 02-CFO Reports Dashboards.xlsx
│ │ 02-How to use this course.mp4
│ │ 02-Landscape mode CFO Dashboards Reports Course Template.pptx
│ │ 03-Brand Guidelines for creating Dashboards Reports.pdf
│ │ 03-Brand Guidelines Portrait.pdf
│ │ 03-Brand Guidelines.pdf
│ │ 03-Using design principles to captivate your audience.mp4
│ │ 04-Your Tech Stack.mp4
│ │ 04-Your Tech Stack.pdf
│ │ 点击进入 外贸跨境出海培训教程网站 - CHUHAI5.COM .html
│ │ 点击进入 最新的海外英文教程分享网 - IMJMJ.COM .html
│ │
│ ├─02-Overview
│ │ 01-Mighty Digits Financial Model.xlsx
│ │ 01-Overview.mp4
│ │ 01-Overview.pdf
│ │ 02-Creating Tables + Adding additional context - Part I.mp4
│ │ 02-Creating Tables Adding additional context.pdf
│ │ 03-Creating Tables + Adding additional context - Part II.mp4
│ │ 04-Using Power Query to transform your data.mp4
│ │ 04-Using Power Query to tran
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