<p></p><p>为想要成长的营销人员举办的 Akimbo 研讨会。</p><p>为想要成长的营销人员举办的 Akimbo 研讨会。</p>
<p>通过学习在现代世界中行之有效的技术,<br />
您可以进行引以为豪的营销……<br />
<p>你将学习:<br />
讲故事让改变发生。<br />
获得客户、获得市场份额并为您的受众提供服务。<br />
定位您的服务或产品,使其真正出色。<br />
清楚地看到在市场中创造价值的机会。<br />
开发您的听众会谈论的有价值的产品和服务。<br />
以能引起共鸣和传播的方式进行交流。<br />
<li>教程语言:英语 / 无字幕</li>
<li>文件格式:视频 / 文档 / 图文</li>
├─1. Welcome
│ Getting started - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin_2.mkv
│ How this seminar works - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
│ the first lesson.txt
│ welcome.mkv
│ 说明.txt
├─2. Marketing with Intention; The Trifecta
│ 1. What change are you trying to make- - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
│ 2. Who are you trying to change- - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
│ 3. Q&A- Being small - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
│ 4. What is the promise you're making- - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
│ 5. Case study- lululemon and the book trick - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
│ Case study; lululemon and the book trick.txt
│ what changes are you trying to make.txt
│ What promise are you making to your customers.txt
│ Who are you trying to change.txt
│ 说明.txt
├─3. Positioning to Serve
│ 1. An empathic posture - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
│ 2. Positioning Part 1 - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
│ 3. Q&A- Empathy in B2B marketing - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
│ 4. Positioning Part 2 - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
│ 5a. Positioning yourself (plus a case study) - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
│ 5b. Positioning yourself (plus a case study) - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
│ An empathic posture.txt
│ Positioning Part 1.txt
│ Positioning Part 2.txt
│ Positioning yourself.txt
│ 说明.txt
├─4. Wants, Needs and Worldviews
│ 1. What do people want- - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
│ 2. Q&A- Digging deeper into needs - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
│ 3a. Case study- Evaluating the Discourse sales website - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
│ 4. Worldviews and personas - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
│ 5a. Market research - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
│ 5b. cleveland clinic on empathy.mkv
│ 5c. cleveland clinic on empathy 2.mkv
│ 5d. all that we share.mp4
│ 6. Q&A- Existential needs vs dreams and desires - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
│ 7. People like us do things like this - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
│ 8. Why don't people choose you- - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
│ Market research.txt
│ People like us do things like this.txt
│ PeopleLikeUs_EBook_5.30.2017.pdf
│ Q&A; Digging deeper into needs.txt
│ Q&A; Existential needs vs dreams and desires.txt
│ What do people want.txt
│ Why don't people choose you.txt
│ Worldviews and personas.txt
│ 说明.txt
├─5. Trust, Tension, Tools, Tactics…and Your Agenda
││10. Considering -free- - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││12. Understanding the Purple Cow - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││13. PR and publicity - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││14. Q&A Scrapbooking and ABT - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││15. Case Study- B2B and remarkable - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││16. Permission marketing - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││17. Case Study- Permission Marketing and Hallmark - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││18. Q&A- Creating, serving and changing students - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││19. Tribes - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││1a. Trust and tension - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││1b. the paper chase.mkv
││2. Q&A Enrollment in the journey - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││20. Inverting the first rule of Fight Club - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││21. Case study- Coaching, karate, socks and more - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││23. The ideavirus - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││24a. Rogers Curve and the chasm - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││24b. Rogers Curve and the chasm - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin_2.mkv
