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成为财务大师:高效Excel技能大揭秘!从此让财务报告变... - 网络营销 - 富裕者联盟社区 - Affiliate营销圈




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通过我们专门为财务和会计专业人员定制的CFO Excel仪表盘和报告课程,




通过熟练应用CFO Excel仪表盘和报告,

Elevate your financial reporting and Excel skills with our CFO Excel Dashboard and Reporting course, tailor-made for Finance and Accounting professionals.
This comprehensive program equips you to create engaging financial dashboards, providing practical tips and knowledge for effective data organization and visualization.
Quickly grasp business dynamics, compare revenue and cost drivers, and present key insights with impactful design.
You’ll analyze budget-to-actual variances effectively, summarizing key metrics with powerful charts.
Add tremendous value to CEOs, executive teams, and board members by mastering CFO Excel Dashboard and Reporting.

  • 教程编号:1277616363
  • 教程语言:英语 / 无字幕
  • 安全扫描:无病毒无插件 / 云查杀 Virustotal Virscan
  • 培训机构:未知
  • 文件大小:3.41GB
  • 文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文
  • 压缩软件:7ZIP
  • 视频播放:完美解码

│  └─CFO Excel Dashboard and Reporting
│      │  点击进入 外贸跨境出海培训教程网站 - CHUHAI5.COM .html
│      │  点击进入 最新的海外英文教程分享网 - IMJMJ.COM .html
│      │  
│      ├─01-Getting Started
│      │      01-Course Intro - CFO Dashboards - Your CFO Guy.mp4
│      │      02-CFO Dashboards Reporting Complete.pptx
│      │      02-CFO Reports Dashboards.xlsx
│      │      02-How to use this course.mp4
│      │      02-Landscape mode CFO Dashboards Reports Course Template.pptx
│      │      03-Brand Guidelines for creating Dashboards Reports.pdf
│      │      03-Brand Guidelines Portrait.pdf
│      │      03-Brand Guidelines.pdf
│      │      03-Using design principles to captivate your audience.mp4
│      │      04-Your Tech Stack.mp4
│      │      04-Your Tech Stack.pdf
│      │      点击进入 外贸跨境出海培训教程网站 - CHUHAI5.COM .html
│      │      点击进入 最新的海外英文教程分享网 - IMJMJ.COM .html
│      │      
│      ├─02-Overview
│      │      01-Mighty Digits Financial Model.xlsx
│      │      01-Overview.mp4
│      │      01-Overview.pdf
│      │      02-Creating Tables + Adding additional context - Part I.mp4
│      │      02-Creating Tables Adding additional context.pdf
│      │      03-Creating Tables + Adding additional context - Part II.mp4
│      │      04-Using Power Query to transform your data.mp4
│      │      04-Using Power Query to transform your data.pdf
│      │      点击进入 外贸跨境出海培训教程网站 - CHUHAI5.COM .html
│      │      点击进入 最新的海外英文教程分享网 - IMJMJ.COM .html
│      │      
│      ├─03-Creating Summarized Financials Report
│      │      01-Setting Dates.mp4
│      │      01-Setting Dates.pdf
│      │      02-Creating a Summarized Profit & loss.mp4
│      │      02-Profit Loss.pdf
│      │      02-Summarized Profit Loss.xlsx
│      │      03-Balance Sheet.pdf
│      │      03-Creating a Summarized Balance Sheet.mp4
│      │      03-Summarized Balance Sheet.xlsx
│      │      04-Cash Flows.pdf
│      │      04-Creating a Summarized Cash Flows.mp4
│      │      04-Summarized Cash Flows.xlsx
│      │      05-Creating Custom Periods & Sections.mp4
│      │      05-Custom period ssections.pdf
│      │      06-Measuring Period over Period Changes.mp4
│      │      06-Measuring Period over Period Changes.pdf
│      │      06-Period Financials.xlsx
│      │      点击进入 外贸跨境出海培训教程网站 - CHUHAI5.COM .html
│      │      点击进入 最新的海外英文教程分享网 - IMJMJ.COM .html
│      │      
│      ├─04-Creating Dashboards
