Amazon Ads:成为亚马逊广告专家!50多个模块,...
│├─01-1.0 - Introduction
││ 01-Before You Get Started.mp4
││ 01-Before You Get Started.pdf
││ Resources.txt
│├─02-2.0 - Fundamental Principles
││├─01-2.1 - Campaign Naming & Structure
│││ 01-Copy of Campaign Naming Convention Generator.xlsx
│││ 01-Copy of Campaign Structure Guide.xlsx
│││ 01-Lesson.mp4
│││ 01-Lesson.pdf
│││ Resources.txt
││├─02-2.2 - Ad Types Overview
│││ 01-Lesson.mp4
│││ 01-Lesson.pdf
│││ Resources.txt
││├─03-2.3 - Targeting Keywords, Products, and Audiences
│││ 01-Intro.mp4
│││ 02-Lesson .mp4
│││ Resources.txt
││├─04-2.4 - Match Types
│││ 01-Leson.mp4
│││ 01-Leson.pdf
│││ Resources.txt
││├─05-2.5 - Keyword Harvesting
│││ 01-Intro(5).mp4
│││ 01-Intro.pdf
│││ 02-Lesson .mp4
│││ 02-Lesson .pdf
│││ Resources.txt
││├─06-2.6 - Critically Thinking Through Data
│││ 01-Intro(2).mp4
│││ 02-Lesson .pdf
│││ 02-Lesson(2) .mp4
│││ Resources.txt
││├─07-2.7 - Critically Thinking Through Metrics
│││ 01-Intro.mp4
│││ 02-Lesson .pdf
│││ 02-Lesson(3) .mp4
│││ Resources.txt
││├─08-2.8 - Determining Target ACOS
│││ 01-Intro(3).mp4
│││ 01-Intro.pdf
│││ 02-L
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