││25. The long tail - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││28. Case study- Relaunching Welch's in New York - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││29. A brand is not a logo - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││30. Q&A Empathy revisited - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││32. Spending money on direct and brand - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││33. Frequency - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││34. Reciprocity - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││37. Naming - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││38a. Impresarios and promotions - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││38b. Impresarios and promotions - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin_2.mkv
││39. Q&A Mindfulness in marketing - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││3a. Case Study- Penguin Magic + What we want or how we get it - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││3b. Case Study- Penguin Magic + What we want or how we get it - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin_2.mkv
││4. Status roles and tension - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││40. Behavioral economics for marketers - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││41. Case Study- altMBA - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││5. Modern Marketing Plan - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││6a. Q&A Commodities, scammers and competition - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││6b. mad men clip.mkv
││7. Pricing as a marketing tool - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││8a. Testimonials, blurbs and endorsements - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin_2.mkv
││8b. Testimonials, blurbs and endorsements - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││9. Getting the word out - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││A brand is not a logo.txt
││Behavioral economics for marketers.txt
││Case Study; altMBA.txt
││Case Study; B2B and remarkable.txt
││Case study; Coaching, karate, socks and more.txt
││Case Study; Penguin Magic + What we want or how we get it.txt
││Case Study; Permission Marketing and Hallmark.txt
││Case study; Relaunching Welch's in New York.txt
││Considering free.txt
││Getting the word out.txt
││getting the word out2.pdf
││Impresarios and promotions.txt
││Inverting the first rule of Fight Club.txt
││Modern Marketing Plan.txt
││Permission marketing.txt
││PR and publicity.txt
││Pricing as a marketing tool.txt
││Q&A Commodities, scammers and competition.txt
││Q&A Empathy revisited.txt
││Q&A Mindfulness in marketing.txt
││Q&A Scrapbooking and ABT.txt
││Q&A; Creating, serving and changing students.txt
││Rogers Curve and the chasm.txt
││Spending money on direct and brand.txt
││Status roles and tension.txt
││Testimonials, blurbs and endorsements.txt
││the idea virus readandshare.pdf
││the ideavirus.txt
││The long tail.txt
││Trust and tension.txt
││Understanding the Purple Cow.txt
│├─11. The elements of storytelling
││ 1. The elements of storytelling - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││ 2. The elements of storytelling - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin_2.mkv
││ And a fictionalized speech from a movie that demonstrates Ganz' point.mkv
││ And to move from the sublime to the ridiculous.mkv
││ harley.jpg
││ Here's a speech that Ganz uses in his training.mkv
││ Story of self, story of us, story of now.mkv
││ The elements of storytelling.txt
││ 说明.txt
│├─22. Q&A Marketing to the most important student
││ A Zig story.pdf
││ Q&A Marketing to the most important student.txt
││ 说明.txt
│├─26. Q&A ABW (always be wrong)
││ more cowbell.mkv
││ Q&A ABW (always be wrong) - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││ Q&A ABW (always be wrong).txt
││ 说明.txt
│├─27. Understanding the funnel
││ Funnel Math.xlsx
││ skydiving Funnel.png
││ Understanding the funnel - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││ Understanding the funnel.txt
││ 说明.txt
│├─31. Brand or direct marketing
││ brand marketing 1.mkv
││ brand marketing 2.mkv
││ brand marketing 3.mkv
││ Brand or direct marketing- - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││ Brand or direct marketing.txt
││ 说明.txt
│├─35. Q&A Elevator pitch
││ Q&A Elevator pitch - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
││ Q&A Elevator pitch.txt
││ The Perfect Intro - Superhero Brain 2016 from Clay Hebert.mkv
││ 说明.txt
│└─36. Stories in shorthand
│ 1. Stories in shorthand- Three parts - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
│ 2. Stories in shorthand- Three parts - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
│ 3. Stories in shorthand- Three parts - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
│ Stories in shorthand part 1.txt
│ Stories in shorthand part 2.txt
│ Stories in shorthand part 3.txt
│ 说明.txt
└─6. Commencement
It's not the end (it's the beginning) - The Marketing Seminar from Seth Godin.mkv
It's not the end (it's the beginning).txt
<p>**** Hidden Message *****</p> 打酱油的人拉,回复下赚取积分 为保住菊花,这个一定得回复! 看帖要回,回帖才健康,在踩踩,楼主辛苦了! 路过 不错 支持一个了 1v1飘过 very good 求沙发 我了个去,顶了