│      │      01-Getting Data Ready for Dashboards.mp4
│      │      01-GettingDataReadyforDashboards-230612-154125.pdf
│      │      01-KPIDashboard.xlsx
│      │      01-KPIDashboardv2-230510-174512.xlsx
│      │      01-KPIDashboardv3-230510-174512.xlsx
│      │      02-Creating Date Selectors.mp4
│      │      02-CreatingDateSelectors-230612-153734.pdf
│      │      03-Creating our first KPI.mp4
│      │      03-CreatingourfirstKPI.pdf
│      │      04-Finishing the KPI dashboard.mp4
│      │      04-Finishing the KPI dashboard.pdf
│      │      05-Creating a KPI Dashboard with a graph.mp4
│      │      05-Creating a KPI Dashboard with a graph.pdf
│      │      06-Mid-Course Feedback.mp4
│      │      06-MidCourse Feedback.pdf
│      │      07-Creating a KPI Dashboard with a dynamic spill array.mp4
│      │      07-CreatingaKPIDashboardwithadynamicspillarraylinkedtoachart-230612-153537.pdf
│      │      08-Budget vs Actuals-230510-164723.xlsx
│      │      08-BudgetvsActualsptIdesigningourtables-230612-151047.pdf
│      │      08-CFO Dashboards - Your CFO Guy.mp4
│      │      08-MightyDigitsFinancialModelBudget-230510-171416.xlsx
│      │      09-Budget vs Actuals - Part II - Creating our gauge charts.mp4
│      │      09-BudgetvsActualsptIIcreatingourGaugecharts-230612-153013.pdf
│      │      10-Budget vs Actuals - Part III - Finalizing our design.mp4
│      │      10-BudgetvsActualsptIIIfinalizingourdesign-230612-153046.pdf
│      │      11-Management Report.mp4
│      │      11-ManagementReport-230510-164350.xlsx
│      │      11-ManagementReport-230612-154154.pdf
│      │      12-Cash Out Dashboard.mp4
│      │      12-CashOut-230510-165020.xlsx
│      │      12-CashOutDashboard-230612-153156.pdf
│      │      13-Cover-230510-164438.xlsx
│      │      13-Creating a Cover Page in Excel.mp4
│      │      13-CreatingaCoverPageinExcel-230612-153314.pdf
│      │      14-Creating dashboards using PivotTables.mp4
│      │      14-CreatingdashboardsusingPivotTables-230612-153659.pdf
│      │      15-Creating Dashboards using PivotTables- PivotTable Profit & Loss.mp4
│      │      15-PivotTableProfitLoss-230612-154431.pdf
│      │      16-Creating Dashboards using Pivot Tables- Using Pivot Charts.mp4
│      │      16-UsingPivotCharts-230612-154737.pdf
│      │      17-Break Even Dashboard.mp4
│      │      17-BreakEven-230510-164532.xlsx
│      │      17-BreakEvenDashboard-230612-150959.pdf
│      │      18-Spotlight Dashboard - Pulling in the data.mp4
│      │      18-Spotlight Dashboard PT I - Pulling in the data.pdf
│      │      18-Spotlight-230510-165140.xlsx
│      │      19-Spotlight Dashboard - Designing the dashboard.mp4
│      │      19-Spotlight Dashboard PT II - Designing the Dashboard.pdf
│      │      点击进入 外贸跨境出海培训教程网站 - CHUHAI5.COM .html
│      │      点击进入 最新的海外英文教程分享网 - IMJMJ.COM .html
│      │      
│      ├─05-Wrapping Up
│      │      01-Closing Remarks.pdf
│      │      01-Final Thoughts.mp4
│      │      点击进入 外贸跨境出海培训教程网站 - CHUHAI5.COM .html
│      │      点击进入 最新的海外英文教程分享网 - IMJMJ.COM .html
│      │      
│      └─06-Bonus
│              01-Supercharge Your Data Analysis with Bonus Templates!.pdf
│              02-Your CFO Guy 7 ChartTemplates.xlsx
│              03-Your CFO Guy Budget vs Actuals.xlsx
│              04-Your CFO Guy Month over Month Dashboard.xlsx
│              05-Your CFO Guy Portrait KPI Dashboard.xlsx



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