├─01-Getting Started Masterclass
│ 01-Getting Started Masterclass.mp4
│ 01-Resources.pdf
│ 02-Getting Started Masterclass Q&A.mp4
│ 02-Transcript.txt
├─02-Systems Theory 101
│ 01-Systems Theory 101.pdf
│ 02-Art of Email Introduction.pdf
│ 03-Strategic Upstream Decisions - Emphasize Relationships Before Transactions.pdf
│ 04-Strategic Upstream Decisions - Customers are Created Before They Buy Anything.pdf
│ 05-Strategic Upstream Decisions - World Building.pdf
│ 06-Strategic Upstream Decisions - Permission Before Promotion.pdf
│ 07-Where to Start - A 10,000′ Roadmap for The System.pdf
├─03-Audience & Offer Masterclass
│ 00-Audience & Offer Masterclass Intro.pdf
│ 01-Audience & Offer Masterclass (Part I).pdf
│ 02a-Audience & Offer Masterclass (Part II).pdf
│ 02b-Customer Gains Trigger Questions (PDF).pdf
│ 02b-Customer Jobs Trigger Questions (PDF).pdf
│ 02b-Customer Pains Trigger Questions (PDF).pdf
│ 02b-Gain Creators Trigger Questions (PDF).pdf
│ 02b-Pain Relievers Trigger Questions (PDF).pdf
│ 02b-The Value Proposition Canvas (PDF).pdf
│ 02b-Value Proposition Design Overview (TTE).mkv
├─04- Art of Email
││00a-The Art of Email Intro.pdf
│├─01-Module 1 - The Foundations of AoE
││ 01-Introduction.pdf
││ 02-Strategic Upstream Decisions - Emphasize Relationships Before Transactions.pdf
││ 03-Strategic Upstream Decisions - Customers are Created Before They Buy Anything.pdf
││ 04-Strategic Upstream Decisions - World Building.pdf
││ 05-Strategic Upstream Decisions - Permission Before Promotion.pdf
││ 06-Strategy + 10,000′ View.pdf
││ 07-How to Think About Writing.pdf
││ 08-The Nine-Dot Puzzle.pdf
│├─02-Module 2
││ 01-Principles of Serialized Narratives.pdf
││ 02-Andrew Stanton - The clues to a great story.mkv
││ 02-How to truly MOVE your audience - Lisa Nichols.mkv
││ 02-Kevin Costner's Kindness Was Repaid - The Graham Norton Show.mkv
│├─03-Module 3
││ 01-Soap Opera Series (SOS) Overview.mkv
││ 01-Soap Opera Series.pdf
││ 02-Mark Levy's Freewriting Tips for Innovators.mkv
│├─04-Module 4
││ 01-Overview - Relationship Building Series (RBS).mkv
││ 01-Relationship Building Series (RBS).pdf
│├─05-Module 5
││ 01-Overview - Value Newsletter (VNL).mkv
││ 01-Value Newsletter (VNL).pdf
│├─06-Module 6
││ 01-Bridge Emails.pdf
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